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Babywearing questions


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So we are due this summer with our first daughter. So excited! But a little unsure about how the adjustments to the family will affect HSing since my boys are all still quite dependent academically, though at varying degrees. I am thinking I will really want to babywear just so I can keep up with the rest of the family. My thing is, I have never been able to do it before. I have mid and upper back issues (mild scoliosis) so that I simply can't handle the strain of the carriers I have tried in the past. I haven't been able to go for more than 30 min. to an hour a day without throwing my back out and dealing with pain for days on end. I have heard that the Moby wrap is a good option for women with back issues and also the Ergo carrier. But I haven't actually heard what kind of back issues it helps. Is it better for women with lower back issues? Upper back? Neck strain? Advice please!

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http://www.thebabywearer.com/ is a free forum for babywearers. You have to sign in to read or post. I would ask there about babywearing with your exact back issues to start to find the best option. I don't have back issues and loved my Moby wrap for the newborn period and the Ergo is okay for older babies, especially for back carries. Many of my friends have switched to Wrapsody Bali Baby Stretch wraps for their newborns. If I were to have another and could justify spending the money when I already have a Moby I would definitely get a Wrapsody. Also, it is really helpful to find local people who babywear so you can see and play with carriers in person with someone who is experienced with that carrier.

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Most of the most common carriers I've seen have baby's weight borne on the wearer's shoulders, which is going to hurt everything once baby is more than 10ish lbs. A wrap distributes the weight better and is more versatile, and can be used comfortably with a much heavier baby. A soft structured carrier like an Ergo places a lot of the weight on the hips/waist, like a good backpack would, so it's much more comfortable.


I have low back and SI joint problems, and I wear my 2 year old comfortably in a standard-sized Kinderpack, which is for slightly bigger babies and toddlers, not tiny babies. Until my boy-o got bigger, I was comfortable with him in a Beco Butterfly II. The right carrier used correctly makes a big difference in comfort.

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I love woven wraps and good SoftStructurec Carriers (Ergosare one kind but there are many and different kinds work better for different body types) for heavy bubsand delicate mamas. Please do ask on the babywearer linked above. There is a wealth of knowledge there & porting even someone in your area willing to let you try their carriers before buying your own.

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in my day - it was snugglie and baby bjorns. I hated them both. My young friend lived in korea for a number of years and uses a podaegi. I used it with her baby (her baby could nurse in it, and no one knew) - and I really liked it. It is very easy to adjust up or down, front or back, and any size child. there is a learning curve, but a number of different ways of wrapping the straps. she even made one for her daughter to carry around her doll. it was adorable.

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