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Well, let's just pile more carp on me while we are at it.


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Re...revenge poops? (Said in my best Jeff Goldblum style.)


Cats do this?? I am suddenly very happy that the guinea pig has a cage to go in every night...



I've had cats my entire life, and never seen it before this cat. The first time it happened we'd been out of town for a few days. We arrived home fairly late, and went to bed pretty soon after we got home, apparently failing to offer proper attention/obeisance to Darth Kitty to make up for our absence. During the night she got up on my nightstand as near to my face as possible without awakening me, and dumped a load.


Other than an occasional tantrum along those lines, she's a little cuddle-boo, and totally affectionate and adorable. Well, except for the part where she sometimes tries to kill our other cat.

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Wow. I thought the Cat from Hell lived at my house. At least she's never pooped on my furniture.


Do not talk to me about drinking. Doc banned me. Says it's bad for my blood sugar. He said I could have an ounce of rum. Really, what's the point of that?

I ought to fall off the wagon for Valentine's day, don't you think?

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I've had cats my entire life, and never seen it before this cat. The first time it happened we'd been out of town for a few days. We arrived home fairly late, and went to bed pretty soon after we got home, apparently failing to offer proper attention/obeisance to Darth Kitty to make up for our absence. During the night she got up on my nightstand as near to my face as possible without awakening me, and dumped a load.




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It must be dog pee day. My oldest dog peed on our living room carpet today about 1/2 hour after I used my mom's steam cleaner to clean the stain left from where he peed earlier in the week. Guess what I got to do for the 2nd time? :glare: The first time was my fault for not letting him out and trying to squeeze in more schoolwork. Today I think he was jealous that the Dc were doing agility with the other dogs. Either that or he's getting senile.


He chose when I was finally sitting down to go over Dd's writing. She was kinda glad b/c there was no time left for writing. I thought I was having a bad day,; yours is worse. Glad your headache is getting better.



We need new flooring in the living room. I doesn't look bad, but I know what's lurking in that pad underneath. :scared:


ETA: I hear-by declare tomorrow dog pee free day. Listen up dogs!

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