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Well heck, I forgot to say I also let my kid eat Pop-Tarts!! Thanks for the reminder.... ;)


I never let my kids have Pop-Tarts! I'm convinced that that is all they are going to eat their first year away from home. How they gaze longingly at that pop-tarts when we pass them!


I don't know about all you people and the terrible things you've subjected your kids to!


I'm a perfect parent! Oh, and we eat dinner in front of the TV in the living room on the furniture every single night. ;)

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I never let my kids have Pop-Tarts! I'm convinced that that is all they are going to eat their first year away from home.


They won't eat Pot-Tarts because they're too expensive. The first time my little brother visited my older brother at college, he came home and told my mom she needed to buy him groceries. All older brother had in his room was Ramen noodles and Oreos. :tongue_smilie:

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My kids didn't even use car seats past the age of five. They've eaten Poptarts, Kraft Mac 'n cheese, ramen, and every other nasty processed food you can think of. And I drank a can of Mountain Dew every stinking day during my last pregnancy (with my OB's blessing), because it was literally the only thing that would stay down. Give me a gold star!

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I used to let #3 son eat his Cheerios off the floor because he screamed in his high chair.


I once took ds #2 out of his carseat to nurse while riding in the van because he was hysterical in the backseat, and we would have been late to a wedding if we'd stopped.


I plopped my kids in front of the TV in the morning so I could lay on the couch and doze just a little longer.


Sadly, I could be at this for a long time, so I'll stop at those three. :blushing:

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Guest TheAlmostCrunchyMama

LOL! Definitely not a troll. I didn't realize the purpose of the thread. I have just talked to many, many parents who just simply didn't realize and had never heard of the issue with coats and carseats. I, too, bounced around the back of my dad's station wagon as a child unharnessed. It doesn't mean that it was the safest option! I understand the reason for this thread, so I'll get off of my soapbox. :rant:

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LOL! Definitely not a troll. I didn't realize the purpose of the thread. I have just talked to many, many parents who just simply didn't realize and had never heard of the issue with coats and carseats. I, too, bounced around the back of my dad's station wagon as a child unharnessed. It doesn't mean that it was the safest option! I understand the reason for this thread, so I'll get off of my soapbox. :rant:


I live in sunny SoCal, so I totally don't get a vote since we don't need multiple layers, but I never knew the reason for the no winter coats thing before and I thought the video was informative! So just between you and me, thank you! :D


My kid lives on frozen waffles, Honey-Nut Cheerios and large helpings of "Here, doodlebug, watch Calliou on the iPad, I'm pregnant and exhausted and going back to bed. Love you!"

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the butter and margarine thing makes me want to hurl. I give my kids hits off whatever caffeinated coffee drink I'm consuming at the time. From about 18 months on. Even now, I know to get the venti frappechino from starbucks because I know everyone is going to ask me for a sip. It ends up between a tall and grande by the time they're done with their 'sips'.

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