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Looking for, how shall I say this? ... Sedate educational apps.


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I just got an iPod touch and am exploring apps for the first time. I'm looking at all the educational possibilities and am totally amazed!


I've looked at some recommendations that look fantastic. For instance, LetterSchool looks amazing. I love that it doesn't allow the child to write the letters incorrectly, but it's a little too entertainment oriented for my family. We haven't done much in the way of cartoons or video games, so this would be a little over the top. (Ducking for cover in case this sounds snooty ... it's just what works for my family. :) )


Anyway, do you know of any apps that are more straightforward. I'd love something like LetterSchool with less animation and stars zooming around, etc.


I'm guessing that there's not much of a market for what I'm looking for, so it may not exist.


But if you know of any educational apps (in any subject area!) that you think might fit the bill, please let me know. I'm interested in apps for children from preschool age up to middle school, especially handwriting, math drill, phonics practice, but science, history, thinking skills, and other areas would be appreciated too.


Thanks so much! :)

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So are you looking more for educational tools than games? Because LetterSchool is one of our more toned down apps and I also prefer less flash. Something like Logic of English phonograms or possibly Barefoot World Atlas or Map Puzzles for Kids? There are lots of flashcard apps for various subjects and tools like Notability, too.


In defense of LetterSchool, my 4yo DD learned all her letters in about a month and before we got to them in HWT through that app, so it is near and dear to my heart. A little gamification can help sometimes, but that's just my opinion. I definitely understand about flashy apps and we do try to avoid them for the most part and every family has to decide for themselves what they do and don't like.

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So are you looking more for educational tools than games? Because LetterSchool is one of our more toned down apps and I also prefer less flash. Something like Logic of English phonograms or possibly Barefoot World Atlas or Map Puzzles for Kids? There are lots of flashcard apps for various subjects and tools like Notability, too.


In defense of LetterSchool, my 4yo DD learned all her letters in about a month and before we got to them in HWT through that app, so it is near and dear to my heart. A little gamification can help sometimes, but that's just my opinion. I definitely understand about flashy apps and we do try to avoid them for the most part and every family has to decide for themselves what they do and don't like.



Thanks, Meagan!


I think I am looking for educational tools rather than games. I guess that I must really be out of touch with what's out there if LetterSchool is tame compared with most apps.


I'll check out the apps you mentioned, for sure. :)


One thing I'm concerned about is if my children learn their letters with LetterSchool, that writing in a handwriting book would be a let-down after all the ease and excitement of the app? Has anyone found that to be true, or was it no big deal for your children to do the written work?

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I think you would like apps by Montessorium. My is the math one. They design their apps in style of Montessori. They don't have constant praise, only at the end of the activity. I think these are the most sedate educational apps you will find.



Thank you for mentioning these, as they are definitely less flashy that what I've been seeing. This is more like what I'm looking for. I'll check them all out!


I'm still open to other suggestions, from others too! :)

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Bumping to see if anyone else has other app ideas, and also to see if anyone's children have struggled with writing in their handwriting books after using these fun apps. :)


No, my kids have not struggled with writing after using apps. Apps are appps and handwriting is handwriting, IYKWIM (and math is math, and reading is reading, etc). Using The Letter Factory DVDs didn't prejudice my children against reading paper books or non-talking dictionaries. ;)


If any impact is made, I think it's the other way around. Using apps and games helps make my kids more interested in topics, instead of less. It breaks things up and brings a little fun into what can be quite challenging at first.

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The best math drill app I've found is Mathemagica, hand's down, but I don't think there's an iOS version yet. It's worth keeping an eye out for... and Remarkable Games seem to be porting some of their apps over to iOS.


Forget what I just said, here it is:



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No, my kids have not struggled with writing after using apps. Apps are appps and handwriting is handwriting, IYKWIM (and math is math, and reading is reading, etc). Using The Letter Factory DVDs didn't prejudice my children against reading paper books or non-talking dictionaries. ;)


If any impact is made, I think it's the other way around. Using apps and games helps make my kids more interested in topics, instead of less. It breaks things up and brings a little fun into what can be quite challenging at first.



That makes sense. My husband was a bit hesitant for this reason, but I think this may be helpful.


You may like the Montessori apps by Rantek.



Thank you! I'll check them out.


Math drills

Stack the states

Stack the countries



We have done Stack the States; I'll check out the others. :)

The best math drill app I've found is Mathemagica, hand's down, but I don't think there's an iOS version yet. It's worth keeping an eye out for... and Remarkable Games seem to be porting some of their apps over to iOS.


Forget what I just said, here it is:





Thank you!


Logic of English has a great app for phonics. I think my son has learned more from this app than he has from me going over phonics with him. If I remember correctly, though, it's on the pricey side. Definitely not a free app.



I'm certainly willing to pay if it's what I'm looking for. Thank you for mentioning it.


Math Drills is very straightforward and allows you to customize which facts are practiced and tested (full-version, not lite). It also keeps track of statistics.



Thank you!



I really appreciate all your help, everyone!



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Not at all utilitarian, but I just found this:


The Sonnet Project



The Sonnet Project is a massive multimedia exploration of Shakespeare's great poems. We are creating 154 short films, one for each sonnet. Each video stars a different actor and is filmed at a different iconic or historic location in NYC. In the year leading up to Shakespeare's 450th birthday in April 2014, NY Shakespeare Exchange will release a new video every 2-3 days.


The Sonnet Project mobile app is the perfect interface for this public-access experience. Users will receive a push notification each time a new video is released, and can watch the video right on their mobile device. They can also click through to learn about what makes that location interesting and historic.


The mapping tool allows the user to see where each location is, and to find other sonnets that were filmed in the vicinity.


154 films. 154 actors. 154 locations


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My daughter did great with Montessori handwriting on the iPad, and then couldn't transfer the skill. So, YMMV. I only do quiet apps, and they tend to all be Montessori.


That's interesting. Has anyone else had this experience?


I actually did buy LetterSchool, but I still feel a bit mixed about it. What I like is that when they trace the letters, they look excellent (a la Charlotte Mason's ideals). But on the Montessorium's Intro to Numbers app, the traced numbers look not nice, even when I do them.


Still thinking all this through.


Now that we have a device in the house like this, I was finding that my children were asking to use the apps all day long. Yesterday and today have been screen-free. Still trying to figure out how to navigate this! :)

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What made it especially boggling to my mind is that I purchased a stylus especially for this. At three, she had the proper grasp, and could trace all the letters with a stylus,and you'd think that wouldn't be so different from a marker--but apparently it was too different for her. We were doing Intro to Letters by Montessorium for this.


ETA: FWIW, I think iwritewords is a better intro to writing app for littles. It redirects them, and lets them view their own writing. Also, it just occurred to me that after all that practice, she still also has no sense of how the letter should go. As in, a capital B starts with an upward stroke and then two downward half-circles.


I was having her start HWTs, after she turned 5, and that ended in tears every session for a month, so I put it down. I don't know why she finds writing so difficult. And it's not that she has fine motor problems--her drawing skills are excellent, and I'm not just saying that as a proud mama.

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What made it especially boggling to my mind is that I purchased a stylus especially for this. At three, she had the proper grasp, and could trace all the letters with a stylus,and you'd think that wouldn't be so different from a marker--but apparently it was too different for her. We were doing Intro to Letters by Montessorium for this.



That does seem odd. I too would have thought that the way you did that would have transferred over to handwriting on paper. Hmmmm...

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