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What comes after Zaccaro Primary Grade Challenge Math


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This is for a 2nd grader working around a 3rd grade-4th grade level. Amazon doesn't show the inside of Challenge Math for Elementary and Middle Schoolers so I can't tell how hard the problems are. I want challenge but not impossible.


Is this the next book in the series, or is there another book that is like Zaccaro but not as hard (if Challenge Math is too hard for his level?)_

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i leafed through them at a conference and felt that the next challenge math was a BIG step up, and the real world algebra book actually looked lower level than challenge mat to me.


we took a break from Zaccaro and did some LOF fractions, LOF decimals (not finished yet), Murderous Maths measurement (tried shapes but he HATED the hands-on stuff lol) and some basic practice a la thisand this. (i got both through scholastic during dollar days, but the second one the link on scholastic is broken).


Now he's struggling through Elements of Mathematics, and i'm not entirely sure what we'll do next.

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Thanks. That's what I was afraid of (that it would be a big step up). I will take a look at Real World Algebra. He loves algebra and geometry; thinking of getting Patty Paper Geo for both him and his brother.


ETA: You're right, real world algebra looks easier! what a surprise. thank you!

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My 5th grader is working on Challenge Math now. The level 1 problems are all manageable, the level 2 are a stretch, and the Einstein are out of reach. I'm having her do some this year, and will revisit the harder levels next year. I think it would be hard to do before you were at a pretty solid 5th grade math level.

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Not yet! I think Rainbow Resource has a pack for $9.95. That's the cheapest I saw it. It's 1000 sheets.


Hmmm I wonder how much shipping would be. Amazon has a prime shipping on Patty Paper (not the "real" patty paper, but surely the same thing) for 15 all in.

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After Primary Grade Challenge, ds did Real World Algebra. The earlier chapters are easily accessible, but it does get harder, so be prepared to stop and reinforce the ideas with other curriculum. With did this with the Aims books. Ds completed Challenge Math interchangeably with the last half of RWA last year, before we started on AoPS.


If I knew about Patty Paper Geometry existed back then, I would have tried it on ds. It's perfect - the thinking is rigorous, but the need for previous concepts isn't high - perfect for a forgetful fella who loves thinking. Ds just started doing Patty Paper Geometry, and it's a complete delight. It does require the child to think carefully about what the various lines mean, which means development of verbal/written expression skills (completely scribe-able). The toughest part of PPG, I think, is the verbalization of ideas. But it's invaluable for geometry and AoPS going forward because this is the basis for proofs.


Another very enjoyable add-on in the interim is The Amazing Circle by Aims. This one requires a solid understanding of fractions and proportions though. It works off this understanding to show that just by folding lines, various proportions can be expressed within a circle. I would line this up after Patty Paper Geometry.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking at Patty Paper Geometry. What level of math is necessary to make this useful? I would want to use it this summer for "fun" with both my boys. One will have finished honors algebra, but the 10 year old will be half way through pre-algebra. Could that work? It's in my cart awaiting a decision :) And what is the patty paper...isn't it just squares of paper? Brownie

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http://www.enasco.com/product/TB16988T Well at least here are some samples and TOC's. I just realized, it is possible my kids would get frustrated with the folding! They don't like origami. I'm sure this is simpler. Also, it mentions grades 6-10. I would assume this means algebra is not a pre-requisite. Can anyone share their experience with ability level required?
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No algebra required. Just the basic operations. It cultivates the ability to think spatially and verbalize these thoughts. I got the pack of 1000 sheets here:


http://www.amazon.co...rds=patty paper


There's been quite a lot of wrong folds and tossing into the basket, but heck, we have 1000 sheets :closedeyes:. Ds finds it relaxing - he likes this sort of thing.



Yes, the folding is a lot easier than origami. The reason for using patty paper is because there is some tracing and looking through to the other side that needs to be done. The book must include some self checking device for ds to know he folded wrongly, and its definitely working. Terms like Orthocenter and Circumcenter are bandied around - these are exactly what ds will forget in a wink of an eye. I havent tested him yet, but I'm guessing the hands-on folding is helping with retention (ds' brain works this way). Towards the end of the book are ways to derive formulae for shapes like trapezoids and parallelograms, and a breakdown of the pythagorean theorem. Ds actually knows these well, but I'm sure he doesn't mind going in for another spin through a different medium :001_smile:. There is also a chapter on tessellations which look like a lot of fun.


There are quite a lot of instructions, so be prepared to read to your child if he's on the younger side. Otherwise, it can be done independently. Enjoy!

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