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If you're torn over giving up coffee (again) for adrenal purposes...


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then you might have a very detailed and realistic dream. In this dream the doctor might choose to run several tests, labs, etc and in the end he might write you a prescription that reads


"coffee (strong)

at least once per day"


This dream should surely be interpreted as a sign from above, right?


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That is a beautiful dream.



FWIW, my adrenals are a wreck. I have Addison's. My doc knows I drink espresso. Once upon a time, she encouraged me to give it up, but the past few years she has mentioned the many positives she's been learning about coffee. Check out some Mercola articles, and enjoy your brew!

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FWIW, my adrenals are a wreck. I have Addison's. My doc knows I drink espresso. Once upon a time, she encouraged me to give it up, but the past few years she has mentioned the many positives she's been learning about coffee. Check out some Mercola articles, and enjoy your brew!




Oh, Spryte...too bad I can't double-like that. :lol:

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Oh, Spryte...too bad I can't double-like that. :lol:



You should have seen me skipping out the doc's office the day she told me about the benefits of melatonin at night and coffee in the am! I skipped all the way to Starbuck's!


If you want to call it a health benefit, drink organic, shade grown beans. :)

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You should have seen me skipping out the doc's office the day she told me about the benefits of melatonin at night and coffee in the am! I skipped all the way to Starbuck's!


If you want to call it a health benefit, drink organic, shade grown beans. :)



Do you take melatonin? Were you having a difficult time sleeping? I sleep like a rock, especially when I drink coffee in the a.m. but I have Hashimoto's so tiredness is natural.

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Oh! I have Hashimoto's, too. :) I don't know much about it, really, though, so it's good to hear tiredness is normal.


I have difficulty falling asleep, despite being tired all the time. It's bizarre.


So, yes - melatonin at night and espresso in the morning keeps me going. Better living through chemistry. :D




ETA: I have an espresso with my afternoon adrenal meds, too. Not sure I can justify that one as remotely healthy, but it's how I keep going in the afternoons. That's my dark confession of the day.

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Oh! I have Hashimoto's, too. :) I don't know much about it, really, though, so it's good to hear tiredness is normal.



ETA: I have an espresso with my afternoon adrenal meds, too. Not sure I can justify that one as remotely healthy, but it's how I keep going in the afternoons. That's my dark confession of the day.



Hmmmm....so maybe I need it in the morning AND in the afternoon? :001_tt1: That prescription should have been more specific :lol:

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There's nothing quite like enabling each other, is there? :lol: :hurray: :lol:


Yea, I know, tell me about it. Just what I need in my life.....an enabler :D


This is where I say, "I'll take that thought with a little coconut cream and why not throw in some real ghirardelli dark chocolate too, while you're at it". :001_tt1:

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If you want to call it a health benefit, drink organic, shade grown beans. :)


I agree. I've upgraded my coffee recently to organic, single-source coffee from Central America. Supposedly, Central American coffees grown at higher elevations have significantly fewer mycotoxins (the mold that is present in most coffees). I don't know if it's truly any healthier for me, but I can definitely taste the difference!


There's nothing quite like enabling each other, is there? :lol: :hurray: :lol:


Yay for enabling!! :D

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I use organic. How do I know if it is shade grown, etc? hmmm.......it sounds convincingly healthier and possibly even beneficial for one to drink such a special coffee as this?



It will say shade grown on the packaging, I think, as they'll want to market that angle. :)


I'm going with Dandelion's astute assessment about the mycotoxins. Yet another healthy angle! Shade grown is better for the birds, as it doesn't destroy bird habitat the way some other bean growing practices do. But the mycotoxin angle is yet another plug. :)


I do taste a big difference, too.


On that note, I am sorely tempted to go grab an espresso right now. The power of suggestion. Fighting the urge!

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On that note, I am sorely tempted to go grab an espresso right now. The power of suggestion. Fighting the urge!



You might need to just go ahead and go for it! It sounds like a great, healthy option. Unless, of course, you are the type that can't seem to sleep after indulging in something that good for you :D

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Does the melatonin really help? I have a dd who has trouble sleeping.



