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No/Low Spend January Week 3 (1/14-1/20)


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Wouldn't you know, Fellowship of the Rings Audio is on sale on Audible for 48 hours for 6.95.I had to buy it, as it is our next read aloud, and The Hobbit killed my throat. Still, it falls under "curriculum purchases" and I am under budget for that. I have to buy milk and hamburger buns at the grocery store today, as I couldn't get there yesterday.


Do you have a set budget a month for curricula? Just curious, I buy whatever, whenever, and that's probably not a good approach!

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I'm starting at the 11th since that was the first paycheck of the year.


1/11 $ 56.94--groceries at Walmart

1/12 $ 35.70--dh and I ate out while grocery shopping

$178.50--groceries at Winco

$ 4.77--much needed clothes for dd12

1/13 $ 0.00--yay!

1/14 $ 25.16--dog food at Walmart (forgot last time)

1/15 $ 0.00

1/16 $ 0.00

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I did my huge shopping run....Costco, Aldi and commissary...I spent $603.00--this should last us the rest of the month and most of next month. I'm glad it's done and I don't have to do anything other than run to Aldi for milk and bread.


Also, I went to Target and got Sophia Grace, 2 pair of jeans, 3-3 piece outfits, cardigan, shoe socks, and baby toy all for 50.00. I was a treat and I so enjoyed it.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.




1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)


1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)


1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)


1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17


1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)


1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)








1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.


1/8 -- $0


1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas


1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner


1/11 -- $20 parking at museum


1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest


1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)




1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)


1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)


1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!


1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza




Groceries: $298/$600


Eating Out: $69/$125


No Spend Days: 5/10



I still need to hit the grocery store, but we ran out of time and had to come home for lunch (I planned ahead and had Lunchables ready). It's triple coupon week at our local store, and I want to take advantage of it. I took DH's car in for an oil change, for which he had a gift certificate, and they told me that it needs almost $800 of repairs. So, immediately saving up for those -- 2 of the repairs are safety related. I might have to run into Target also, I need a pair of socks to wear with my flats for a funeral tomorrow. I plan to run in, grab them, and run back out; well, after paying.
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The problem is that we read Nory Ryan's Song for literature/history. When we found out that it has a sequel so I found the sequel at the library. Well, I just found it that it is actually a trilogy, so all three of us want to read that but the library doesn't have it so I need to buy it. But then I think, I might as well buy the second book, too, so we have all three for when my son wants to reread it (he often does that) or my littles read it for school. (We happen to own parts of several trilogies because we read the first or second book from the library while buying the others.) Meanwhile, DS doesn't want the third book to be for school and we are ready to move onto the next subject, so I need to buy Caddie Woodlawn. And I have something that I've been meaning to mail to our sponsor child in Malawi; it's in my car for two weeks now.

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**I am just noting expenditures that fall outside of my normal/budgeted expenses like gas, food and household items....

1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $10 lunch out, $10 face cream

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0

1/8 $0

1/9 $1 coffee

1/10 $5 consignment shop, dd's room re-do

1/11 $8 lunch out with ds (rainy day envelope)

1/12 $30 undies for potty-trainer, birthday present for Grandma

1/13 $10 over budget on groceries

1/14 $15 out to lunch with all 3 dc

1/15 $0

1/16 $5 another room re-do item for dd, lunch out (again!) but this time I paid for it with cash from the sale of some old cookbooks!

1/17 $45 Target trip (arrgghhh Target!)....2 birthday gifts and some household odds and ends that we needed (usually the household stuff comes from my "household supplies" envelope which is currently empty)

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Today I was tempted by: nothing. I'm wondering if I am not being tempted because I have broken the cycle and started new habits.



Have you guys ever heard that saying "It takes 21 days to break or make a habit"?

I wonder if a lot of this is about habits? I have a bad habit of eating out. I just get so tired of having to come up with new ideas...lunch can get so boring! I need to be proactive about coming up with new lunch menus!!

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13: $30 movies

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15 $5 donut and hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16 $0

1/17 $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries

1/18 $0 so far....





Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 5/5

Eating Out: $5

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $929



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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Well, I ended up with a killer headache last night, so grocery shopping didn't happen, and DH brought home a pizza because the thought of food made me queasy. So I've added the pizza expense to yesterday, and I may be able to grocery shop this afternoon. Don't know if I'll wait until tomorrow morning. Depends on how the day is going.

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My DH has a set amount he can spend each week(he is in another state working). Today his drill stopped working. It's essential to his work so he bought another one. I decided to add it in since the funds are all coming from the same account.



Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -129.64- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:

1/14- $15 over my grocery budget. I picked up some cold stuff to have on hand. I felt like I was coming down with something

1/15- $11.77 fast food. In my defense we were out of the house from 11:30-7:30 and very hungry!

1/16- 0

1/17- $20 over budget on groceries

1/18- $96.74-new drill for DH




Total: $331.78

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I'm starting at the 11th since that was the first paycheck of the year.


1/11 $ 56.94—groceries at Walmart

1/12 $ 35.70—dh and I ate out while grocery shopping; $178.50—groceries at Winco; $ 4.77—much needed clothes for dd12

1/13 $ 0.00—yay!



1/14 $ 25.16—dog food at Walmart (forgot last time)

1/15 $ 0.00

1/16 $ 0.00

1/17 $ 48.00—curriculum; $ 13.99—book for dh


I think I am spending less now than I used to. Two of my kids are going to Community College everyday and taking my car unless I have something already planned. Not being able to go anywhere really helps to not spend as much. Though yesterday's books were on Amazon...

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Seriously, emily, u need to try freezer cooking for lunches. I had only heard about it for dinners, but it is so helpful for lunch. I still havent linked up the recipes i made last weekend, but i will. There is always something on hand!


Thanks so much! Will you tag me when you post those recipes? :)

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Freezer Friendly Pizza Pockets; http://amysfinerthin...m/pizza-pockets

Brown Bag Burritos (big success!) ; http://amysfinerthin...wn-bag-burritos

Lunch in a Loaf; http://www.food.com/...n-a-loaf-155168

Meatloaf Cups (haven;t tried either, but am making this weekend) Recipe 1: http://www.tasteofho...-Meat-Loaf-Cups Recipe 2) http://stolenmoments...oaf-cup-recipe/

Pizza English Muffins (havent tried, but english muffins are BOGO this week at Publix, so I will be making them this weekend) http://www.tasteofho...English-Muffins

Muffin Weenies (havent tried, making this weekend. Not the healthiest, but you can use organic, nitrate-free hot dogs for a once in a while lunch) http://www.food.com/...-weenies-101548


As you can see, I like easy, no-mess, all-in-one lunches that we can grab if we have somewhere to go. Also, it;s nice that all of these are nuke-able, and still taste good (at least the ones I have tried do). I really don;t like doing ANY prep at all at lunch. We;re usually in the middle of something, a read aloud, a project, SOMETHING, and the kids don't want to stop and eat, so if it's easy and "holdable" they are more amenable. It has been a challenge finding lunches my boys will eat; they seem to think lunch is optional. Of course, when 8 pm rolls around and they have had a 2 hour hockey practice on nothing but the vapors of breakfast 12 hours ago, they see the sanity of my recommendations, but by then, the meltdown has already begun. So anything I can do to get them to eat lunch is GREAT.


Oh, and I made the following as healthy(ish) snacks for them to have later in the afternoon

Homemade Cereal Bar Cookies (these are delicious); http://onceamonthmom.com/homemade-cereal-bar-cookies/

Freezer Friendly Banana Bread (slice before freezing, nuke a piece for a minute, nice healthy snack. You could add in finely chopped zucchini and nobody would be the wise) http://moneysavingmom.com/2012/05/4-weeks-to-fill-your-freezer-banana-bread-day-1.html


Here are some other recipes that I plan to make over the next week:

Chicken Empanadas: http://www.food.com/recipe/chicken-empanadas-21623

Bestest Hamburger Soup: http://www.food.com/recipe/bestest-hamburger-soup-56366

Lunch Box Muffins: http://www.food.com/recipe/lunch-box-muffins-39997

Crunchy Coconut Chicken http://onceamonthmom.com/crunchy-coconut-chicken/

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13: $30 movies

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15 $5 donut and hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16 $0

1/17 $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries

1/18 $0





Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 6/5

Eating Out: $5

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $929



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.




