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Baby care question (yuck)


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I have a happy, healthy 8 week old born full term. She is gaining well and sleeping well. She is exclusively breastfed and spits up a lot! This my fourth baby and the amount of spit up is not worse than the others. She seldom seems bothered by it.


Three days ago she spit up and there was green mucus in it. It has continued through this morning. It doesn't happen every time she spits up but maybe four or five times a day. Baby does not have any nasal congestion and it is definitely coming up with her spit up. The quantity and appearance is about what you would expect if an adult with a sinus infection blew his nose.


I'm trying to decide if I should call the pediatrician, but just trying to think it through first. Has anyone had this happen? Can I take a wait and see approach?


I respect our pediatrician but prefer natural approaches and usually avoid the doctors office with newborns as much as possible. I know the office will want me to come in instead of advising over the phone. So I don't want to call unless I have to.


What do you ladies think?

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I would be concerned about reflux. Does holding her upright after feedings help her hold it in better? You could try tilting the head of her crib up a little.



I have tried a few different things with positioning but it doesn't seem to make it better or worse. Up until the green stuff I was not concerned about the spit up because she seems completely unbothered. My others were fussier when they were spitty. Maybe she just tolerates it better.

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Could it be bile? I'd take her in, just to be sure. Things can turn quickly with such a new little one.

It does sound like reflux to me, but I'm not a Dr, nor do I play one on TV.



I'm not sure about bile. I saved some for he doc to look at! I wonder if any mom has brought her a vile of mucus before. Lol.

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My babies had very bad reflux- so bad they are still medicated at almost 9yrs old, and green spit up is not normal with reflux. The only time I had green spit up was when my DS (not reflux baby) was very sick and very dehydrated. My guess is it's the beginning of a cold or sinus infection which you'd want to treat right away with an 8wk old.

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I know you're used to the spit-up, bless your heart, but it could be indicative of lactose intolerance, a reaction to milk that *you* are drinking/otherwise consuming.


I'd call La Leche League first, if there's one in your area. I'd also seriously consider eliminating dairy from your diet to see if it helps your baby with the spitting up. It could take up to a month to see any change, BTW.

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I have an appointment for next week. I asked some IRL friends today. The recommendations were split pretty evenly. Thank you all so much for your responses!


Hoping to try some other things for the next few days to see if we can get some improvement.

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