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So... how did your college student change? New interests?

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I debated whether this belonged on the high school or college board... sorry if I chose incorrectly!


But anyway, middle son sent us this article he wrote (quickly, between classes two days ago) that ended up published in his college newspaper:




It's only one of his new interests (dance being another biggie, plus acting/Improv and some smaller things).


Oldest got into parcour (sp?) and medieval knight "fighting" when he went to school.


I wonder what youngest will find.


I suspect many students find new things that they never had any experience with when they go to college.


Care to share some others?


Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought any of the things my guys chose would be things they'd love (nor am I upset). It's just plain interesting to watch them develop into being who they are vs what we exposed them to.

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Mine didn't, very much. But he does SO enjoy sharing films with others. He deepened his love for cinema--knows a lot now about some foreign movies/directors (his favorite is Kielslowski--I feel so smart when I say that...lol!).


He offered a time and place for the freshman to come and watch the directors' commentaries of several movies--I don't think many took him up on it, but I will say I was happy he was trying to help them. He doesn't have a magnetic personality, but he does care, and that is neat to see.

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Dd20 has gained a tremendous amount of confidence in herself. She discovered that she excelled in the areas her mama told her she excelled in. She has a deep love of math...never thought I would hear that come from her mouth; and she most likely should have majored in something math related (from her lips)... The big surprise was that she loves teaching (also not her major). A friend talked her into working in the tutoring lab to earn a few extra $, and she not only is good at it, but she also loves doing it. This one is a real shocker for me. She has turned into an extremely dedicated student who has little time for interests outside of school. Total opposite from when she was home where she pursued her interests almost exclusively. I had doubted my hands off approach with her, but it turns out it worked well.

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(his favorite is Kielslowski--I feel so smart when I say that...lol!).


I'll admit to using google here... it sounds like a really nice interest to have developed!


Dd20 has gained a tremendous amount of confidence in herself. She discovered that she excelled in the areas her mama told her she excelled in. She has a deep love of math...never thought I would hear that come from her mouth; and she most likely should have majored in something math related (from her lips)... The big surprise was that she loves teaching (also not her major). A friend talked her into working in the tutoring lab to earn a few extra $, and she not only is good at it, but she also loves doing it. This one is a real shocker for me. She has turned into an extremely dedicated student who has little time for interests outside of school. Total opposite from when she was home where she pursued her interests almost exclusively. I had doubted my hands off approach with her, but it turns out it worked well.


The confidence they gain is really an asset. The "surprises" are fun IMO. I'm glad your approach worked... ;)


What a beautifully written article Creekland! Your son has obviously fully embraced the college experience.

Good for him!


I'll admit to being envious of him at times. He's doing very well.

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Nice article written by your son!


I don't think my children -- so far -- have discovered vastly different interests than the ones they had already. They've maybe refined them, and matured in their vision of how to use them, but no real surprises yet! :)

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... middle son sent us this article he wrote (quickly, between classes two days ago) that ended up published in his college newspaper:





What a great article. Thanks for sharing it, creekland!



I suspect many students find new things that they never had any experience with when they go to college.


Care to share some others?




When my daughter went to college, I assumed that she'd be likely to join a group for readers of fantasy as that was her favorite genre before leaving for college. She'd also been a rather sedentary person throughout high school. During her four years of college, she's joined groups in Scottish dance, juggling, Taiko, hip-hop, and Squash. (She never did join the group of fantasy readers as it always conflicted with something else, but it's still her favorite genre!)


On her hall freshman year, a large contingent of the students enjoyed K-Pop (Korean popular music). That catalyzed an interest in Korean culture and language. My daughter is currently taking Korean language classes and hopes next year to teach English in Korea. It's interesting how one thing leads to another.




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What a great article. Thanks for sharing it, creekland!






When my daughter went to college, I assumed that she'd be likely to join a group for readers of fantasy as that was her favorite genre before leaving for college. She'd also been a rather sedentary person throughout high school. During her four years of college, she's joined groups in Scottish dance, juggling, Taiko, hip-hop, and Squash. (She never did join the group of fantasy readers as it always conflicted with something else, but it's still her favorite genre!)


On her hall freshman year, a large contingent of the students enjoyed K-Pop (Korean popular music). That catalyzed an interest in Korean culture and language. My daughter is currently taking Korean language classes and hopes next year to teach English in Korea. It's interesting how one thing leads to another.






My two older boys were into chess before they left for college and had plans on continuing in college. Oldest gave it up altogether (though to be honest, his college doesn't have anything for it). Middle plays with the club at college when he can, but like your daughter, it just conflicts with many of his other activities (ASL, dance, improv, a Christian group, labs) so it's dropped a bit down. Considering he was our state champ his senior year, I kind of hate to see it slide, but I fully understand.


I do find the whole "evolution of their lives" quite interesting. I hope your daughter does get to teach English in Korea (and that NK doesn't hinder those plans)!

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My son got into Frisbee Golf, Foosball, and My Bloody Valentine (a music group.) Oh, and Eucher, because that is what you do in Michigan.


ETA: But, also, he has stepped outside his comfort zone and tried new things. He went to a concert on campus, tried out for the Pull, joined a group that had to do some acting to present some topics in a skit, but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts. I am so pleased to see him breaking out of his shell. He is still an introvert, but has created a life for himself. I expect his interests will continue to evolve, especially since he will have a new, unknown roommate for this summer for his on-campus research job.

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I do find the whole "evolution of their lives" quite interesting.


Me, too. It will be interesting to see what paths they take and what interests develop or are dropped over the next few years.


I hope your daughter does get to teach English in Korea (and that NK doesn't hinder those plans)!


Many thanks.




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Ah, I thought of one other new experience my daughter has had in college. She now wears jeans! Prior to college, she only owned soft pants, but her roommates freshman year wore her down. (If that was the worst of the peer pressure she experienced, I'm grateful! It certainly beats drugs and alcohol.)




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But anyway, middle son sent us this article he wrote (quickly, between classes two days ago) that ended up published in his college newspaper:




Wanted to chime in and say what a lovely article by your ds. That alone must make you proud!


Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought any of the things my guys chose would be things they'd love (nor am I upset). It's just plain interesting to watch them develop into being who they are vs what we exposed them to.


Never in my wildest dreams did I think my youngest would be eating all the different foods he eats. Pickiest eater on the face of the planet as a kid, now he eats curry and vegetarian foods, waxes rhapsodic about the joys of a good soup on a cold winter's night.


On her hall freshman year, a large contingent of the students enjoyed K-Pop (Korean popular music). That catalyzed an interest in Korean culture and language. My daughter is currently taking Korean language classes and hopes next year to teach English in Korea. It's interesting how one thing leads to another.


I had been wondering, Kareni, what had gotten your dd interested in Korea. That's a cool story. I hope the teaching gig works out for her next year -- what a terrific adventure and a nice transition from college into the working world.

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