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Starting Eat to Live!


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If you're on Facebook, you can join the group, "Dr Fuhrmans Eat To Live - Nutritarian Plant Based Diet." The members of the group are super helpful and supportive. And hearing all of their success stories and how they've turned their life/health around might be very motivating. Good luck! :)

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I am a read-only member of Dr Fuhrman's forums and have most of his books. I have healed my horrible PCOS symptoms, lost more weight than I dared to dream I could, feel more vibrant and energetic, have been told by numerous people how I 'glow' or 'look 20 years younger' and am now pregnant after 6 years of infertility by following his recommendations. I have a whole new lease on life and feel that I have control of my health and future for the first time ever.


Like any diet or 'life style' out there, you've got to stick with it to reap the results. What I love about it, is that it is first and foremost a 'health programme' and a 'diet programme' second. For example, all last year, despite being coughed on, and smooched by kids with runny noses on numerous occasions, I never once got sick.


I don't live it perfectly 100% of the time and I completely fell off the bandwagon for about 6 weeks after I found out I was pregnant (I think sub-consciously I was thinking it was ok for me to gain a little weight now that I was pregnant) but that is ok for me; I consider myself to be on a journey and at this stage I am ok with a cheat meal or two here and there. Plus, the results have already been so phenomenal for me, that I can't help but rejoice over what I have achieved already.


All the best for those just giving it a first try!

By the way, another great book to read along with Dr Fuhrman's works, is The China Study by T.Colin Campbell. That is filled with even more scientific evidence for the value of this lifestyle.

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Yes! I followed the plan a few years ago, lost tons of weight, felt great. Then life happened, a couple of big, out-of-country moves, financial stress, and I eventually returned to emotional eating, etc.


I'm re-reading the book and just started a tweaked version of the program last week, which I may start a thread about. I'm only eating veggies, fruits and homemade kefir (breaking the no-dairy rule) bacause kefir has its own benefits which I have definitely felt.


I feel amazing, light and stress-free. I'm losing about 1/2 lb. a day now at the beginning, and I'm realizing how much authenticity of life I was missing by self-medicating with food to numb the stress.


Best wishes for much success with the plan!

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Sorry Jean.


I know that when I ate Vegan, high raw, I felt the best I have ever felt......it is just really hard to stick to!




Oh, it's ok. Now I'm eating Paleo and am doing well with that. Eating Paleo (no grains, sugar or dairy) but lots of fruits, veggies, protein works best for my particular body. I think the trick is finding out what works for each of us. (I do cheat on the no dairy part of Paleo, though and do have some cheese.)

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Oh, it's ok. Now I'm eating Paleo and am doing well with that. Eating Paleo (no grains, sugar or dairy) but lots of fruits, veggies, protein works best for my particular body. I think the trick is finding out what works for each of us. (I do cheat on the no dairy part of Paleo, though and do have some cheese.)



Dr. Fuhrman considers cheese as bad as sweets. Once I'm in a maintenance phase, cheese will be one of my cheats as well. :laugh:

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I want to try this. I have had the book for about two years. I am so busy I can't find the time to make everything from scratch and wash the veggies. I wish I could do it though.



Yes, I'm not doing it in an interesting way because I need EASY. I cut up a pound of four different veggies, steamed a pound of greens, threw it all together with the beans, and added a low fat/calorie vegan dressing. I'm eating that, plus the fruit and nuts, throughout the day. I'm basing my veggie picks on sales, because I am on a very tight budget. I think I can do this for $4 a day.

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I tried it a few months back, but I felt like I was starving to death after the first couple days. I need more fat and protein than is allowed on that diet. I think it would be much more doable if you could add in some olive oil and a bit of meat or dairy on occasion.

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I tried it a few months back, but I felt like I was starving to death after the first couple days. I need more fat and protein than is allowed on that diet. I think it would be much more doable if you could add in some olive oil and a bit of meat or dairy on occasion.


Well, there is more protein per calorie in greens than meat. You could try juicing kale! :lol: As far as the hunger, didn't someone on your thread say he said hunger was in your head? I think you're supposed to pay to ask him if your hungry or something. I'm not sure, I just started.... :driving: (seriously, I need to find that in the book, because that does seem out there...)

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I think he allows 1 cup of grains and 1 cup of beans in addition to all the fruit and veggies you want, although I can't find that info now so I am wondering if that is another plan????


In a nutshell, his program looks like this:

  • A pound of raw green vegetables a day
  • A pound of cooked green vegetables a day
  • A tablespoon of flax seed a day
  • Fat from seeds and whole olives, not oils
  • Plenty of legumes
  • Plenty of fruit
  • Meat in very small quantities, if used (mostly for taste)


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In a nutshell, his program looks like this:

  • A pound of raw green vegetables a day

  • A pound of cooked green vegetables a day

  • A tablespoon of flax seed a day

  • Fat from seeds and whole olives, not oils

  • Plenty of legumes

  • Plenty of fruit

  • Meat in very small quantities, if used (mostly for taste)




All of that is daily? That seems like so much food! I'd feel like I was forcing myself to eat all day.

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