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Expectant Mothers


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So, I am wondering how many of the other parents on these boards are expecting a baby sometime this year? If so when are you due? Is this your first child? If not what number child is it?


Boy or Girl?

Have you got some name ideas?


I'm expecting my first at the end of summer or early fall. I am really looking forward to a home birth and meeting my new son (I call him Jr.)


I am going back and forth between buying baby clothes, compiling name lists, buying books for him (he doesn't have any toys yet, I don't think he'll need them for the first couple of months) and fretting about what to do with him for school.

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Me. Oct 1st. At least, I think Oct 1st. I actually charted the month I conceived, but everyone always pulls out that little wheely chart anyways. :glare:


It's my 2nd, so I'm pretty laissez-faire right now. With no. 1 the nesting urge kicked in big-time during the last month. But other than a safe place to lay down, a name, and some sustenance, they don't really need much for the first few months. So no worries. ;)

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I have six children, four living, and am fairly certain my expecting days are over, but we are expecting our first grandchild in August! Dd is expecting a little girl, Katelynn McKenzie. McKenzie is a family name. I'm helping her best friend plan her shower, and we're collecting books, a few clothing items, great grandma is purchasing a gorgeous bassinet, and we are buying the car seat and other necessities. I am in the less is more camp regarding baby "stuff," so aside from the basics, and a good Mobi wrap (already have an Ergo), I think she'll be pretty well set after her shower. Except for books, of course. One can never have enough books. :D Congratulations!

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Lucky number 7 is due here in July.


He will be either George or Michael. One is my dh's grandfathers name, I'm not sure if I'm on board with it.


I need to buy some more clothes, I gave all my baby boy clothes away thinking we wouldn't have another (my last two dc were girls).

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We are expecting boy#3 in October. I don't know what name we are going to use. Our other two have Biblical names, so we will probably stick with that. We are also planning to move soon. We got rid of a lot of our baby stuff after our second ds. We still have a changing table, high chair and a pack-n-play, but that's pretty much it. We borrowed our first crib and bought one used for the second, which is no longer usable, so we will need a crib. I am also wanting to cloth diaper this one.

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Gideon Nathaniel, number 7, should be here any day now. I'm really hoping for sooner rather than later. So very tired at the end of this pregnancy. He's caused his fair share of drama and I just need him here safely in my arms. Our house is overflowing right now and a move is not in the cards until next year at the earliest so he will be moving in with me and dh and his almost 3yo sister. LOL, glad we have a big bedroom. I made a closet system for Gideon and Lily on one wall of our bedroom. Lily's bed is on another wall and on another wall I have a changing station/pack n play set up. In the corner I have our rocking chair. It's actually not too bad. He will sleep with us for the first year so the pack n play will be for naps and other times. I still need a few clothes in the 0-3m range, but for the most part I think we are ready for our bundle of joy. The kids are excited and I'm just exhausted. :)

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I got a positive HPT this morning, confirm tomorrow at 8:30 :) so I'm due end of January or beginning of February. He/she will be #2, I have absolutely nothing, got rid of all dd's stuff when she out grew due to space constraints and moving. Any advice about siblings being 5 years apart???

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I am expecting #3 in 10 more weeks. He will be my third boy and his name will be Spencer David. Since my older boys are only 2 and 4 years old we have all the baby gear we should need and boy clothes coming out of our ears. This is my first summer pregnancy and I'm not looking forward to the next couple months.



Any advice about siblings being 5 years apart???


I was about to turn 5 when my brother (my only sibling) was born. I thought he was pretty okay for the first few weeks and then I announced that it was now clear that I was meant to be an only child. He was the bane of my existence for the next 13 years until I went off to college - he seemed so loud and obnoxious and spent much of his childhood mindlessly waving paint stick swords in my vicinity. By the time he went to college, however, he was starting to morph into a sane human being. He is now 27 and he and I get along very well.


My mom says the upside to having us spaced farther apart is that I was fairly independent by the time my brother came along. I'll soon be faced with buckling three small people into car seats anytime we go anywhere, but by the time my brother was born I was in a booster and could do my own buckle. I could also read, fully dress myself, make myself a sandwich, etc.


The downside that I see to being 5 years older than my brother is that we never had much in common. We didn't like the same toys, TV shows, or outings. I think this was exacerbated because I was a mature, responsible, Type A girl who longed to save money, ace the SAT and grow up as quickly as possible. My brother was a mellow, slow to mature kid who went with the flow and couldn't tell you what he planned to do that afternoon, much less where he wanted to go to college. Sometimes it seemed like the age gap was a lot bigger than 5 years.





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Expecting Lilly Catherine August 20th! (Scheduled c-section because my previous births were emergency c-sections and while I was willing to try a vbac with #2 before the emergency happened, I'm not willing to risk a vba2c.) At the beginning of this week I had NOTHING (aside from a boy themed swing and pack-n-play) but my best friend picked me up a like-new carseat for $10 and some baby girl clothes (my first two are boys.)

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