IME it does. I only use it occasionally, but DS has been taking it every night for the last two years. Without it, he's up and completely wired until 2am. We've tried weaning him off of it from time to time, but he really seems to need it so we keep him on it. He takes 3mg a night.

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I agree. I've upgraded my coffee recently to organic, single-source coffee from Central America. Supposedly, Central American coffees grown at higher elevations have significantly fewer mycotoxins (the mold that is present in most coffees). I don't know if it's truly any healthier for me, but I can definitely taste the difference!




Yay for enabling!! :D


Dandelion, since you are all about enabling... !


Would you please share a trade name for the shade grown high altitude all-the-right-details coffee you love? To enable me to find it easily when shopping, y'know!

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Yes, melatonin works for us. Ditto Dandelion's experience. I take it not quite nightly, but DS takes it nightly. Without it, he simply stays. awake. all. night. He takes 1 mg.


I've thought about trying valerian root tincture with him, but haven't. That might be an alternative for you, too.

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Dandelion, since you are all about enabling... !


Would you please share a trade name for the shade grown high altitude all-the-right-details coffee you love? To enable me to find it easily when shopping, y'know!


I'm not Dandelion, but Counter Culture roasts a great shade grown organic bean. :)

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Would you please share a trade name for the shade grown high altitude all-the-right-details coffee you love? To enable me to find it easily when shopping, y'know!


I'm still shopping for the *perfect* coffee, but this is one that I've discovered in the last month that I really like: Cafe Altura. I like the dark roast. I buy it at my health food store, but it looks like they sell it online too (but it appears you have to buy it by the case online, instead of a single 12 oz package).


I wasn't sure if it was shade grown (that's something I just learned about in this thread - thanks Spryte!), but I just checked their website and apparently it is. It's organic, shade grown, high altitude/low toxin, fair trade, sustainably grown coffee. You're making the world a better place with every cup. ;)

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Ooooh, I want to try Cafe Altura. Thanks! Dandelion, is it an oily bean or does it look more matte? The oily ones gunk up our machine so we are supposed to avoid them. I love finding new coffees, so will try either way. If it's oily, I just have to sort of blot the beans.


We use NOW melatonin, too, but we switch up brands sometimes. Some do seem more effective than others.

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I have adrenal fatigue and recently received back an allergy sensitivity panel saying I was, among other things, allergic to black tea. Seriously?! I live and breath until noon on Sweet Tea (of course, both the sugar and caffeine are bad for the adrenals). How does someone get allergic to black tea!! :huh:

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Well, then, it sounds like medicine for you :D You most definitely should NOT give that stuff up. It has to be much healthier than ADD meds :thumbup:


This is how I feel! I have tried to give up caffeine before and I'm a horrible, unfocused mess. And the more I read about caffeine and ADD the more I realize that I really DO need it. So I allow it for myself! Plus it tastes yummy.. :)

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I have adrenal fatigue and recently received back an allergy sensitivity panel saying I was, among other things, allergic to black tea. Seriously?! I live and breath until noon on Sweet Tea (of course, both the sugar and caffeine are bad for the adrenals). How does someone get allergic to black tea!! :huh:



Oh no, black tea? Wow, I am I in the south and from the south so I know how horrid of a diagnosis that could be!

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I have been using this coffee since January. http://www.camanoisl...coffee.com/��it is so good. They roast it the day they send it out and it is so much better than the junk we used to buy (Kirkland or Stabucks). You can get a bag for free (pay shipping) to try it out.



I'll try it! Fresh roasted makes such a huge difference. We had a subscription to Counter Culture for a long time, and getting freshly roasted beans is a yummy treat. So much better than something off the shelf at a store. Mmmmmm... thanks!

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Dandelion, is it an oily bean or does it look more matte?



My bean grinder is broken and I haven't gotten around to buying a new one, so I've only purchased their ground coffee. Wish I could tell you.


Are there any studies which say GO FOR THE COFFEE??? Just one....JUST ONE would make me feel better!!! I have dropped everything else from my diet...grains, beans, sugar, alcohol, nuts, seeds, dairy eggs....can't I just have my flipping coffee???? Seriously!!!



