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Who else is getting snow tonight??

Guest inoubliable

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Surprise this morning--a light scattering of snow on the ground! We weren't expecting anything, just the rain from earlier. Schools in the mountains (north GA) are closed. My boys were hoping they'd have a snow day too. :rolleyes: (They go to b&m school.) Still windy like crazy.

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No power. :( it went out at 3Am. We have a small generator, so the important things are plugged in- fridge, Internet, coffee maker.


We don't have water though because we are on a well. We are using snow to flush toilets.


It's supposed to warm up tomorrow though, so I'm hoping we can drive in town for showers.

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Guest inoubliable

NotSo - stay safe and warm! We've got a ton of snow already and it's coming down HARD. DH just got sent home from work.


Oh - my sister just called. (Weird to type out...) Today Show has a camera crew in Warrenton, and Al Roker is down in Front Royal. Oooh. Big news! LOL.

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Guest inoubliable

Nine inches here so far. If it stays as heavily as it has been for the past several hours, I don't doubt the "up to 20 inches" will be my reality by tonight.

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Wow, KK, that's a lot of snow!


Ours just turned over to snow--it was, earlier, then rain, then slushy stuff, but now snow. We are in the 6-9 band now.

Fed Gov't is closed, so I don't have to dog walk! Schools are closed, too.


I'm making bean soup--still soaking the beans (til 2pm!) so I'm hoping we don't lose power before it's done at 5pm!!

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Still raining here. Schools are in session. Apparently, we're in the 5-10" range for tonight. We'll see. Meanwhile, I have to call in this afternoon to see if I have to report for jury duty tomorrow... Wanna place bets that court will be canceled?

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