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What is your MOST loved curriculum?


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I was hoping more people had found some awesome science stuff to tell me about..


Me too.


I think Home Science Adventure kits from Stratton House are awesome.

Real Science 4 Kids (I love them, but it's just way too expensive for me.)

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I was hoping more people had found some awesome science stuff to tell me about.


We are still at the beginning, but loving Singapore math (though we will be using Miquon also) and Phonics Pathways.



I don't have anything awesome. But my kids love, of all things, the MSB Monthly Subscription kits (they're 8 and almost 10.) We flushed them out with Bill Nye Vidoes and MSB videos for fun. I'd also look for whatever books our library had on the topic. For them, this seems a better route than a textbook our other scheduled form of science- even if the MSB kits seems easy or a bit below their level.


I know some people love BFSU (Building Foundations of Scientific Unsterstanding.) They are really good books that some (like me) find hard to implement.

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More to add in the favorite Science resources:


Disney Imagineering dvds

The Happy Scientist is good

Free videos by Steve Spangler on his youtube channel (and his experiment books)

Bill Nye bought from iTunes

Using the library to get great picture books and other videos

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My favorites so far:


For me:


101 Top Picks

Educating the Whole Hearted Child


For the kids:


Reading out-loud to the kids has been so enjoyable to both of us

History of Little Pilgrims--both my kids loved this and asked for more


Nothing else I've used have been loved--done the job, yes, but not loved. Hopefully this year we'll have some more hits since I'll be using a lot of the curricula I've seen listed here on this thread--MCT, Hake, SOTW/Human Odyssey. We'll see how it fits.


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- Reading Made Easy

- Five in a Row

- My Father's World (elementary)


For math, I love either MUS or Rod & Staff for the mastery style learner, and A Beka for the faster learner who needs color. I also liked Singapore in the first 3-4 levels.


*I* love R&S English, but only one of my children loves it. The other two prefer A Beka. I compromise on this by balancing the A Beka traditional workbook style with something more CM that makes them *think*, like PLL and ILL. ;)


The only thing we've tried so far that I really love for high school is Where the Brook and River Meet. We've liked some parts of other things, but high school is definitely not like the old days when we did FIAR. :lol:

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