There are lots of studies showing the health benefits of coffee! Here's a great article that summarizes several of coffee's health benefits, with references/links to the various scientific studies that the article is based on. Key points from the article:

  • Caffeine potently blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, leading to a net stimulant effect. Controlled trials show that caffeine improves both mood and brain function.

  • Caffeine raises the metabolic rate and helps to mobilize fatty acids from the fat tissues. It can also enhance physical performance.

  • Drinking coffee is associated with a drastically reduced risk of type II diabetes. People who drink several cups per day are the least likely to become diabetic.

  • Coffee is associated with a much lower risk of dementia and the neurodegenerative disorders Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  • Coffee appears to be protective against certain liver disorders, lowering the risk of liver cancer by 40% and cirrhosis by as much as 80%.

  • Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of death in prospective epidemiological studies, especially in type II diabetics.

  • Coffee contains a decent amount of several vitamins and minerals. It is also the biggest source of antioxidants in the modern diet.


Brew yourself some coffee, stat! :)

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I'll try it! Fresh roasted makes such a huge difference. We had a subscription to Counter Culture for a long time, and getting freshly roasted beans is a yummy treat. So much better than something off the shelf at a store. Mmmmmm... thanks!


Iti s so much yummier! Thy ship priority mail so it gets there fast. They are a local company so I would get it next day no matter how they shipped, but I love that its a priority for them to get it to you as soon after roasting a possible.

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Julie, I might just print those health benefits out and hang them on the fridge. :) Love it!


I ordered the free trial bags, nicolepa! Can't wait to try it. I love espresso with chocolate overtones, so reading that sealed the deal.


Our espresso machine is out for repair right now, and this conversation has made me doubly anxious to get it back!

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Are there any studies which say GO FOR THE COFFEE??? Just one....JUST ONE would make me feel better!!! I have dropped everything else from my diet...grains, beans, sugar, alcohol, nuts, seeds, dairy eggs....can't I just have my flipping coffee???? Seriously!!!



Okay, you kinda boggled my brain a bit as I sat here and tried to figure out if I had written this post and forgotten. I could have written it word.for.word. Can something I love PLEASE not only be guilt free but claimed as beneficial for me, please.....just ONE thing :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, you kinda boggled my brain a bit as I sat here and tried to figure out if I had written this post and forgotten.


That sounds like a classic symptom of caffeine deficiency. You should definitely increase your daily caffeine consumption so that you don't continue to experience this type of brain boggling confusion. :tongue_smilie:

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I have been using this coffee since January. http://www.camanoisl...coffee.com/��it is so good. They roast it the day they send it out and it is so much better than the junk we used to buy (Kirkland or Stabucks). You can get a bag for free (pay shipping) to try it out.



:drool5: So excited about ordering a sample :hurray: Now, which one to order.......decisions, decisions, decisions.

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That sounds like a classic symptom of caffeine deficiency. You should definitely increase your daily caffeine consumption so that you don't continue to experience this type of brain boggling confusion. :tongue_smilie:



Oh, Julie, you are brilliant and very observant. I have not had my "divinely good for me" coffee yet and it is 3:24 p.m. I think I had better go correct that before my entire sanity fails me. Thanks for the reminder :D

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You could try tea?


I had the opposite "sign" thing happen to me. After giving up coffee for a number of weeks, dh and I were capping off a date at a locally owned bakery. He ordered a large expresso drink. I decided to bow to temptation and split it with him. As I brought the bowl sized cup to my lips, my wrist slipped and I spilled my half of the drink on my white shirt. Just 20 minutes before I had to go pick up my kids from the church's "Kid's Night"! I took that as a sign that coffee is not for me.


Not sure how long that will last though...I was just contemplating getting a breve tomorrow. ;)

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You could try tea?




I could try tea :huh: but my prescription specifically said coffee so I am not sure I should so boldly defy the doctor's orders :lol:


Sorry about your spill.....maybe it was a sign for you or maybe it was just a coincidence. If you decide to try then you must update :)

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