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Somebody tell me to take a few days off for Spring Break


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I am a bit OCD and the thought of getting out of routine and taking days off before I have my full # of days for the year has me anxious this time of year. A day without structure :svengo: it feels like this :willy_nilly: . I know we all need a break. So tomorrow we don't have co-op classes so I am planning to bring the kids to see Croods, and to the Space and Rocket Center for the Black Holes: space Warps and Time Twists exhibit. Right now I am planning tomorrow and a couple days off next week for play dates with our friends who are out of school . 3 days is enough of a break, no? For the record we did take 3 days off in fall for a Disney trip and 3 days for a Mtn/outdoor get away and 2 weeks Christmas. We are about a week behind due to the flu making it's rounds before Christmas break.

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We are taking the first week of April off and even though we won't be working on school, we will still stick to our daily routine. I would feel the exact same way as you if we didn't stick to our regular schedule and just have a structure-less day. You can stick to your general routine and just take out the bookwork. I still plan on doing plenty of read alouds and crafts, just not bookwork. Take a few days off, it will be nice!

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Could you make up some of the missed work here and there to stay with your schedule for end of year? I school year round so my first thought is to just push back summer break a few days to accommodate the time off. Even public school works in holidays, including a week long spring break. If you're following a similar schedule I mean. Our school district has an occasional teacher workday as well, and planned inclement weather days that the kids get off if they weren't used for inclement weather. They are all built-in breaks, so cut yourself some slack. :)

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We took last week off. It was actually nice weather for 5 days, and I saw in the 10 day forecast it was going to be cold again. So we took a week for spring break, had a great time outside, and actually looked forward to getting back into the structure of school. I read that someone on here does a regular six weeks on, one week off, so I adopted that plan. It is nice to do a week off every six weeks to play, visit grandparents deep clean, and plan. We are doing school year round.

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