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In the morning

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We start at 8am.

Time depends on age; my 8th grader is supposed to put in 5 hours of work (4 hours in 6th grade). My Junior takes two college courses and works a lot, I don't keep track of her time anymore.

We do not have a schedule. My kids can choose for how long they want to work on each subject. It averages out.

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My kids are in 10th and 8th grade, so they have fairly long days. Ds and I start at 6:00 am. Dd starts after breakfast around 7:30 or 8:00. They finish all instructional time by 2:00. Ds often spends much of the afternoon and evening doing homework, practicing instruments and such. Dd leaves for gym at 4:00 everyday and has to be done with school by then.


I have a schedule of my time. It says when they are with me, for example ds and I do math at 6:00. at 8:30, I do math with dd. Those are times that I instruct or am completely available to that child. The rest of the time, they have a "to do" list to work on. They decide what they do when and for how long.

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What time do you start your school day? How long do you school daily?

What does your daily schedule look like?



We were never able to get started before 9 a.m. We got up, got dressed, had breakfast, Then we sat at the kitchen table and worked on...whatever we were working on.


We were never very productive after lunch. I might have tried to keep busier if I'd had more children, but there were only two, and they were pretty self-motivated and kept themselves busy in the afternoons (if we weren't leaving the house for something).

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We have to change it every semester. I have daily lists for all but the eldest. They can do their work in any order. My eldest does most of her work in outside classes. For the two classes that I am overseeing, I give her a weekly list. Here's how this coming semester is looking:


Littles (7 and 9)


8 - 10 school work

10 - 11 break / exercise

11 - 1 school work

+ one or two hours on Saturday


Dd 13


7 - 10 school work

10 - 11 break / exercise

11 - 2 school work

2 - 3:30 break

3:30 - 6:30 school work (3 x week)

+ three or four hours on Saturday


Dd 15


7 - 10 school work

10 - 11 break / exercise

11 - 3 outside classes (3 x week) at home 11 - 2 (2 x week)

+three or four hours each evening and five or six hours on Saturday

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Ok, I'll horrify you. I'm an extreme night owl and wake up late. Ds4 usually wakes up with me. (8:30) Generally dd13 has been up for quite a while before that doing her personal writing or, if I'm lucky, some scheduled school work. Our general goal is to stay FAR APART, because I'm extremely perky when I wake up and she takes a couple hours to get up to full speed (seriously!). If we get around each other first thing in the morning, I just drive her nuts wanting to go, go, go. So I leave her alone and try to keep ds away from her. Sometimes ds4 will do his "school" time with me first thing in the morning, even before we eat breakfast. If he doesn't, he might listen to audiobooks while playing (30-40 min) then eat breakfast. After that, he starts into his high energy play and does that till noon. At that point I'm free to check my email, work with dd, etc. If I sit down to work with dd and HAVEN'T worked with ds, guaranteed, he'll want some attention. So then I go work with him while she continues to work. Continue avoiding each other.


We eat lunch in separate rooms, then try to get the ds4 down for some rest time. At that point dd and I might get to work together on some things (editing her writing, math word problems, grammar, whatever). My main task is to keep them apart so dd can work.


When I started homeschooling, I thought it would be eat breakfast together over inspiring language tapes (she struggles with languages), sing at the piano (she won't sing with me), pray (with a banging 4 yo?), and start our work together around the table (oh yeah, with a toddler and teenager!). Instead it's more like keep the peace, keep them apart, and clone yourself. Sometimes I wonder if it's possible to live the dream, but I haven't managed it. :lol:

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DD just got a job, and is working on setting weekly to-be-done goals in order to do her schooling around her work hours. She's a cashier at the local grocery store so it varies a lot.


DS14's schedule

7 - 9 wake up, breakfast, chores, bible time

9 - 10:30 algebra 1

10:40 - 12 science (will be replaced with w.history in late Feb)

12 - 1 lunch

1 - 3 english (grammar, WWS, assigned reading)

3:10 - 4:10 30min each for spanish and music theory

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Our general goal is to stay FAR APART, because I'm extremely perky when I wake up and she takes a couple hours to get up to full speed (seriously!). If we get around each other first thing in the morning, I just drive her nuts wanting to go, go, go. So I leave her alone and try to keep ds away from her.




This is dd and I too. She wakes up about an hour before she does anything with me. Less than an hour isn't enough. Two hours is even better. We usually stay on different floors of the house during that period. Otherwise I go around singing, bouncing, chatting and she growls & bites! :scared:

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During school (and these few days before starting) I get the kids up about 7. We do some chores (dress, make bed, wipe down a bathroom), eat, and have free time until 8:30. You'd be surprised how often 1.5 hours is insufficient to do those four things.


I'm hoping we'll add piano practices before school too, this year. They only have to do 15 minutes.

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We start our school day at 9-ish. We are up much earlier, but that is the time that I lay the baby down for his morning nap. We generally spend about 90 minutes on seatwork (math, language arts, writing, French) and then 30-45 min reading aloud (literature, history, science). The baby always takes a long morning nap, so he usually sleeps the entire time. During seatwork I split my time between the older kids at the table (teaching new concepts, checking work) and the little ones in the living room nearby (reading storybooks, playing with them). When it's time to read aloud to the older kids, I send the little ones outside to play in the backyard. It's working fairly well at this point.

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What time do you start your school day?

Depends on how late I was up the night before and how well I slept. Also on whether or not we have any classes outside of the house. I have no idea what time Ds gets started. It probably varies. He has a checklist and lots of reading/work to do independent of me.


How long do you school daily?

As long as it takes to finish the reasonable amount of work I have scheduled for that day.


What does your daily schedule look like?

It changes according to what else is happening that day.



Some constants include: chores in the morning followed by piano practice, Dd does math and writing with me just before lunch. Read alouds are almost always in the evening and Ds and I usually sit down together for lessons sometime after lunch while Dd is off working on her own independent work.

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