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Recommend an inexpensive bread machine?


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We go through bread like crazy. I don't necessarily know if a bread machine would be cheaper, but at least I'd have control over the ingredients in the bread. I want a sturdy, no-fuss bread machine. I probably won't be making many fancy loaves. I'd like to spend less than $80 if possible. Bonus if it's available via Amazon Prime. :)


Also, besides making bread in the oven occasionally as a kid, I've never really made bread, and definitely not with a bread machine. Anything else I should know about machines or the bread they make?

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The thrift stores in my areas usually have several for sale.


Before I went gluten-free, I was making homemade whole wheat bread for $0.60 per loaf. It was much cheaper than store bought and tasted better, too. Years later I made gluten-free bread in a bread machine with good results.


I had one with a delay timer. It isn't essential, but it was nice to set it up at night and wake up to freshly baked bread in the morning. I got rid of the bread maker because I was eating so much gluten-free bread that I was gaining weight. I eat 97% less bread when I have to pay $6 per loaf for it.

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Garage sale or thrift store. A cheap bread machine is going to die quickly and won't work well to begin with. However, if you do get a machine for cheap and you don't like it much, please don't judge all machines by that one. I have met so many people who bought a cheap one, tried it once or twice and decided they suck and make lousy bread. They have a learning curve like anything else. And, as someone who went from making bread by hand to using a machine, I can assure you that even hand crafting bread has it's good days and bad days. So, if you have a few (or more than a few) lopsided loaves etc. don't despair. Just say cheers to food that isn't mass produced!

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I too would recommend 2nd hand. I got a Zo for $7. It worked for several years. I just got another one free. I mentioned to a friend that I wanted one and she was happy to give me hers for free as she never used it. It is a Williams Sonoma $300+ one!



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I ordered a brand new Breadman on Amazon last year; the total was under $50 and free shipping.


It works very well for me. My favorite way to use it is on the dough setting. I make a big batch on the dough setting, then I pop it out and make a small raisin loaf and one regular loaf at the same time. It does bake the bread through a whole cycle just fine, but for some reason I prefer using the dough setting.

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We don't have many thrift stores in my area - Goodwill only, and it's typically not much cheaper than buying things new. (Paperback books are $3.50 a piece!). I've been keeping my eyes peeled, but nothing has come even close...

Have you looked at Craigslist or Freecycle?


My uncle finds tons of bargains on Craigslist, whereas most of the stuff in my area is seriously overpriced there.

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I have a Sunbeam 5891 - I see they have it on Amazon for $75.00 but I bought it at Walmart several years ago for about $45.

I made many, many loaves of bread with it and I was always perfectly happy with it. I haven't used it in over a year since the kids have been GF. If you could find it for $45, I would definitely buy it.

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My bread machine makes an overly large loaf and leaves a hole in the bottom where the kneader is. So, I generally take the dough out after the next-to-last rising, form TWO loaves by hand, let sit in loaf pans for the final rising, then bake in the oven. I get two loaves instead of one and the loaves are a *better* size.


I used to make all my bread by hand, then received a breadmaker as a gift one year. It's been a time-saver through some tough times.

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