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Rebounders - pros and cons?

Susan in TN

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I purchased a basic mini-trampoline at Dick's for about $35. I love to use it while watching tv, and I periodically hop on it throughout the day. My nephew loves it too, my son not so much. The only problem is where to put it when not in use. My mil has tripped over it twice now, and she's convinced that she can use it without killing herself, lol. Like the previous poster, I just use it for jogging. My nephew loves to bounce on it.

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We used to keep it in the family room, and the kids would take turns bouncing on it while watching television. It was particularly handy during exciting shows since it was a way to work off the energy.


Now it's in the basement. I use it a couple of times a week to jog on. I am somewhat obsessed with the idea of making sure lymph moves -- which I realize is a weird thing to spend much time thinking about -- but, anyway, a rebounder is good for pumping the lymphatic system.


I seem to recall that younger dd learned to stand by pulling herself up on the rebounder. She would also climb onto it and then sit on it while bouncing. So there are some bonus uses if you have a baby in the house.


We have the lower cost ones, and they've lasted for years and years. One of them belonged to my parents, but they gave it to us when they downsized.

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I really like our jumpsport the fitness trampoline, it has bungees. It's like the expensive bellicon but a lot less money!


This is what I have. I had gotten one of the cheaper ones first, to see if I was going to like it. It seemed fine - until I tried my friend's jumpsport! I know this sounds like a commercial, but I could not believe the difference! It made my cheaper one feel like jumping on concrete by comparison! I have had this one for over a year now. A couple months ago, the bungees had become really stretched out ( my two daughters and I use it ever day), so I called the company, and since it was still under 2 year warranty, they sent me brand new bungees for free. Now it is just like new again.

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I LOOOOOOOOOVE my rebounder. I have a Needak and it is very comfortable. Several years ago my husband bought me a cheap replacement rebounder at Wal-Mart when my first one died; it was horrible. That Wal-Mart piece of junk was used for less than 3 min. and I was in severe pain for a WEEK. At the time I was doing more than an hour on the rebounder so being in such pain after such a short amount of time was completely atypical. I'll never own another cheapie again. Ever.

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