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Week in Review, anyone doing school this week??

lori in tx

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We are doing 3 subjects this week to ease back in. I think we will add a couple more next week, and then go full schedule the 3rd week. The kids seem like they are ready to get started. The problem here is me. I'm not sure if I am ready!



I know exactly what you mean, except here the 5yo is the only one ready to start.

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We do year round schooling. We start in September, after Labor Day, and break our schooling up into 3 terms of 15 weeks each.


During 1st term, we take a week off for Thanksgiving. The term ends in time for Winter Solstice and Christmas celebrations. During 2nd term, we take time off for Spring Equinox and Easter. 3rd term is followed by 3 weeks of summer break in August.


There are also long weekends built into each term, so we aren't going constantly.


Next week we will finish up our work for the 2007-2008 year! :thumbup:

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We are year-rounders so we're almost always having school! We had a pretty normal week with the normal subjects. Except we went on a field trip on Wednesday to a forest/park nearby. We went on a small hike, played at the playground, saw some wildlife, and then went to a class there that the public libraries were putting on about insects. We only do our school work on Monday thru Thursday. So today we are painting our living room. We've been working on painting the house for a while and I feel like we're never gonna get done!


Unfortunately, I have not yet entered the blog world so I have no pictures to share.

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This was our third week, also.

It went really well and it's much too hot to do anything outside, anyway!

We school Mon-Thurs and try to have an outing on Friday.

We went to the zoo this morning with three other homeschool families.

I didn't know that I could sweat so much! LOL

(100 degrees and counting in humid Little Rock today)

It was a great time, 4yo is taking a nap, so I think I may join him.

I like the 15 week segments idea.

We are trying a 4 wks on, 1 wk off schedule.

1 week to go and I get a break already.

I love it!!!

I don't care for long breaks, unless we are going out-of-town.

I'd rather break it up.

Our curriculum is on my blog in my sig.....

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Yes, we do read books, this week Mother Goose, Rima Rond di Aruba (a book with poetry from Aruba in Papiamento), and a book about thunderstorms. We also work on our numbers (MCP Math K). Beyond that very little. A lot of play, playing with blocks and math manipulatives and dressing up. Oh, and we're also trying to keep a cup of sprouting zinnias alive.

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We started year round school this past year and have LOVED it!! We school three weeks on and one week off. We just finished up our 2007 - 2008 curriculum. We're starting our 2008 - 2009 school year on Monday!! The kids are ECSTATIC!! We kind of played around with the Classical method last year, but we're going full force this year. My daughter has all of her notebooking supplies in order in the art cabinet, and my son (starting Kindergarten) has all of his "games" (phonics museum and alphaget bingo) stacked up on his desk.


It's so exciting to see my kids really liking school!!


Good luck to everyone!!


Tammie in LA


dd (8 y/o) ~ VP Gen - Joshua, VP OT & AE, Saxon Math 3, Shurley Grammar 2, Prima Latina, Classically Cursive Primer, BJU Music 3


ds (5 y/o) ~ MFW 1st Grade, Phonics Museum, Saxon Math K

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so "yes" we are schooling. Last week was week 1 of term 3. We tend to change curriculum around July, even though our year runs February to December. Last week went well & I think Trisms is going to be a good match for dd & ds#1. Ds#2 really liked the different history focus for each day.



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