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Seeing a chiropractor for an ear infection?


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My DD is dealing with a double ear infection and throat infection for the second time this year. Besides a minor illness within weeks of being born, this is the only sick time she has had. A friend of mine suggested that I take her to a chiropractor. Has anyone done this? What happens? Was it successful? Is my DD a candidate after only two ear infections? Does insurance typically cover it?


This is just completely out of left-field for me. My DS had chronic ear infections as a baby and had tubes put in his ears. He hasn't had an ear infection since. The doctor even gave DD a different medication in order to keep her system from being flooded with the same medication.


Any thoughts??

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Does your chiropractor "prescribe" natural remedies for ear infections? Does your friend think by getting an adjustment her ear infections will go away? Is this along with dr. medication?

I guess I have never heard of going to a chiropractor for a ear infection.

I am all for natural remedies. I even took a three year course on herbal medicine.

I just have never heard of a chiropractic adjustment for ear infections. Not saying it is not possible.

One thing that sometimes helps is taking the child off of dairy for a while.

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I've never done it myself, but a friend of mine took her son to one who did an adjustment from the inside of his mouth. Cleared him right up, took 3 minutes.

Personally, I had good success with the services of a homeopath who cleared my dds ear infections as toddlers, when my ped was saying tubes were our only recourse.

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Some people and some chiro recommend it for everything from colds to cancer. I think Chiro is great for back issues, but I would go to a pediatrician for an ear infection.


Thank you.


I trust my pediatrician and she hasn't even mentioned tubes or alternative solutions. This really just came out of the blue. I'm glad that I am not the only person confused.

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Does your chiropractor "prescribe" natural remedies for ear infections? Does your friend think by getting an adjustment her ear infections will go away? Is this along with dr. medication?

I guess I have never heard of going to a chiropractor for a ear infection.

I am all for natural remedies. I even took a three year course on herbal medicine.

I just have never heard of a chiropractic adjustment for ear infections. Not saying it is not possible.

One thing that sometimes helps is taking the child off of dairy for a while.


I think that I might try this. She has been drinking a lot of milk lately! I will cut it out and see what results we have.

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Some people recommend going to a chiro for a whole lot of things, with colds and cancer not on their list. :glare:


Yes, a chiropractor may clear up an ear infection and I would certainly try that before administering antibiotics or having tubes put in. My kids are not prone to them, but have been teetering on the edge a few times and the chiro cleared them up.

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sometimes there are physical things dealing with the spine that can have other impacts. It doesn't hurt to get an adjustment, and most insurance will cover it. It can be helpful along with standard treatment. the fact she's had a number of things in a short space of time would indicate something else is going on with her system.


My chiro helped me with sinusitus problems - but I will say it hurt like the dickens - but my sinuses did start doing a better job of draining afterwards.

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However, ear infections are incredibly painful .


My ped said only in the beginning stages, later on the swelling is apparently past the pain stage. I have learned if my son says "my ear hurts" (in a mild, btw voice) run, don't walk, to the dr for an infection. the one that hurt was the one with the infection only starting - the other had a raging infection. that's happened two or three times.

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We use garlic oil and/or an onion poultice for ear infections, get a good neck adjustment, drink lots fluids to keep secretions thin. I give Motrin if needed for pain.


The only thing an MD can do for an ear infection is give antibiotics. Since many ear infections are viral, and most baterial ones will clear up on their own, I don't see a need for a MD. Our oldest had constant ear infecions when he was young. When we stopped treating them with a/b he stopped having them. Our youngest has had 2-3 and all cleared quickly using the above treatment.

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My ds has had adjustments for sinus issues before they reached the point of an ear infection. such adjustments have been very helpful. My ds would normally go from cold, o sinus problem to ear infection without anything to stop the progression except antibiotics. so, we've avoided antibiotics a few times now by going to the chiropractor.

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My dh went to a chiro for an ear infection. I thought it was a little out there, but it worked and almost instantly. He went to his regular doc, who said it was quite bad, and they prescribed antibiotics. Dh was hesitant to take them because they always mess up his digestive system and we were going on vacation. So he went to the chiro, had an adjustment (in his mouth), and the relief was instant. We took the prescription with us in case it was not actually ok but never filled it. It had been his third infection that year. This was a few years ago and he has not had one since. He even had a regular check-up doc appointment about a month after the infection and there was no sign of it. He did not mention the chiro though....... Could have been coincidence, I am sure, but we would try it again if anyone gets another ear infection.

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