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Ruby Rose

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It makes me batty. I can't stand when people use it, especially when NOT texting! Honestly, I think it makes people sound dumb.


"Wat r u doing 2moro?"


"Welp, dat wat I was told 2day."


Is it just me?



I have such an old phone that I occasionally use U and R instead of you and are. Sometimes I use 2.


For tomorrow I use tmrw. For because I use bc.


I don't deliberately misspell words.


My phone doesn't have a qwerty keyboard so I take these shortcuts, mostly w/people who won't think I'm dumb because I use abbreviations.


I don't text very much any way.



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I'm not a huge fan of it but I hate it it worse when people SPEAK it. For instance, we were at a store and the sales clerk needed to go look in the back for our item. He said, "I think we have more in the back. BRB."

I looked at my husband and said, "Did he just say 'BRB' aloud to me?"




Ha! And he didn't even save any syllables!

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My mother is the only person I know who does this, which makes it more annoying because I read it on her voice in my head. It takes me longer to figure out what the heck she's saying sometimes. I could understand teens doing it back when you had to push each number key multiple times to change letters, but she's nearly 60 and has a Blackberry with a keyboard and autocorrect (that she has to turn off to be able to type like a whackadoodle).

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