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Help! Palate expander...


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If you can see the hole at ALL, then you can stick the key partially in and give it a push --just be sure to not apply so much pressure your hand slips and you stab the kid in the mouth.


Otherwise, head back to the ortho--they've had it happen tons of times. :D



Hang in there, it's medieval, but it works!! And you WILL get better at it (of course at the time you need to stop cranking it).

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Not to high jack but at what age do they start palate expanders??? Dd has a narrow palate like dh and I both do. We know we have to save for some orthodontic expenses (ok maybe alot) and would like to know when the expenses might start.


My kid got hers at 7 1/2.


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Guest jacreekmore

I was just told my dd age 6 needed an ortho consult for this. We went to the consult and he agreed she will need a palate expander...he is going to wait another 6 months though to give her palate a little more time. My husband had one of these when he was young and my niece. :(

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My dd had her first ortho consult right before she turned 7. She was just losing her first tooth. He wanted to see her back in a year when she had more permanent teeth. I didn't take her back until she was about 8.75 because she was really slow to lose her teeth. She got her expander then.


Our dentist mentioned her crossbite whe she was 6.5. I was already aware of it and had planned to make an appointment.


Our cost was about $3,000 (no ortho coverage on our dental insurance). That included a top expander, bottom expander, and braces on her 6 front teeth, top and bottom. Our ortho offered a very small discount (I think 3%) for paying it all at once. I opted to make payments, $200 a month. I think that's a pretty common arrangement for most orthodontists.



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Just as a funny palate expander story....

You know when you buy a button that has a shank on it it has the little plastic fastener through the shank that looks like a tiny bobby pin to hold it on the display card? Well, I have purchased one such a botton & it had come off the card with the plastic bobby pin thing still through the shank. My dd picked it up and popped it in her mouth. I have no idea why. Somehow she managed to get part of the fastener looped over the wheel of her expander & the other part of the fastener stuck through the hole you put the key in . The button was dangling from the roof of her mouth swinging freely! It was 9pm and Dh was on a business trip in China. It took a ridiculous amount of contortion and tools to deal with that one.


Amber in SJ

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Our 14yo ds had a palate expander before his braces were put on 6 months ago.

We did have an ortho assessment 3 years earlier, and just decided to wait until he went through much of his growth spurt.

Everyone's situation is different. :) But it never hurts to start saving now, and most orthos give free assessments.

(Ours does it annually.)

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