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"Let Persephone out Hades! Demeter wants her daughter back!"

Renthead Mommy

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Exclaimed by my 10yo when he looked out the window this morning. Apparently he is over snow. Which is even funnier because after GA, TX and Okinawa, at 6 1/2 he burst into tears when he found out we weren't going to Germany but to NY. When I asked what was wrong he said he was so upset because he wanted to go where there was snow. I explained Long Island gets snow and was thrilled.


Four years later he seems to have lost that thrill.

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True. My mom needed an explanation. However my entire homeschool group certainly understood it.


A few weeks ago, just as we were starting Ancient Greeks in history (but he was already into it due to Percy Jackson) someone gave a presentation on a fold opera called "Hadestown" by Anais Mitchell it tells the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, but set in depression area times (when they are above ground that is). It is beautiful. But the most beautiful part of it was the presentation.


The mom running had no clue how this was going to work. She had 40 kids. 5/6yo up to 13/14. Mainly middle to younger ones. She explained the story. Then she'd explain the song. There were no moving visuals. She'd put up on the screen a neat piece of art that the song reminded her of and they listened. These kids just listened. They actually stared at this non moving picture for 3-4-5 minutes and just listened. The whole thing took two hours with two little breaks in it. Everyone was amazed how into it these kids got, and for the whole thing! They had info packs and could draw as they listened but that was it. There attention span for this was just incredible. They've been talking about it for weeks now.

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That's hilarious! He should be glad he's not in Germany. We've had the snowiest winter in years. We are over it.


Indy was listening to D'Aulairs this morning. I asked him what stories he'd hear and he had listened to the one about Persephone. He looked outside and said, "I think she ate more pomegranate seeds this year." Not exactly as passionate as your son, but funny that they both connect it to winter.

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