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My dirty stovetop

Night Elf

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I have a gas oven. The area around the burners is either really hard dirt/grease or just burnt on. I can't clean it at all. The only thing I haven't tried is a brillo pad but I'm scared that will scratch the finish. Is it possible this stuff is just burnt on and impossible to get off? I had to use a stainless steel pad for inside the oven and there are some spots that won't clean. I wish I had been taking better care of it. I just didn't really pay attention until it was too late. What else can I try to clean around the burners? I even tried a magic eraser and it cleaned some of the top layer, but really didn't help.


Oh, I see there is another post about stainless steel. Mine is a black finish, so at least the dirty area around the burners blends in a bit.

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Have you tried putting oven cleaner on it and letting it soak? I mean like the Easy-Off kind of foaming oven cleaner. If you do try that, be sure to do it on a day when you can have all the windows open. It worked great on my old stove, but the smell is way worse when it's not contained inside an oven!

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Baking soda and a stiff brush work on mine. They are black, enamel I think, too. I didn't figure out the baking soda until I had tried every noxious, poisonous cleaner on the market though. Mine are trays I can lift out so I can stick them in the sink and then really scrub them.

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I don't have trays which I think would make it a whole lot easier. The dirty part is right around the burner and I'm going to have to be extremely careful not to get cleaner on the burner itself. That seems like it would be extra smelly and harmful. But I'll try these suggestions. The Bar keeper's Friend is only like $7 at Amazon. But I'll try the other two first since I can get my hands on them more easily.

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Have you tried baking soda?


:iagree: Mix baking soda with a little water. Apply the paste on the parts you want cleaned. Leave it on for about 15 minutes (maybe a little longer for very tough stains), then scrub with a brush or rough cloth. Keep applying baking soda paste (you might need to do it 3-4 times for tough stains) till it goes away. Have small towels/ paper towels handy so you can scoop up the messy gunky stuff easily without also having to clean your floors each time.


I have also had some luck using salt as a scrubbing agent but not for very hard baked on stains. Baking soda with vinegar might help too.


If all these fail then Barkeeper's Friend should work. Is your black surface stainless steel? If not, do be aware that BF might tarnish some surfaces.


ETA: just saw your response about b/soda. Did you try leaving it on for a bit?

Good luck! Hope you find something that works.

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Can you take the little burner covers off? The things where the flames come out - I can't attach a picture, or I would show you what I mean. If you can take thise off, it's much easier to scrub and not worry about where the cleaner is going.

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I have a stove that sounds the same as yours but mine is white, so those burnt on crusty parts really show up bad. No removable trays, and have to be careful with the igniters. Dh had the stove years before I came along, so I just blame it on him. ;)


I tried baking soda paste, baking soda and vinegar, magic erasers including the ones with grease-fighting Dawn, Bar Keeper's friend, oven cleaner. Just about everything. I had the best luck with ammonia. I found an idea on Pinterest about putting burners in a bag with a cup of ammonia, letting it sit overnight, and then being able to scrub off the crud. (http://pinterest.com/pin/259942209711845960/) I did the same idea with my stove top by using press-n-seal plastic wrap. It really did work really well on both the burners and the stove top. To keep it from happening again, I polish the stove top with car wax, also see on Pinterest. (http://pinterest.com/pin/259942209711801495/)

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