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Books for Young men (trying again)


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I thought I posted this question last night, but for some reason I can't find it anywhere...


I'm looking for fiction books for my ds 20. He used to be a voracious reader, but I think that college has sucked the joy out of reading. I'm trying to find some good books for him to read during the summer. Most of the book lists for men suggest books that seem like they would be more appropriate or better appreciated when you get older. For instance, lots of them deal with infidelity, marriage troubles, or missed opportunities (think Rabbit Run, or Revolutionary Road). I'm not looking for books that are typically marketed as "young adult". I'm looking for more involved stories that are marketed for adults. The Things They Carried was a good one for him. The characters were young men. Winter's Bone was good, as well as The Road. I want enjoyable books though, not tomes like Anna Karenina or Les Miz (as good as they may be, they can be intimidating summer reads and take months and months to read - at least for me they do)


Can you please give us more suggestions. TIA

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What types of books does he generally enjoy?  Are you planning on gifting him with a couple of books? Listing out a few suggestions that he may enjoy?



The Cellist of Sarajevo was a wonderful read enjoyed by myself and my husband. 

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I wish you luck finding the books you want. I hate knowing that the perfect book might be out there and you just don't know about it so can't find it.


Probably not what you are looking for. But if he wants a light but interesting read about a man who lead an interesting life try an autobiography by Roald Dahl. (Neat to read about life, good stories, but not tragic or upsetting)

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Does he like books in the crime genre? I am really enjoying the Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri. They're set in Sicily, and translated from the original Italian. They're not heavy reading at all, but are also not shallow. They're "old-fashioned" in the sense that they don't rely on gore or excessive violence.

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Thanks so much for the suggestions, everyone. It's weird. I don't know what happened, but for the past two days these threads were not coming up under my content, and when I went to the Chat Board, I couldn't find them there either. Weird. 


But anyway...he used to read lots of fantasy books, but I get the impression that he has tired of that. He has read a couple of Vonnegut, so that's something to consider. Just last night he expressed interest in reading Grapes of Wrath because he heard dh and I rave about it so much. I'm sort of surprised he never read it, so I have to dig around and find my copy. Currently he's reading It's Kind of a Funny Story. It's YA and the kind of book that I was NOT looking for, but he's reading it. I've never known him to pick up a biography just for fun.


I will go check out some of these suggestions now. Thanks!

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