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Oscillococcinum for the flu....a couple questions


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My 8 yaer old son has the flu (high temp, croupy cough, feels horrible)...started the night before last. Ordered Oscillococcinum right away, should be here today...is it too late to give it to him when it comes today? Also, if I understand correctly the medicine is a little vial with lots of pellets....does he have to take them all at once, or can he take some, let them disolve and then take more....


thanks for your help!


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I certainly feel it helped me. Especially from what the flu type and duration has been like around here. I have a small lingering cough with congestion, but the actual ill feeling was only about 4 days total with a fever lasting 2 1/2 days. The tiredness is what got to me and I'm still wearing out a little faster than normal in the evening, but thats ok. I do occasionally get a headache during the day, but I think that is also from what I'm doing than from just the virus.


Give it to him. It can't hurt! :) Hope he feels better soon!

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I don't know about another tube, but next time just give it in several rounds... Some pellets, let them dissolve, then more, till the vial is empty. That's how I would do it.


Sambucol syrup may help, too. Nature's Way makes one for kids. Maybe at your drug store, if you're out. It's an anti-viral.


Hope he feels better soon!

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we live about 45 miles from any wal-Mart type store...so Amazon is usually the better way to go for us. My son is 8..and the medicine in not the child version...so you think next dose I should only give him half? How do you dose out only half? YOu can't touch these, right...like other homeopathy??


thank you all very much for your help.

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we live about 45 miles from any wal-Mart type store...so Amazon is usually the better way to go for us. My son is 8..and the medicine in not the child version...so you think next dose I should only give him half? How do you dose out only half? YOu can't touch these, right...like other homeopathy??


thank you all very much for your help.


Before they had the children's version, everyone (including kids) took the regular adult dose.


I once compared the ingredients in the children's formula to the regular formula, and if I recall correctly, they were exactly the same.


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PLEASE PLEASE....I just gave the tube to my son to put them in his mouth...and then the next thing I know he had dumped them out on his blanket so he could grab a few at a time. Did he just ruin that tube? Or is it ok.


As long as he eats them all it should be fine....I've always been hesitant to believe in homeopathic remedies (not herbal, I've always believed in those)....But I've used Oscillo several times and it has always shortened the severity and duration of the flu...I'm a firm believer now. We also like cold ease, vick's vapor rub for babies (has lavender and chamomile in it) and elderberry syrup (homemade and swirled by the spoonful in warm peppermint tea when sick)....For the last 3 or so years a combination of these things has treated all cold/flu/respiratory problems in our house w/out the need to see a doctor. (Key is to catch it early)....The only *traditional* pharmaceutical in my family medicine chest for colds/flu is Mucinex....if congestion moves into the lungs I've found that to be the best treatment for a fast recovery (and much easier than trying to keep an onion/garlic poltice on a squirming child). If a sore throat is an issue, warm salt water truly works, especially if done every 15 min for first hour or 2 and then once every hour till symptoms subside. (Once I even gargled w/ organic apple cider vinegar, not for the faint of heart...but I was out of salt (don't ask) It worked with one treatment...but it was truly AWFUL..lol.)

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As long as he eats them all it should be fine....I've always been hesitant to believe in homeopathic remedies (not herbal, I've always believed in those)....But I've used Oscillo several times and it has always shortened the severity and duration of the flu...I'm a firm believer now. We also like cold ease, vick's vapor rub for babies (has lavender and chamomile in it) and elderberry syrup (homemade and swirled by the spoonful in warm peppermint tea when sick)....For the last 3 or so years a combination of these things has treated all cold/flu/respiratory problems in our house w/out the need to see a doctor. (Key is to catch it early)....The only *traditional* pharmaceutical in my family medicine chest for colds/flu is Mucinex....if congestion moves into the lungs I've found that to be the best treatment for a fast recovery (and much easier than trying to keep an onion/garlic poltice on a squirming child). If a sore throat is an issue, warm salt water truly works, especially if done every 15 min for first hour or 2 and then once every hour till symptoms subside. (Once I even gargled w/ organic apple cider vinegar, not for the faint of heart...but I was out of salt (don't ask) It worked with one treatment...but it was truly AWFUL..lol.)


I bought the Elderberry/Zinc lozenges and those seem to stop the sore throats we had brewing at our house last week.

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We use homeopathics all the time and usually only use 1-2 pellets per dose. However, for some reason with the Oscillococcinum it seems that taking the whole tube and then a second dose 6 hours later is what works the best.


But, yes, taking it right upon having symptoms has the best result. Taking it 3 days in may not be as successful.

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Now my daughter is down and out...gave her some as soon as she started complaining...about noon. I know you are supposed to only give this every 6 hours...but would it be ok if I fudged on it a liitle in order to squeeze in 3 doses before bed tonight...like one at noon (like I did) one dose around 4;30ish and the last dose about 9 (when she goes to bed)...will that hurt? Will it help? We have something she wants to do tomorrow and I didn't know if we got on top of it right away she might feel good enough to go.

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Now my daughter is down and out...gave her some as soon as she started complaining...about noon. I know you are supposed to only give this every 6 hours...but would it be ok if I fudged on it a liitle in order to squeeze in 3 doses before bed tonight...like one at noon (like I did) one dose around 4;30ish and the last dose about 9 (when she goes to bed)...will that hurt? Will it help? We have something she wants to do tomorrow and I didn't know if we got on top of it right away she might feel good enough to go.


She may not need 3 doses. If you catch it right at the beginning, some only need 1 and are good to go. Homeopathics are such that you redose upon return of symptoms. So if the person takes the first dose and starts to feel better you wait and then then if he/she starts feels poorly again, it is time to redose. If he/she doesn't go downhill again, you just let the bug runs the rest of its course and let the immune system do its work.

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