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Dr vs others advice?


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Would you have a procedure that has a massive amount of horror stories attached to it on the internet? My Dr swears it's a"cure all". I know two people who've had it that had good results and know of a few others that have had good results. But I can't get past the horror stories on the internet. I know many people don't post their good results-just the bad. But It's pretty off-putting to say least. This is a new Dr and while I've heard he's a great surgeon I've only seen him twice. I hate making these kinds decisions.

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It's an endometrial ablation. This is already second opinion. The first dr said ibuprofen and bc pills. I didn't feel like that was the right answer. I asked him to do just a laparoscopic procedure to check for endo, scar tissue, etc. He said he would do that but he wanted to do an ablation too the same time. Right now I have just the lap scheduled. I'm really tempted by the ablation but there are an insane amount of horror stories on the internet.

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Do you have endo? Or suspect you do?


There is not a cure all for it. I think I tried everything. Really.


Any doc that says that there is a cure all makes me scratch my head.


That said, I'd probably opt for the lap with preferably excision over ablation. But if excision was impossible due to finances (usually have to fly to a properly trained surgeon for that one) ... I'd go for ablation. Actually, I did. Several times. :)


Hoping you feel better quickly. I have a long endo story, if you want details, just pm. If it might help.



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Do you have endo? Or suspect you do?


There is not a cure all for it. I think I tried everything. Really.


Any doc that says that there is a cure all makes me scratch my head.


That said, I'd probably opt for the lap with preferably excision over ablation. But if excision was impossible due to finances (usually have to fly to a properly trained surgeon for that one) ... I'd go for ablation. Actually, I did. Several times. :)


Hoping you feel better quickly. I have a long endo story, if you want details, just pm. If it might help.


I have been told by two different drs that I probably have endo. This Dr doesn't think that's the problem since I don't have one of the symptoms the time. But he's agreed to do the lap which I'm thankful for. He does want check for scar tissue, issues with my ovaries etc too.

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On the old board format many of us have talked about /answered questions about ablation specifically in several posts. I don't know if that information is still available in search format or not.


If not you may want to start a new post specifically about it, to see if you can get more btdt advice.



I had ablation around 10 years ago. It was an different procedure than they use now. It was back when they put a balloon in the uterus, filled it with water, heated the water, allowed it to cool and then removed the water/balloon. It was the best thing I ever did. I had very irregular bleeding and it made me stop all together. whoooo hoooo!!! I did not have endo.


I have other friends with mixed results. Some love it like me and others had no change in symptoms. I don't really know anyone who regrets it, aside from the waste of time/money on a procedure that didn't work for them. Those of us who had success, were very happy to have avoid a full hysterectomy with it.


One thing about internet reviews of a procedure is that you can't always ask the patient if something was going on that contributed to the procedure not working for them. Maybe thier doctor was sceptical that it would work for them, maybe it was along shot in the first place. Here you can get more feed back, so I would try asking or searching for info here before just reading anyonomous posts online. .

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I will do a search and see if i can pull something up. I think a lot people with the issues probably had more than one thing done. Like ablation and a tubal, etc. Or they had something like cysts, fibroids etc. I had an us some a month ago that ruled out cysts and fibroids so I'm clear there. I'm just tired the pain and still being Day 11 of my cycle. Yeesh. But I see many of the same complications crop up on searches. Things like pain increasing, bleeding increasing and weight gain around the middle. Yikes...

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