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College of the Redwoods Pre Algebra, what can you tell me about it?

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Memoria Press's new 7th grade curric pack has this for the preAlgebra. The textbook is free online here:



I am not a math knowledgeable person, having not taught beyond R&S 6th grade math :) Can anyone shed some light on what they think of this. I can look it, but still not know how it compares to other books.


Anyone know anything about this one or have any thoughts after glancing at it?


They have an algebra text as well:



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I've been working through it off and on, while I'm looking for Pre-Algebra for DS. I go back and forth on whether to use it or not. I like the explanations and the clean layout - DS gets distracted by lots of color and sidebars and extraneous information. After their explanations for each type of problem, they have a try this problem with the answer and a couple of times, the answer has been wrong (I'm only in the decimal section). I've had to work, re-work, have DH work the problems to see it they are correct or I am. That's a little frustrating and concerns me about using the materials. Will the answers to the problem sets also have problems?


The other that I've looked at is Lial's Pre-Algebra. The layout looks similar in terms of the explanation/try this/problem set but Lial's seems more in depth. I can't decide if this would be a good thing or not for DS who is not a confident math student. I've only looked at samples on-line.



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I don't know if you are still interested in this. However, just today I went to the site to print individual pages because I wanted to work outside in the sun and I hate working off the iPad in the sun - anyway - they have errata for each chapter on the site. Duh! So I bet Memoria Press does have a corrected copy. And now I can as well :-).

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Oh, some of the word problems are decidedly of a college theme. I haven't found anything that bothers me, but buyer beware. Most have to do with the cost of college, one I remember had to do with how fast a gun could shoot (which DS would love), there are many real world examples with the information cited from newspapers. Personally, I find it more interesting than two trains coming at you, but it's another bit of info to throw in the pot.

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We're using SYRWL Maths 2 by Galore Park for math and you might really like it. It's got a very clean layout, an answer key *and* as a bonus, every once and a while, will have word problems with a more interesting twist to them. Last week my daughter solved a ratio problem that involved finding how much gin was in Colonel Mustard's gin and tonic.

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I'm interested in knowing how this stacks up against other curricula. I'm thinking of going the Dolciani route, which is an inexpensive textbook but an expensive solutions manual. Free would be better as long as it is challenging enough.



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I'm thinking of going the Dolciani route, which is an inexpensive textbook but an expensive solutions manual. Free would be better as long as it is challenging enough.



Dolciani includes the answers to the odds in the back and contains so many problems that it's unlikely that you'd need the evens. I have the TM, though I'm pretty sure the solutions there are not more than answers (I can't quite remember and I can't find my copy to check :o). I don't think the TM is necessary or particularly useful. The answers to the chapter tests are the only thing I can think of that wouldn't be in the back of the student text.

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I don't really know how it stacks up compared to others. It covers the topics I consider necessary for a Pre-Algebra. DS is not a math lover, so a format I can work with to teach him and isn't discovery method, because that would flip him out. Sorry I can't be more help.

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The redwood text was too dry for me but I am the kind that needs some color in the math textbooks.


Glencoe Pre-algebra school textbook in PDF format. https://sites.google...reAlgebraBookWS

The algebra 1 textbook here https://sites.google...a/AlgebraBookWS



Thanks to everyone who replied to me! My dd actually wants to use the Holt Pre-Algebra text simply because she likes the Holt Science and Technology so much. I'm still pondering. Thanks for the comments and suggestions!



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Thanks to everyone who replied to me! My dd actually wants to use the Holt Pre-Algebra text simply because she likes the Holt Science and Technology so much. I'm still pondering. Thanks for the comments and suggestions!


If you go with Holt, make sure to check out the video links online under Homework Help (click on tv icons for ex. here). They are free and are for the most part the same as the Thinkwell Algebra videos. The Parent Resources section also has nice concise summaries of the key concepts in each chapter.

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Thanks for keeping this going. I will be saving this link. Good to know on the corrections for the Redwood book. If you learn anything else about it, let me know, I will be trying to decide for a while. I still have 1 more year before I have to decide about preAlg. DD10 will use R&S 7 next year for 6th grade. Then I am debating for her 7th grade year whether to have her finish the series w/R&S 8, or to switch to preAlg. I was intrigued because MP uses R&S for grammar stage, but switches to this Redwood in 7th after going through R&S6. So I will use this coming school year to decide which route I think will be best for mine.


Oh and dry/ no color works for us. We have used SOTW texts and lots of R&S and MP here over the years. My kids don't know that school books have color images LOL.

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Well, since my dd does R&S a year ahead, she is on track for Alg. in 8th no matter what. So for her, I could do either way. R&S was my original plan, then I saw the new MP 7th grade packet, and had never heard of this Redwood before....


With my upcoming dd, that uses R&S on grade level, this will be more of an issue then.

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