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Today is 57 days...


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Mine is like that, 23 days, 59, 45, 82, 21, 111, etc. I have PCOS. Makes ttc on our own impossible as I don't ovulate at all, I started metformin last fall and since then my periods have been fairly stable, but I still don't ovulate. (fwiw, I'm early 30s)




This is me. I will ovulate and cycle with Clomid, but not on my own. I have done glucophage in the past. Those are part of what we had to do to conceive dd. I have not cycled in about 4 months. I also have endometriosis though, so I don't necessarily mind skipping the grueling cramping that comes with my cycles.

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I am early 40s and last month my every 28 days turned into 29,30,31, 32 (starting to get worried here), 33, 34, and I finally started on 35. After 20 years of infertility, I wasn't really wanting a surprise. Thinking that pre menopause might be coming.

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I read that menopause is 45 - 55, but can have extremes from early 40s to age 60. I'm 45 and my cycles are changing, but still kind of regular. I'm up to 35 - 37 days between and my flows seem shorter and heavier. It's nothing that's worrying me yet. How about making a gyn appt. just to talk about it? They may not say anything new, but at least you might feel better. Also, there may be supplements such as vitamins and/or minerals that may help a little. Try a google search. I wonder if a gyn would have any recommendations for supplements?

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44 here (just about 45) and my perfectly timed 28 day cycles started to get weird last year. Had us wigged out when it started to happen because the only time I ever was late was being pregnant. Add to the worry was I was ovulating many times a month. Never know when one of those little things will be cruising down the tubes. I hate the irregularity of it. I feel like I am on constant watch for it starting.

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I don't want to do that because I'm 46. I know the increase in chances of blood clots is much more over 35. I wish there was something safer.


Check with your gyn. Mine is comfortable with women in their 40's taking it as long as they're non-smokers in good health.

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I haven't read the responses, so forgive me if this was mentioned before. I have irregular cycles, too, and it really helps me to take my BBT (basal body temperature) each morning. It goes up when I ovulate, and then I know it will be around 14 days until my period starts. It will take a few cycles to figure out your basic temperature pattern. You can also chart other signs to make it even more accurate. The book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler was really helpful to me. The website fertility friend has free software that I use to track it - they also have information that about it that at least used to be free.



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Well, now I am cramping in the very lowest part of my abdomen, groin area, and even lower. This peri-menopause thing is going to be grand! LOL!


I did have an ultrasound last spring because I had a couple of very heavy periods. They said my uterus was very pretty, no thick lining, no fibroids, and I was about to ovulate because I was mid-cycle. My mom was completely finished at age 48, so maybe I'm going to take after her.

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I'm on day 66 now. Dh had surgery when ds was 1, but I'm wondering if I should do a pregnancy test just in case. I did have a 55 day cycle time before last, though. I read that your estrogen levels are higher during the time before menopause. Should I be avoiding things with soy in them? Doesn't it have natural estrogen which would make the level even higher? I use soy creamer and sometimes soy milk.

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My cycles are going wonky--I think due to age. I'm thinking of doing a BBT and temperature chart again. Once you pinpoint ovulation, you'll know when you'll start. Your library probably has Taking Charge of Your Fertility if you've never done charting.


Beyond that I'm pretty sure I've been estrogen dominant in the last two months. I read about Diindolylmethane (DIM) supplements to help that. I bought a progesterone cream too. I think, though, I'm going to chart to see exactly what's going on before I start changing things.

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My cycles used to be crazy irregular (every 3-9 months without pregnancy or bfing) which I later learned was due to a severe vitamin D deficiency. If your vitamin D hasn't been tested, I would recommend it just to rule that out because there are so many other negative health repercussions from that. Despite my irregularity, I always knew with 100% certainty exactly what day my cycle would start (and usually even the time of day) because of reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility. If you are ovulating each cycle, you can easily pinpoint when your period will start if you just know what your body's signs of ovulation are. It's also possible that you are having anovulatory cycles if you are starting into hormonal changes, but I would recommend the book anyway. Most decent libraries have it.

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I'm on day 66 now. Dh had surgery when ds was 1, but I'm wondering if I should do a pregnancy test just in case. I did have a 55 day cycle time before last, though. I read that your estrogen levels are higher during the time before menopause. Should I be avoiding things with soy in them? Doesn't it have natural estrogen which would make the level even higher? I use soy creamer and sometimes soy milk.


*Unfermented* soy, such as you mentioned, will raise estrogen levels. Fermented soy (miso, etc) will not have the same hormonal effect. The key is keeping the ratio of progesterone and estrogen in balance. Both can be high, both can be low, but you don't want high estrogen without adequate progesterone (which is common in premenopause). It increases health risks and unpleasant symptoms. Unless your estrogen is very high, OTC bio-identical progesterone cream may help. The dosage is extremely low, so it may not be effective if you need more to balance your hormone ratio.

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