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Please share your safety tips when traveling with big kids in a big city


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We travel to big cities frequently, particularly in Europe. Well, we live in the 5th largest city in the country, so I guess we are always in a big city, but it's sprawly so it doesn't feel like NYC, Paris, etc.


Since you have boys, I'd send them into the bathroom together. When we lived in Hong Kong or if we're in the U.K. I like to have a grip on them because traffic flows the opposite direction and I don't want them stepping off a curb and looking the wrong way. If they won't hold my hand now (they're 15, and sometimes they do, sometimes not), I just walk close to them if we were crossing a major street until I feel confident they understood the traffic patterns.


Otherwise, we just keep together while we're walking, but we've never had any problems. Because Hong Kong was so crowded, we did have a plan if one kid got stranded either on the subway or on the platform, which was the kid was to STAY PUT and we'd come back and get him/her. It never happened, but it's good to have a plan.

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Agreeing w/ Elinor's advice. And, underlining the advice of planning in advance as to what to do if separated.


We've never had problems either.


I do make sure the dc have a small paper w/ them listing cellphone #s, the location name of where we're staying in the city, etc.... Figure it's good to have it in writing if ever needed. Sometimes memory freezes up if there's a stressful situation or something. I also make sure they have some cash tucked in their pockets somewhere.... (So, say, if you were separated & they were waiting on you to come back, they could step into a Starbucks or something, get a drink, & wait at a table.)

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In crowds, I either hold the teen's arm or they hold mine, so we don't get pushed apart. Bathroom visits are done in a group. Everyone has their own train pass to get home, a Metra schedule and a cell phone (except my adult son with autsim - he knows to show his Medic Alert tag if he gets lost. I hope he never gets lost!)

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Thank you! I wouldn't have thought to give them the local address or money. I LOVE the wise hive. Definitely trying to think of a plan in case we are seperated. I don't know what the best avenue would be. Our guys don't have their own cell phone. Maybe a disposable one? I don't even know how those work.

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When we were in Watertower place in Chicago, I saw a worried looking big kid (maybe 12-13?) duck in and ask to use the store's house phone. A few minutes later his mom and dad showed up to collect him. Be sure they know your cell phone number or have it written on the inside of a wrist or something even if they have a cell phone with them because cells die, break, get lost. I know that sounds silly, but in the age of speed dial I don't even know my husband's cell by heart.

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Thank you! I wouldn't have thought to give them the local address or money. I LOVE the wise hive. Definitely trying to think of a plan in case we are seperated. I don't know what the best avenue would be. Our guys don't have their own cell phone. Maybe a disposable one? I don't even know how those work.



If they don't have their own & you don't get them one, have them ask to use a phone in a place of business nearby (restaurant or store w/ other people in it) &/or approach a mom w/ kids & ask to use her cellphone. (Having their own cell would be preferable to either of these, but these could be back-up scenarios just in case; unlikely that these plans would ever even come into play....) Or, of course, a police/fire/ambulance person if one is nearby, but that may not be the case.

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Definitely trying to think of a plan in case we are seperated. I don't know what the best avenue would be..



The INSTANT that they realize they're not within touching distance of you and can't see you, they should stop where they are (if it's safe--they shouldn't stop in the middle of the street, lol) and wait for you to find them. If you're in the city, maybe they could find a light pole and hug it until you get there. Literally.


When I took my dc to Disneyland or other theme parks, I told them to find a trash can and hug it. There are lots of trash cans in theme parks. :-)

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Make a rule that they not get on the subway to find you if they don't make it on the train. They stay put and you'll be back with the next train to get them. Otherwise you could be playing tag all afternoon.


Alternately if they make it on the train without you, they get off at the net stop and you will catch up.

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I totally agree about having a plan for getting seperated in big cities. It actually happened to me in Rome. I was in college and went there for spring break with my friend. We went to the station to get the train to the airport to go home. Long story short, I stepped off the train to check departure time and train took off without me! My friend had our luggage and her purse, luckily I was wearing my purse which had both passporys, plane tickets znd some money in it. I grabbed a taxi and raced to the airport to try and meet her there. Unfortuantly, her train got stuck on the track and she was 2 HOURS LATE getting to the airport. She was in tears and freaking out. I had travelled a lot, it was her 1st time outside the usa.

Sooo have a plan for everyone, not just kids when travelling in a big city.

Bathrooms, depends on the city, I found lots had indiviual bathrooms.

Defintly carry the paper with info and some local currency, maybe a few phrases written out in local language they might need if it is not english.

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Thank you! I wouldn't have thought to give them the local address or money. I LOVE the wise hive. Definitely trying to think of a plan in case we are seperated. I don't know what the best avenue would be. Our guys don't have their own cell phone. Maybe a disposable one? I don't even know how those work.



When we are in crowded placed where a separation is likely, we periodically agree on meeting points. As in: if anybody gets lost, go back to the big fountain/ the museum front desk etc and we'd meet there as soon as we find someone is missing. It is also important that the kids know where we are staying.

Cell phone is a good idea; we try to have at least two for the family so we can split into two parties. We all have prepaid cell phones; it is the cheapest option.


When traveling by subway: one adult goes first, the kids follow, the other adult goes last. That way, it is unlikely a kid is left behind or gets on the train alone.

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