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Well this isn't turning out to be very pretty...


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I am staying up right now to make Pioneer Woman's Christmas Finger Jello. It is so pretty in the pictures on the website. I don't even like jello but the festive colors and the even stripes just called out to me. How hard could it be, it's jello?


Well after the first layer I checked it before it was completely set so the first layer is now crumpled. When I poured in the creamy white layer the red color of the jello mixed into it. After checking the creamy layer, giving it some extra time to avoid my problem with the first layer, I gently poured in the green layer. I did it gently I tell you! Not gentle enough obviously since the green jello poured right through the creamy white layer. So much for pretty. : /


I never was good at crafts.


Once upon a time in Girl Scouts we made a wreath. I don't remember much about it, probably because I blocked it out, but we used needles with yarn and I pricked my finger many times. You can imagine the little bloody fingerprints all over it. Yep, not good at crafty stuff.


Just checked on my creation. The end looks awful, a big globby mess. That's ok because the sides look nice and pretty, what a nice surprise! What are you working on tonight? Am I the only one who hasn't wrapped a single gift? Maybe I should get on that...


Oops, forgot the link. Just in case someone else is brave enough to give it a try: http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2012/12/christmas-finger-jello/

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I am about to cut out 3 batches of sugar cookies and bake them. Decorating cookies (gingerbread boys and girls are ready) will have to wait until tomorrow.


Gift wrapping is done -- but name tags and bows are not on the packages yet. I used removable stickers to mark the packages so I don't get them mixed up. I have to set up the dog's ex-pen around the tree and see if he can conquer it before I put the gifts under the tree. Aidan likes to unwrap gifts.


I am thinking of finding a recipe for Irish coffee and sending DH to the liquor store tomorrow for whatever I need. I used to love Irish coffee and I think if I'd been imbibing it starting in November, I'd be feeling great right now, no matter what else has to be done. :)

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I have made this before (the rainbow version), but that is not how I made it. I actually used two packets per color, poured in half and chilled that layer, then mixed sour cream I to the other half of the color. It makes it a solid version of the previous layer instead of a white layer, but you could probably use plain gelatin to make it white.


Here, I found a site that describes it the way that I make it:


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I have made this before (the rainbow version), but that is not how I made it. I actually used two packets per color, poured in half and chilled that layer, then mixed sour cream I to the other half of the color. It makes it a solid version of the previous layer instead of a white layer, but you could probably use plain gelatin to make it white.


Here, I found a site that describes it the way that I make it:



Now that is pretty! If my boys like this maybe I will try the rainbow recipe sometime.

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I baked 36 muffins today: pumpkin butterscotch, cranberry-apple, and chocolate chunk, to give to the neighbors.


I just finished hot gluing 3 snowflakes made out of craft sticks to hang behind my couch. Tomorrow I will spray paint them.


And OP, I'm with you. I haven't wrapped one single thing yet. Even worse, I've got to run to Wal-Mart tomorrow to buy one last gift. :willy_nilly:

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Thanks for the link......just might try it!

That looks awesome. Now I want to try it...


Just a warning if you try it - the condensed milk mixture is supposed to be used for three layers BUT by the time I was ready for the third white layer the gelatin had set and it was a big clumpy mess. I added a little boiling water and used a whisk to try to get the clumps out, hopefully that didn't ruin it. If it did it probably wouldn't matter because it was not enough to form a complete layer. I think it is best to use the condensed milk for only two layers and do one less layer of jello.

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Here, I found a site that describes it the way that I make it: http://jenlundsrecip...y-heap.html?m=1


This alone scared me (nevermind the pics)
This whole process will take you about 2 to 3 hours. Emphasis on 3 1/2.


The "Use a level for best results" made it clear that this was not for me! Besides in that amount of time I could make a week's worth of cereal ;)

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This alone scared me (nevermind the pics):



Somehow I overlooked that part which resulted in me staying up past midnight-thirty. I was planning on leaving the house 30 minutes ago, I just woke up. This better be some fantastic jello!

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When you add the layers you need to make sure the bottom layer is set and the mixture to pour in is cooled. If it's too hot it will just melt through the bottom layer. It can also help to pour the next layer over the back of a spoon--it spreads the liquid out and lets it fall more gently.


Good luck!

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You've inspired me . . . I've got two more layers to go. I finally figured out about the fourth layer to let the next layer's mixture cool off before adding . . I've been sticking it in the fridge (in the bowl before I spread it). That and pouring the new layers GENTLY seems to be the key. Also, I've realized that my kitchen counter isn't quite level :) The bottom is a bit slanted but the stop is straight. I'm sure it will taste good regardless of whether my layers are straight.

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I baked one batch (six mini loaves) of rosemary olive oil bread and another, slightly larger batch of pecan raisin (six mini loaves and two full-sized loaves). The minis are now boxed up and ready to hand out to friends at church tonights. The full-sized loaves are sliced and plated as our contribution to the snack table at social hour.


One of the families who's getting bread has an allergic son. So, I also made him two small quick bread loaves that I know he likes and packaged them in a separate bag.


I finished writing out cards for the folks we'll see tonight, too.


Other than that, I'm miraculously more or less done. For the first time ever, we even have the presents for the kids wrapped before midnight on Christmas eve. We were aiming (with mixed success) at a more modest holiday this year, meaning there are fewer things to wrap. Nonetheless, when we finished wrapping yesterday afternoon, we were more than a little stunned.


I stayed up into the wee hours this morning finishing a couple of more craft-type presents for my husband and got them wrapped, too.


I'm sure life will throw something at me before the evening is out. But, for the moment, I'm enjoying the feeling.

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