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need to vent a bit--I'm going crazy because I can't exercise

Kim in Appalachia

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9 days before Christmas I got sick. It was either the flu or something close which resulted in bronchitis. I was sick for over 2 weeks, but the coughing has left me in pain. I managed to pull or strain the muscles around my ribs (I could have cracked them as well, we haven't done an x-ray). Anyway, the result is that I have not run, done kettlebell, or yoga in almost 6 weeks.


I'm going crazy! Normally I drop my kids off at swimming and I run. I normally wake up and practice yoga or do some kettlebell. I forgot how stressed out I feel when I can't get my stress out! On the up side I am reading a lot. :) But still, I feel so antsy.


I'm still very sore. Sleeping is difficult and I can't do anything strenuous. School has been plugging along, but I feel like I'm on the edge.


I need to run. I'm constantly thinking about yoga. It may be another week or 2 (or more) before I can do anything. I can't remember how you can function without a phyical outlet for the stress. Really, how do you do it?????


Ok, wine over. (and I'm drinking more of that too.......;) )

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Guest inoubliable

I feel ya. I've got allergies/asthma which is new to me and I had bronchitis last month on top of it. The coughing is painful! I'm barely getting in some yoga stretches. I'm the girl who was running a mile every day, doing yoga every morning, and free weights every other day. Can you not do any poses at all? :(


Hope you feel better soon!

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I feel ya. I've got allergies/asthma which is new to me and I had bronchitis last month on top of it. The coughing is painful! I'm barely getting in some yoga stretches. I'm the girl who was running a mile every day, doing yoga every morning, and free weights every other day. Can you not do any poses at all? :(


Hope you feel better soon!




Every stretch hurts. And I managed to make things work on a treadmill a week ago. (I was just walking, and thought I felt fine so why not just run a minute, or two.....Oh the pain....I really hurt.) So I'm afraid to do anything that even hurts a little.


And I hope you feel better soon too!

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Guest inoubliable



Every stretch hurts. And I managed to make things work on a treadmill a week ago. (I was just walking, and thought I felt fine so why not just run a minute, or two.....Oh the pain....I really hurt.) So I'm afraid to do anything that even hurts a little.


And I hope you feel better soon too!




You're braver than I am! I'm not even attempting a treadmill act of torture just yet. I've thought about it but was pretty convinced it'd go badly. :(

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If you find out, let me know. I took a ten day "rest" period with very short runs before the last 10 K I ran. I was bouncing around and snapping at everything. I'm pretty sure DH only took me to the race to boot me out on the course until I came back in a better mood.


I'd walk and walk and walk if you could. It's not running, but it's something.

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That sounds awful! It sounds like you would be a prime candidate for yin yoga. In yin yoga you are in poses for 2 min+ but you are propped up by bolsters, blankets, blocks, etc. The idea is the props do the work holding your body in place so your muscles can relax thus releasing/stretching your connective tissues. For example do a forward fold but place pillows on your lap to rest your upper body. Another example is to fold a blanket into a long tube type shape, sit with your legs in bound angle (butterfly) pose, wrap the middle of the blanket across your the tops of your feet and the edges around your feet which will take it under your knees for support. Then either fold forward (with a prop to rest on if needed) or lie back. To add a chest opener take pillows or folded blankets and place them lengthwise behind your tail bone at the base of your spine and lie back ensuring to support your head.


Here is a website with a list of poses http://www.yinyoga.com/ys2_2.0_yinyoga_asanas.php. I noticed that this particular website does not show the use of props but feel free to use them and do what feels good.


Remember child's pose is your friend when your ribs hurt from coughing. If you extend your arms and breathe deep you can get a deeper stretch but if you are in a lot of pain perhaps try keeping your knees together and your arms at your sides and just relax into it.


I hope you feel better soon!

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How about a dose of alieve and pool walking or something like water aerobics or water yoga? Gentle non-strenuous movements but it could still work the antsys out with minimal pain or further injury.



There is no way I could get in the water. I did think of it. But moving in the water would really hurt, you really use your core in those exercises.

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when I had been ill and unable to exercise I finally figured out about 15 minutes of SEDATE walking a couple days a week worked for me. (I felt like I was doing nothing, but it was all my body could handle.)



I've been walking some, but it's soooo tempting to up the speed just a bit. (I've only walked on the treadmill). And even walking for more than 30 mins hurts. But I will walk each time I get to the gym (that's my free time, while my kids swim)

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That sounds awful! It sounds like you would be a prime candidate for yin yoga. In yin yoga you are in poses for 2 min+ but you are propped up by bolsters, blankets, blocks, etc. The idea is the props do the work holding your body in place so your muscles can relax thus releasing/stretching your connective tissues. For example do a forward fold but place pillows on your lap to rest your upper body. Another example is to fold a blanket into a long tube type shape, sit with your legs in bound angle (butterfly) pose, wrap the middle of the blanket across your the tops of your feet and the edges around your feet which will take it under your knees for support. Then either fold forward (with a prop to rest on if needed) or lie back. To add a chest opener take pillows or folded blankets and place them lengthwise behind your tail bone at the base of your spine and lie back ensuring to support your head.


Here is a website with a list of poses http://www.yinyoga.c..._asanas.php.��I noticed that this particular website does not show the use of props but feel free to use them and do what feels good.


Remember child's pose is your friend when your ribs hurt from coughing. If you extend your arms and breathe deep you can get a deeper stretch but if you are in a lot of pain perhaps try keeping your knees together and your arms at your sides and just relax into it.


I hope you feel better soon!




I went to sleep thinking about yin yoga. I may try for a bit today. I can't extend my arms, it pulls on my ribs. But I may be able to do a little. I should try, along with some breath work. I tried just doing counting breathing the other day but I could not calm myself down. Now I know why breath work comes at the end of primary series. :)

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It has been 6-7 weeks for me also. But I don't exercise for stress relief. I manage my life to have as little stress as possible otherwise I get migraines that last for days for which I can take nothing. I can manage it so I only have a dull ache but it takes days to run its course.


Have you tried sitting meditation instead of exercise meditation? I find that sitting for just 10 minutes helps tremendously.

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It has been 6-7 weeks for me also. But I don't exercise for stress relief. I manage my life to have as little stress as possible otherwise I get migraines that last for days for which I can take nothing. I can manage it so I only have a dull ache but it takes days to run its course.


Have you tried sitting meditation instead of exercise meditation? I find that sitting for just 10 minutes helps tremendously.



I have been trying, but I can't calm myself. I've been reading a bit more on meditation, and I think today I will try a bit of yin yoga and meditation. But my body is sort of freaking out not being able to have any physical outlet. It is a lesson in patience.........

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I have been trying, but I can't calm myself. I've been reading a bit more on meditation, and I think today I will try a bit of yin yoga and meditation. But my body is sort of freaking out not being able to have any physical outlet. It is a lesson in patience.........


Some might say that if it is difficult to relax and just breathe that you need to do it more often ;)

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