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Swim meets for the young swimmer - what to expect?


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My son's been swimming for a while and has been with a local team. This isn't a summer league with occasional swimmers. Anyway, he's got his first meet in a town two hours away on Saturday that he's begged to go. He's only 5.5 and will be swimming in an under-7 group. He's swimming 25 back, 25 free and 50 free.


What can I expect for his first meet?


Funny side note, he got his team jammers and said to me today, "Now I look like I'm on my team because I have these underwear swim trunks." :D

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Expect a lot of sitting around and waiting. He will have a great time with his friends while he waits. You should bring a book.

There should be someone marshaling the swimmers. They should be there when you arrive to direct the swimmers to the marshaling area.

Once on deck for their event they will be lined up and the coaches will tell them where to go.

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Ask your swim coach exactly what to send- especially what snacks they allow. Ask if he needs a chair (foldable one) or just an extra towel. Send warm clothes that can get wet- sweat pants, sweat shirt. Send an extra pair of goggles. I would send something to do during the down time. Send a sharpie and they can write his heats on his arm, though at his age he should have a coach assigned to him. I would probably pack an extra swim cap - just in case! I hope he swims fast and has a great time!

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I don't know that he has any "friends." He's the youngest on the team by a long stretch. I'm afaid he might qualify as That Annoying Little Kid. Lol


We're to be there at 0815, so I'm thinking a light breakfast beforehand and a snack for in between? Definitely packing the ipad with waterproof case!


He doesn't have a swim cap yet. I asked and they said since he's so young and it's the first meet, he'll be fine. Should I invest in one for him? We're going for exposure for this meet. Make him feel comfortable with some low pressure meets so he might be able to go to state this fall.

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I don't know that he has any "friends." He's the youngest on the team by a long stretch. I'm afaid he might qualify as That Annoying Little Kid. Lol


We're to be there at 0815, so I'm thinking a light breakfast beforehand and a snack for in between? Definitely packing the ipad with waterproof case!


He doesn't have a swim cap yet. I asked and they said since he's so young and it's the first meet, he'll be fine. Should I invest in one for him? We're going for exposure for this meet. Make him feel comfortable with some low pressure meets so he might be able to go to state this fall.



A great many of the boys don't ever wear a swim cap unless they have longer hair. Most just keep it short. Just have him eat a regular breakfast. Snacks for during the meet area always a good idea! You can never tell how long these things will run!

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Chaos. Expect chaos. Swimming is great. We've done USA swimming for 4 years. The first meet can feel overwhelming. There are so many kids sitting around, waiting in line (on deck). The 8 and unders usually have a "clerk of course" who lines them up. Make sure he knows what he's swimming each time. Yes, there will be lots of down time, bring something to do. Snacks, have lots of food. My kids eat more at swim meets than anywhere else. And have layers of clothes. I know it's warmer, but at some of places we have swam there is a chill on deck (from the air blowers) and my kids sit in their jackets, or sometimes just sweats.


Enjoy! It is fun, once you get used to it. :)

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I don't know that he has any "friends." He's the youngest on the team by a long stretch. I'm afaid he might qualify as That Annoying Little Kid. Lol


We're to be there at 0815, so I'm thinking a light breakfast beforehand and a snack for in between? Definitely packing the ipad with waterproof case!


He doesn't have a swim cap yet. I asked and they said since he's so young and it's the first meet, he'll be fine. Should I invest in one for him? We're going for exposure for this meet. Make him feel comfortable with some low pressure meets so he might be able to go to state this fall.



I doubt he is that annoying little kid. In my experience swimming generally attracts nice kids. That is not to say there aren't a few bad apples in the bunch but overall I have found the older kids to be mindful and supportive of the younger kids.


I usually make sure my kids get a protein with breakfast and pack sliced up oranges for a mid meet snack and have cookies for when they are done swimming.


My son wears a swim cap during meets because he likes any edge he could get but at that age he should be fine without one.

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Bring one dry towel per race. See if you can get a copy of the heat sheet online, or buy one at the meet, and use the sharpie to write on his arm each event, heat and lane. Make sure he knows how to legally finish the backstroke, but it's OK if he DQs. If they are clerking the littles, show him where it is, and how they bring the kids from the clerk to the blocks. If he is freaked out about diving off the blocks, it is fine to start from the deck. Make some friends with the other moms, you'll be spending the rest of your life with them. Write down his times for each event, and prepare to be impressed at how much improvement he'll see in them. Is he not swimming in any relays? That's a great way for swimmers to make friends.

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Make sure you have a comfortable chair and a really good book for yourself. Take yourself lots of good snacks. Splurge on your favorite caffeinated beverage. It will be a long day and you should treat yourself. :001_smile: (I always loved to watch the littlest swimmers hurtle themselves into the water, then it always broke my heart to see them find out they got d/q'd and see their little shoulders slump and faces crumple into tears.)

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If he thinks the jammers are like underwear, wait til he gets a Speedo!


I don't think you need to get him a swim cap yet, at his age. The meets do get really long, though I never felt comfortable reading a book because I always felt I should be cheering for other people's children. If it's indoors, it can get very warm for the people watching, but cold for the swimmers between races. Healthy snacks and water are good to have around for the swimmers. Your son will have a blast. Good luck to him!

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All of the older kids are really good with him. I'm not worried about socializing as he's more concerned about actually swimming at this point.


Will I not be able to be with him to tell him it's time to go swim and/or in between races? Should I pack him a separate bag?


He was telling me last night that there were only "2 more days till the big race." We had a talk about how it's not about racing as much as it is making sure he's swimming his strokes properly. The coaches have said that at this age, disqualifying with free mostly happens if they touch the floor or the wall or lane rope vs just swimming the whole lap. I'm not concerned as much about freestyle as that's the stroke they've focused on. I'll make sure to remind him that he's supposed to stay on his back the whole time for backstroke.


Thank you so much ladies! It's been really informative!

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Will I not be able to be with him to tell him it's time to go swim and/or in between races? Should I pack him a separate bag?


This depends on the meet and the pool setup. If it is a small informal meet, he can probably stay with you in the stands between races. You will probably not be allowed to be on deck or behind the blocks.


The tricky thing about backstroke is that you need to be on your back the whole way, including the finish. Lots of little kids flip over to their tummies when looking for the wall at the end.


Good luck!

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All of the older kids are really good with him. I'm not worried about socializing as he's more concerned about actually swimming at this point.


Will I not be able to be with him to tell him it's time to go swim and/or in between races? Should I pack him a separate bag?


He was telling me last night that there were only "2 more days till the big race." We had a talk about how it's not about racing as much as it is making sure he's swimming his strokes properly. The coaches have said that at this age, disqualifying with free mostly happens if they touch the floor or the wall or lane rope vs just swimming the whole lap. I'm not concerned as much about freestyle as that's the stroke they've focused on. I'll make sure to remind him that he's supposed to stay on his back the whole time for backstroke.


Thank you so much ladies! It's been really informative!




It really depends on the meet. I am guessing you might be finding out right now! I am curious about what league he is swimming in. You said it isn't a summer league program. It doesn't seem to be USA (swimming long course right now/no 25s). Is it through a YMCA? I think they may still do things differently (most here just do summer league though). That will make a lot of difference as to how the meet runs. Even in USA, the meets vary widely. Our pool (large college) does not allow parents to go anywhere near the locker room or deck. They do have a bullpen for the 8 and unders that the parents can walk the kids to. The newer swimmers tend to stay with their parents in the observation area until they are called to the bullpen. It doesn't take long before the kids, even 8 and under, are handling everything on their own. (Some meets do not have a bullpen.)

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