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would you report an employee to management who . . .


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proceeded to grill you for why you were in "her" store's will-call parking spot?


um - I'm waiting for someone to bring down my order.


(gasp) from (my) store? (she was very disbelieving and actually went bug-eyed.)


YES. Yes I called the yellow phone, Yes they are bringing it down. Yes, I know what I'm doing here (and obviously you don't.)


No, I'm not with the woman you are reaming out for parking next to it (the 2 will-call spots are shared by two stores) while bringing down a cart filled with boxes. (I was there when she went up the elevator, and when she came down with the flat bed of boxes).


she went back upstairs just before my order was arriving by someone who was MUCH MORE POLITE. I know what she looks like, but don't know her name.


I can blow off this behavior (even tried to get a nice word into the woman she was reaming out), but my concern is her doing this to someone else. thoughts?

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Eh, she had a bad day. Or she's always like that. Perhaps she has some life issues she's dealing with....being fired on top of those issues isn't helpful. Do you have time in your day to call? Does it bother you that much that you feel compelled to call? Has it happened more than once?

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I'd let it go.


I'd be annoyed, but for all we know, the woman has to deal with the stupid parking issue 10 times a day and she's down to her last nerve.


I'm not excusing her behavior, but I wouldn't bother going to the trouble of reporting her unless she'd cursed or screamed at me, or really acted like a complete loon.


Maybe it's part of her job to be the parking police, and she hates it.


Again, I'm not excusing her behavior and I would have been really annoyed, too, but I probably would have just told her what I thought of her attitude at the time it happened, and not done anything beyond that.

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It's not bothering me, but something I read in another thread made me wonder if I should have said something to someone in charge lest she do it to someone else. I've used that will-call spot (in a large parking garage loading dock area) *many* times and have never had anything remotely like that happen before. they don't monitor the spot. (so no, that wasn't in her job description) they're up and down doing deliveries enough during the day.


eta: when I do use the spot, employees in the store comments are always along the lines of "when you use the yellow phone, let them know what you ordered (or web order/store order, big item, small) so they'll get it down to you faster and you won't have to wait as long."


eata: I guess that's what struck me the most - it is SO unlike every other employee I've ever encountered at this store. Almost universally they've been friendly, and not "just polite".

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OK, based on what you just posted, I'm changing my opinion. If you think you should call, then I think you should call, too. :)


If I owned or managed the store, I would want to know if an employee was stepping way out of line. I was thinking that maybe it was a normal thing for them to monitor the parking spaces.

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It's not bothering me, but something I read in another thread made me wonder if I should have said something to someone in charge lest she do it to someone else. I've used that will-call spot (in a large parking garage loading dock area) *many* times and have never had anything remotely like that happen before. they don't monitor the spot. (so no, that wasn't in her job description) they're up and down doing deliveries enough during the day.


eta: when I do use the spot, employees in the store comments are always along the lines of "when you use the yellow phone, let them know what you ordered (or web order/store order, big item, small) so they'll get it down to you faster and you won't have to wait as long."


eata: I guess that's what struck me the most - it is SO unlike every other employee I've ever encountered at this store. Almost universally they've been friendly, and not "just polite".



I'm almost positive I know the store you're talking of. Most of the time they are very friendly, but I've had a few less than helpful people. I would call and tell someone, it's not acceptable to be rude to customers. Maybe she was having a bad day, but she should have left it at the door when she walked into work.

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That's crazy behavior, I would have schooled her on the spot with no need to call management later...lol.


It's probably not the greatest job in the world she has, but it's a job, and jobs are tough to come by these days. For that reason only, I'd not call. Jobs are precious things, and she might be a little off is all.

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Guest inoubliable

No. I would have told her in the moment that I thought she was rude. And then gone about my business. Striking preemptively under the assumption that she'll be rude to someone else could result in her being fired for what could be just a bad day. If she ticks off someone else, let *that* person call and turn her in for it.

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