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R&S Readers or Pathway Readers....


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I am considering switching to a textbook format for our schooling. After reading the boards a lot I have decided to go with R&S for math and english, but would like to know what you think of either the R&S Bible Nurure and Reading Series or the readers from Pathway Publishing.


Thanks for your input!


Can you tell me what the main differences are, what you like/dislike about each program?

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I don't have any experience w/the Pathway products, but I do like the Rod and Staff Bible Nurture Series. My kids have learned so much about the Bible (and about reading comprehension) through this series.


The activities are varied in each lesson, so it doesn't seem to be too boring. For example, they'll have some short answer, a crossword, some fill in the blank, some matching.


Good luck choosing!



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I was wondering the same thing but I chose to use R&S Bible nuture, which is also a reader for the fourth grade. My dd (10) has always had a difficult time with reading and she fall behind in public school. My husband and I decided that learning more about God's word is one of the most important things to teach so it seemed to me that this would get both reading and Bible done. For next year I will be using the Pathway Readers from R&S and use R&S 5th grade Bible. When I checked out the Bible for the 5th grade it did not have much for reading, so I will be trying the Pathway Readers next year.


Kristi in Oregon


dd (10) 5th grade, R&S math 4, R&S Spelling 4, R&S Bible/Reading 4, Spectrum Geography 4 and 5, Easy grammer 4 (finish) then into Easy Grammer 5 w/ Daily grams, R&S Health, God's Design Science, and a Classical Copy workbook for cursive.


dss (7) 2nd grade lives in Washington, private Christian school


dd (1) keeping me on my toes


ds (not here yet)

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And we prefered the Rod & Staff. The first set does have lots of sight words, but we had already done some phonics work, so it really didn't bother me. By the 2nd year your child is reading well written bible stories for their daily assignment and that just seemed more fruitful to me than the cute stories from Pathway. My son got tired of those pretty quickly. We use Sonlight now and he tears through their readers without any problem at all...and I think that's due to the excellence of R&S.

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My 10yo ds is a delayed reader and he's finally really taken off in the last 6 months with Pathway readers. He's really needed the consistant building of a reader rather than the random stories in the books that SL chooses, for example. He loves the stories and even though he's older than the 'target age' of the readers, he enjoys following the lives of the children in the stories. They are fun stories and for him building his interest was a key part of his new success.


BUT after reading this thread, I think I'll check out the Rod and Staff readers as well!!!!

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They are both great and we use both of them. I think of R&S as part of Bible, and Pathway's just for reading.


I just went online and purchased the next level of Rod and Staff as well and will have ds read them to me as part of his Bible this year. We'll still keep up with Pathways for reading, though.

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