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Is Huffington Post Educational section reliable or hype?


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Where is the Huffington Post in general ...considered as trustworthy in the journalism world? I really don't know.


I read stories like this one and wonder to myself, "are they a sensationalist press" or is it real? Opinions?




The story referenced is an allegation of a student punishment. (If it happened, it's not "punishment", it is entirely something else imho)

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Sensationalistic but often with a kernel of truth. I do read HP sometimes, but always with a bit of skepticism. Before I believed anything I'd confirm it with at least one other source. In this instance, since they linked to multiple (presumably reliable) local news outlets, I would assume it's true.

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Huffington Post doesn't make stuff up, it is a legit news source. But like many online sites, they put out dozens of stories a day, many just bite-sized nuggets of simple storytelling, often in the hopes of generating controversy/comments. Student forced to lick desk probably got as many page views as "too complicated" stories about drones, sequestration issues, changes to the farm bill impacting SNAP, and other actually relevant and important news stories.

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HuffPo is an aggregator. That means that they're not the original reporters of the news they post, they're linking the story from somewhere else. The reliability of the story should be based on the original reporter, not HuffPo. In this case, I tend to believe the local CBS affiliate and I think the story is real.

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I think it became more like the National Enquire after aol purchased it, or became partners. I steer clear of any news source that is corporate backed/owned. You want reputable, find an independent.



Do you have any indepentents you would recommend? I review Huffpo, MSNBC, and Yahoo, but find a lot of sensationalized material (as well as a whole lot of non-news junk.)

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