1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)


1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)


1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)


1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17


1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)


1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.


1/8 -- $0


1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas


1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner


1/11 -- $20 parking at museum


1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest


1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)




1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)


1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)


1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!


1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza


1/18 -- $0




Groceries: $298/$600


Eating Out: $69/$125


No Spend Days: 6/10
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Freezer Friendly Pizza Pockets; http://amysfinerthin...m/pizza-pockets

Brown Bag Burritos (big success!) ; http://amysfinerthin...wn-bag-burritos

Lunch in a Loaf; http://www.food.com/...n-a-loaf-155168

Meatloaf Cups (haven;t tried either, but am making this weekend) Recipe 1: http://www.tasteofho...-Meat-Loaf-Cups Recipe 2) http://stolenmoments...oaf-cup-recipe/

Pizza English Muffins (havent tried, but english muffins are BOGO this week at Publix, so I will be making them this weekend) http://www.tasteofho...English-Muffins

Muffin Weenies (havent tried, making this weekend. Not the healthiest, but you can use organic, nitrate-free hot dogs for a once in a while lunch) http://www.food.com/...-weenies-101548


As you can see, I like easy, no-mess, all-in-one lunches that we can grab if we have somewhere to go. Also, it;s nice that all of these are nuke-able, and still taste good (at least the ones I have tried do). I really don;t like doing ANY prep at all at lunch. We;re usually in the middle of something, a read aloud, a project, SOMETHING, and the kids don't want to stop and eat, so if it's easy and "holdable" they are more amenable. It has been a challenge finding lunches my boys will eat; they seem to think lunch is optional. Of course, when 8 pm rolls around and they have had a 2 hour hockey practice on nothing but the vapors of breakfast 12 hours ago, they see the sanity of my recommendations, but by then, the meltdown has already begun. So anything I can do to get them to eat lunch is GREAT.


Oh, and I made the following as healthy(ish) snacks for them to have later in the afternoon

Homemade Cereal Bar Cookies (these are delicious); http://onceamonthmom.com/homemade-cereal-bar-cookies/

Freezer Friendly Banana Bread (slice before freezing, nuke a piece for a minute, nice healthy snack. You could add in finely chopped zucchini and nobody would be the wise) http://moneysavingmom.com/2012/05/4-weeks-to-fill-your-freezer-banana-bread-day-1.html


Here are some other recipes that I plan to make over the next week:

Chicken Empanadas: http://www.food.com/recipe/chicken-empanadas-21623

Bestest Hamburger Soup: http://www.food.com/recipe/bestest-hamburger-soup-56366

Lunch Box Muffins: http://www.food.com/recipe/lunch-box-muffins-39997

Crunchy Coconut Chicken http://onceamonthmom.com/crunchy-coconut-chicken/


Thank you Sooooooo much!!!!!

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Thanks for the recipes!


The good news is that the only thing I've spent money on all week is school stuff. Scratch that...DS5 told me, at bedtime, that he was out of pull ups. The bad news is that tomorrow is grocery day.



Same here. Hoping to hover around $100, but with all the new freezer recipes i have on the docket, i dont know if that is possible. Technically, i have $180 left for the entire month in my grocery budget.

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**I am just noting expenditures that fall outside of my normal/budgeted expenses like gas, food and household items....

1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $10 lunch out, $10 face cream

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0

1/8 $0

1/9 $1 coffee

1/10 $5 consignment shop, dd's room re-do

1/11 $8 lunch out with ds (rainy day envelope)

1/12 $30 undies for potty-trainer, birthday present for Grandma

1/13 $10 over budget on groceries

1/14 $15 out to lunch with all 3 dc

1/15 $0

1/16 $5 another room re-do item for dd, lunch out (again!) but this time I paid for it with cash from the sale of some old cookbooks!

1/17 $45 Target trip (arrgghhh Target!)....2 birthday gifts and some household odds and ends that we needed (usually the household stuff comes from my "household supplies" envelope which is currently empty)

1/18 $3 fast food, $15 medicine and a few grocery items...over budget

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I only have $140 left for groceries, that's never going to happen.



