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Insomnia in 6 yo? Help-


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I'm exhausted!


DS 6, was the best sleeper as an infant, but around 2 that changed. He started sleeping less and less. The last year has been really bad.


He is in bed around 7:30, except Wednesday, they have AWANAs and is up till 9:30. He falls asleep quickly but wakes frequently throughout the night. And lately he is awake from 2am-4am ish, before he falls asleep for a couple more hours. On really bad nights he wakes up around 2am and never falls back asleep.


When he wakes up, he will come in our room, over and over to tell me he's awake and can't sleep. I don't think I can handle this sleeplessness much longer.


It also really affects his behavior. He has been highly emotional and cries over everything! He gets easily overwhelmed and is more anxious about little things.


We've tried increasing exercise during the day, and limiting sugars (not that he has much anyways). We did have a really big move recently, and we've talked about that, to see if he's upset, but he says nothing is bothering him.


Any tips, ideas. He NEEDS to sleep, DH and I NEED to sleep.

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The spray stuff from the Vitamin shoppe works great... under the tongue for 30 seconds, about 30 minutes before you want him to sleep.


My 8yo actually will get up and take one herself now if she feels like she is back in a no-sleep cycle. With her I need to only use it for a week or so to get her back in the habit, then she is fine.

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My 8 year old gets like this sometimes. We tried melatonin and the dosage needed to help her sleep caused nightmares (a fairly common side effect). Our ped recommended giving her benadryl or something similar every night for a week to "reset" her system. He said it was possible that her body wake/sleep cycles were out of whack and knocking her out every night for a week would be enough to get her back to normal. It worked fairly well. We know do a 5 day course of bendaryl every six months or so (as she starts to drift away from normal sleep cycles) and it keeps her sleeping more normally.

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I forgot to mention, we did try Melatonin a two years ago, but it didn't seem to do much. I am open to trying it again, but am a little worried about nightmares as he is already a fairly anxious child.


I will give the 5 day Benadryl a try.


Thanks to everyone!

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Noise machine? Music playing all night? My oldest DD went through a stage at 5.5. Then she grew several inches practically overnight!


I would put a sleeping bag on your floor and tell him that he may lie quietly on that but may not wake you up unless there's blood or vomit. ;) Brainstorm sleepy, soothing things before bed and keep them in a basket. Book, special stuffy, etc.


We have homeopathic Calms Forte. I've used it, but it's mainly for DH. Non-habit forming.

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I'd consider a sleep study. Kids can have apnea too.


Beyond that low dose (like .5 mg) melatonin when he wakes in the night would be my try. If you live in a bigger area you might be able to see a cognitive behavioral therapist who could help him learn to fall asleep. That would be ideal--a lifelong skill.

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Noise machine? Music playing all night? My oldest DD went through a stage at 5.5. Then she grew several inches practically overnight!


I would put a sleeping bag on your floor and tell him that he may lie quietly on that but may not wake you up unless there's blood or vomit. ;) Brainstorm sleepy, soothing things before bed and keep them in a basket. Book, special stuffy, etc.


We have homeopathic Calms Forte. I've used it, but it's mainly for DH. Non-habit forming.



We do keep the fan on at night, to provide some ambient noise. He shares a room with his two brothers, who are great sleepers, but they find music difficult to sleep to.


We've tried Calms Forte as well, didn't make a difference.


Thank you for all the ideas though. Maybe finding him something to keep by his bed, as a self-soother for when he wakes up would be a good idea.



That 2-4AM window is classic sleep apnea time, according to our sleep doctor. A lot of kids don't know why they wake up- they don't know they stopped breathing.


Might be something to look into!



I have never heard that before, thank you. You mentioned a sleep doctor, would I need a referral from our family dr first? Unfortunately, we just moved, and this dr knows nothing about the conversations I've had with previous ped about this. I get the impression, she is the just ride it out, sort of dr, which I usually agree with, but it's gone on long enough.


We also live 4 hours in any direction from great medical help. Any way to search for a reputable sleep doctor?

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If I went to sleep at 7:30, I might also wake up at 3 a.m. Can you bump up his bedtime so henhouse does wake its at least daytime?


Really, you find 7:30 early for a 6 year old?


My 8 and 4 year old go to bed then too, and sleep till 7 or 8. It seems a pretty standard bedtime for most of our friends' kids that age.

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We do keep the fan on at night, to provide some ambient noise. He shares a room with his two brothers, who are great sleepers, but they find music difficult to sleep to.


We've tried Calms Forte as well, didn't make a difference.


Thank you for all the ideas though. Maybe finding him something to keep by his bed, as a self-soother for when he wakes up would be a good idea.





I have never heard that before, thank you. You mentioned a sleep doctor, would I need a referral from our family dr first? Unfortunately, we just moved, and this dr knows nothing about the conversations I've had with previous ped about this. I get the impression, she is the just ride it out, sort of dr, which I usually agree with, but it's gone on long enough.


We also live 4 hours in any direction from great medical help. Any way to search for a reputable sleep doctor?


Our pediatrician referred us to someone. It's just one night, so you could drive for the appointment. It will tell you a lot.

Call your insurance company and ask if you need a referral. Sometimes you don't. If you do, just insist on it! Be very firm. It really isn't a huge deal. I think it would have been $1,500 put of pocket but our insurance paid for it.


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Really, you find 7:30 early for a 6 year old?


My 8 and 4 year old go to bed then too, and sleep till 7 or 8. It seems a pretty standard bedtime for most of our friends' kids that age.


I think it depends on the kid. My 5.5 yo is in bed at 8:30, asleep by 9:30, and up around 7:30.


My 4 yo has significant sleep issues. Or had. He sleeps through the night now with a bedtime regimen of Zyrtec, GABA, magnesium, and clonidine.

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My son has sleep issues when his seizures aren't well controlled. I would want a sleep study to figure out what is going on. Our neurologist believes that sleep is a lot more important than many people realize. Your child's sleep issues sound pretty extreme to me. At 6 years old I would expect him to sleep for 10-12 hours a night.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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My son has sleep issues when his seizures aren't well controlled. I would want a sleep study to figure out what is going on. Our neurologist believes that sleep is a lot more important than many people realize. Your child's sleep issues sound pretty extreme to me. At 6 years old I would expect him to sleep for 10-12 hours a night.


Good luck!


Elise in NC



Yep. I agree. We thought dd (adopted at 4) was just having nightmares. During the sleep study she stopped breathing every few minutes. The dr said she was surprised she ever learned to walk (she was severely delayed).

She got her tonsils and adenoids out and sleeps much better. She sleeps 11 hours a night and she is 10.

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My dd doesn't sleep well. For years she went to sleep listening to an audio book. Well in her day it was a story tape. lol It had to be a story she knew well or she would stay up to listen to the end and music never worked. Wizard of Oz and Narnia series were her go to stories. If she woke up during the night she would turn her story on and drift off.

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The Drama does the same, but I know she does have her daddy's awful nightmares and might have his sleep apnea as well. She does much better listening to something, like an audiobook, and when she wakes up at night she will either turn the audiobook back on (or listen more if it's still going), or come sleep on the recliner in the living room. Our room is Not An Option (already have one kid in there, lol--no room!!).

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