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I am looking at leap frog DVDs on amazon UK. Most of them are region 1 and format. I am in region 4 PAL format. I have played region 1 DVDs on my DVD player but I know some are now made with an extra thing preventing their use on multi-region players.


Has anyone bought and used these on a non region 1 (outside Canada and US) player?

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Our region 1 Leapfrog DVDs work fine on our DVD player bought here in Thailand (region 3 I think?). My understanding is that it is the players that are region-locked, not the DVDs, and that most places besides the US have region-free players.

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Apparently it is possible to put some sort of image enhancement that prevents using multi region players but I doubt it applies to leap frog really - I imagine it is for blockbuster movies. I think I will risk it for ds3's birthday.

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Apparently it is possible to put some sort of image enhancement that prevents using multi region players but I doubt it applies to leap frog really - I imagine it is for blockbuster movies. I think I will risk it for ds3's birthday.


I think our Leapfrog dvds came from Amazon US and they were fine. I haven't had a problem with any dvds and haven't heard of this image enhancement issue, but then we don't buy many blockbuster-type movies.

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