I just joined swagbucks. My goal is to earn enough amazon gc to buy the project life stuff. Lol




So, dh went to the grocery store, and we only spent $50! So excited, we may be at budget on groceries for once in our lives.

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Okay, so spent $150 at grocery store, but am still pretty pleased. Got enough food to make 15 more Pizza Pockets (kids love them), 16 Chicken Empanadas, 10 servings of Crunchy Coconut Chicken (linked above), 30 more homemade cereal bar cookies (delish!), 24 Meatloaf Cups, 12 Muffin Weenies, 24 English Muffin Pizzas, 20 freezer French Toast, 12 servings of Asparagus Quiche, 8 Servings of Moroccon Chicken, 20 Indonesian Ginger Drumsticks, 20 servings of Freezer Mashed Potatoes, ginger cookies and chocolate chip cookies.


Man, it's a cooking festival today at our house! Thankfully it's pouring out so it's the perfect time to cook!

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)


1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)

1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!

1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza

1/18 -- $0

1/19 -- $55 groceries


Groceries: $353/$600

Eating Out: $69/$125

No Spend Days: 6/10


I only spent $55 for my weekly grocery budget. Thank you, Schnucks, for triple coupon week, and Valli for your 3 day sale. I got eggs for 68cents a dozen and milk for $1.99 a gallon.
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I'm pleased with how my month is going. My total Food Groceries for this month so far is $334.77. Non-Food Groceries total is $35.03. I returned two sweaters I bought in December for a credit of $84.74. I am doing a form of Project 333 for my clothing and the sweaters were pointless. Project 333 probably also prevented me from turning right around and spending the credit by getting a couple of shirts for spring. I had seen them in a catalog, but in person I didn't like them much and I kept thinking, "I don't know that these will make it into my 33 spring items, so...nah." :coolgleamA:

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I'm pleased with how my month is going. My total Food Groceries for this month so far is $334.77. Non-Food Groceries total is $35.03. I returned two sweaters I bought in December for a credit of $84.74. I am doing a form of Project 333 for my clothing and the sweaters were pointless. Project 333 probably also prevented me from turning right around and spending the credit by getting a couple of shirts for spring. I had seen them in a catalog, but in person I didn't like them much and I kept thinking, "I don't know that these will make it into my 33 spring items, so...nah." :coolgleamA:


That is awesome! I would die for that grocery total!

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That is awesome! I would die for that grocery total!


Thanks! As they say, though, the month is not over yet. I need to get groceries tomorrow. January is easier in some ways, though, because I am not in college at the moment, so I have spent more time than average making homemade spaghetti sauce, a few freezer meals, cookies and bread. When my schedule gets busier, I am unlikely to bake and end up buying cookies and such.

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Yesterday was ds#2's birthday so we ordered pizza $24.97. Dh bought another book off TradeMe for $9 & a lotto ticket for $12. Our totals are going up, but I'm pleased to see that our grocery/food totals are still under 10% of our 2012 monthly average & our beer/eat out totals are under $100. We are eating better & making much better use of our existing resources. I'm glad that I'm keeping track of our food spend as that is one area that I have control over & I can now see that I had lots of room to improve with just a little planning & determination. At the end of the month I'm going to write down our more "fixed" expenses (power, phone, insurances, etc.) to see if there is any areas that can be improved on in our spending. It'll also give us a better idea of what the bare minimum income we need to keep this standard of living.

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Ok, I spent a fortune today but I'm pretty please anyway.


First DH and I went to Costco to buy a few things that are cheaper there, or we can't buy at our grocery store. That was $57.70. That included wild salmon patties for one dinner this week, another dinner another week, plus two patties left over. It also had garden burger patties that will last DH about 8 weeks (he's on a 40 day meat fast) if he eats two per week.


Then we went to the grocery shopping to get the rest of what we need and spent $87.78.


