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How important is Edgar Allen Poe?

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I am putting together our American Literature study for this year, and am wondering about the importance of Poe. How many (and which) works would you say are essential to a thorough American Lit. course?


I ask because I have independent copies of both "The Raven" and "Fall of the House of Usher", as well as a copy of The Portable Edgar Allen Poe. If the former are sufficient, I will just happily set aside the latter. Would I be short-changing my dc by doing that?


I would really appreciate any advice or opinions on this.



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I find Poe absolutely fascinating - I've always loved his writing, but even more so when I learned the story of his life. It is very moving, particularly learning of the tragedy and heartbreak of his early life and then how he became a Christian in his last years. It's an incredible story of how God's grace can touch even the most despairing heart. It might be interesting to study his more well-known works, and then some of his latest poetry.

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We breeze through famous poets every few years. I love contrasting the dark images used by Poe with the fun/light poetry of Lewis Carroll.


Isn't it funny how we all look at poetry different. I always feel like Carroll is twisted in a different way. Like a sick, weird humor.


...and with his head I came galumphing back



I can just see the the jabberwocky's bodiless head trailing oozy drops of jabberwocky blood after being snip snapped off.


I find Carroll and Poe to be more alike in a weird way.



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Isn't it funny how we all look at poetry different. I always feel like Carroll is twisted in a different way. Like a sick, weird humor.


...and with his head I came galumphing back



I can just see the the jabberwocky's bodiless head trailing oozy drops of jabberwocky blood after being snip snapped off.


I find Carroll and Poe to be more alike in a weird way.





LOL! i was kinda thinking the same thing ;)


for OP--

how about just spending a few days or a week on him and see how far you get? Most high schoolers should be able to cover quite a bit of material in that timeframe. Maybe two weeks tops.


I absolutely LOVE reading The Raven aloud. I memorized Annabel Lee yeeears ago, and I'm working on perfecting The Bells aloud.....mostly cuz my oldest has double dog dared me to use "paean" so many times aloud, hee hee...... i'm gonna hafta figure out how to adjust the twang of that word ;)

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Yes. Telltale Heart is probably my fave from Poe as well, and it is included in the Portable Poe. Hmmmm. I can't decide.


I am just trying to streamline, and having a very hard doing so. So many great reads...so little time!


Nobody graduates around here without doing Teaching the Essay by Robin Finley (http://www.analyticalgrammar.com). She teaches the responsive essay using the Telltale Heart. It's just so FUN...the way she reads the story on the CD and then using it to teach the essay. Love it.

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When dh and I were choosing B&Bs for our honeymoon, we read about one whose claim to fame was "Edgar Allan Poe slept here." He had actually lived there at one point. I told dh, "I don't want to sleep anywhere he slept!!!" LOL!


I wouldn't dwell on Poe.

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Poe is well known and high school students usually like him, but I personally wouldn't call him a major influence on American literature. What you've chosen is fine if what you're looking for is a survey of American lit. If you're looking to engage your children in American lit, you could do with a little more Poe.

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