After dropping everything off, I took the two boys for more shopping. DS11 was down to one pair of pants (the other pair ripped yesterday). He also needs pjs, underwear, and socks because his are too small. I found three pairs of jeans, a pajama set, two packages of four socks, a package of six briefs, and a package of three boxer briefs for $82.53. I had gotten a price inquiry and thought it was going to be $97.50, so I paid $100 to our credit card before going downstairs to buy the items. I got 15% off at the register so I basically paid an extra $17 to the credit card. I can live with an extra payment to the card.


Then we headed to Target to buy a birthday present for a party tomorrow. We spent $21.73 for that.


Then because I forgot to use a $10 off coupon at the grocery store, we headed back to do some stocking up with leftover grocery money. I had to spend a minimum of $50 to use the coupon so I bought three more packages of toilet paper (on sale $3.48 for 12 double rolls of Cottonelle brand), a package of pull ups, 20 pounds of calrose rice, some various bulk items in smaller amounts, two large bottles of Elmer's glue, a box of kitchen trash bags, and a 5 gallon food storage bucket with an easy open lid for the rice. All of that came to $60.43.


Everything was paid for with cash.

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I'm starting at the 11th since that was the first paycheck of the year.


1/11 $ 56.94—groceries at Walmart

1/12 $ 35.70—dh and I ate out while grocery shopping; $178.50—groceries at Winco; $4.77—much needed clothes for dd12

1/13 $ 0.00—yay!



1/14 $ 25.16—dog food at Walmart (forgot last time)

1/15 $ 0.00

1/16 $ 0.00

1/17 $ 48.00—curriculum; $13.99—book for dh

1/18 $ 2.10—groceries at Costco (along with a $100 gift card we had); $20.86—dh and I ate out while grocery shopping

1/19 $ 8.26—groceries and a magazine at Walmart; $1 for a Diet Coke at McDonald's


I think we need to start eating at home even though we are grocery shopping...

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I think we need to start eating at home even though we are grocery shopping...


DH and I go grocery shopping on Saturday afternoons after lunch. I try to plan really easy meals for dinner.


Today we had "Chipolte's." I had my daughter get the beans started on a quick soak while we were gone. When we got home, I drained the beans and got them started. DH put the groceries away and kept an eye on the beans while I took the boys to three other stores I needed to visit. When I got home, I threw some white rice in the rice maker. While I cut some chicken breasts into cubes and sauteed them in salt, pepper, and salsa, I put the big kids to work making guacamole and shredding cheese. It took about half an hour to put together.


Last week we had chicken quesdillas with leftover spanish rice and leftover black beans.


Next Saturday we are having chili baked potatoes with leftover chili I'll be making the day before. We'll probably throw a salad together to go with it.

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We managed to stay completely in budget for the month, until today. The flu has hit our house.


15.00 co-pay at urgent care to rule out strep throat on top of it (this trip was done at the pedi's recommendation)

14.62 dinner at the drive-thru

12.00 approx. gas used to drive 40 minutes to urgent care and back

9.75 children's acetaminophen and cough drops

Free children's ibuprofen (my friend took pity and me and brought an extra bottle she had in her medicine cabinet)

7.01 dh's stop for junk food after a double shift


Today will be another non-budgeted day. We were all supposed to travel 3 hours today to celebrate birthdays for mil, sil, and a niece. Dh and dd9 will be traveling alone, as long as either of them wake up ill. (Dh felt hot and exhausted last night.) Between taking care of sick kids and the death of my brother, gifts and cards did not get made/finished. Dh will have to stop and pick those up at a store, and who knows what that total will be.


Sorry the flu has arrived. Feel better soon!

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13: $30 movies

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15 $5 donut and hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16 $0

1/17 $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries

1/18 $0

1/19 $150 groceries

1/20 $3.50 coffee and donuts



Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 6/5

Eating Out: $8.50

Nothing outside budget so far.

Groceries this month: $450/$600

Month so far ALL expenses except mortgage and utilities (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $1082



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -129.64- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:

1/14- $15 over my grocery budget. I picked up some cold stuff to have on hand. I felt like I was coming down with something

1/15- $11.77 fast food. In my defense we were out of the house from 11:30-7:30 and very hungry!

1/16- 0

1/17- $20 over budget on groceries

1/18- $96.74-new drill for DH

1/19- 0

1/20- 0


Total: $331.78

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