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Back from the ER with ds14...aka 14 yr old boys are idiots pt 2


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DS14 was playing with a spare blade to my quilting rotary cutter and slipped and sliced his left pointer finger knuckle (the one closest to the nail) almost to the bone. They glued it, steri stripped it, tubular bandage, splint and tetnus shot(his was due in 5 months anyway) and we are back home. Luckily the dr was already there(small town on a sunday night more often than not they have to call the dr at home to come in, so we were in and out of there quickly. That boy needs to start learning to use sharp items properly.

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Owwww! When my son did something like that, dh had gotten him some sharp new whittling knives, because he had been whittling with his pocket knife. I just assumed dh would also remind him to be careful. Apparently not. 20 minutes after dh got back from the store, we were on our way to doc in a box for stitches on two fingers.

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Owwww! When my son did something like that, dh had gotten him some sharp new whittling knives, because he had been whittling with his pocket knife. I just assumed dh would also remind him to be careful. Apparently not. 20 minutes after dh got back from the store, we were on our way to doc in a box for stitches on two fingers.


When I work in restaurants there were always warnings when the knives were sharpened. It is so easy to underestimate the sharpness of a newly sharpened knife...with disastrous results.

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Got to love teen boys. If they make it to adulthood it is by the grace of God for some. What is it about shiny sharp objects that make a teen boy drool? Ds is getting a survival knife for Christmas, NOT by me, but from his brother whose in the Navy. When I questioned Navy son on his purchase he said "He's 16 now, needs to learn how to handle the fun stuff and survive it" , I can only hope and pray we don't have a red Christmas. Hope your son is going to be fine, but more importantly...did he learn that rotary blades are sharp?

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Does he have on a splint? If not he needs one, stat, or he'll pull it open again. :grouphug:



Yes it is splinted. The dr wasn't going to put one on, and thought the tube bandage was enough until I reminded her he is a 14 yr old boy with adhd and had to go to work today. She pulled a spint out for him immediately lol

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Got to love teen boys. If they make it to adulthood it is by the grace of God for some. What is it about shiny sharp objects that make a teen boy drool? Ds is getting a survival knife for Christmas, NOT by me, but from his brother whose in the Navy. When I questioned Navy son on his purchase he said "He's 16 now, needs to learn how to handle the fun stuff and survive it" , I can only hope and pray we don't have a red Christmas. Hope your son is going to be fine, but more importantly...did he learn that rotary blades are sharp?



He did. He says he will never touch it again...even if I ask him to pass it to me.


I like the way your Navy son thinks, that is the long and short of it, learn how to handle the fun stuff and survive it.


Ds has been asking for a survival knife thanks to cadets, but I won't allow that just yet. He has a pocketknife but we will hold off on the sharper ones for a while.

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Ow! Ow! Ow! Poor kid!

When I was being taught to quilt the gal who was teaching me said 1. Only cut your fabric while the kids are out of the house. 2. If you do cut yourself, take the fabric, wrap the cut with it and call 911 and 2. Never talk to some one while cutting the fabric. Of course she said it while talking to me and cutting my fabric. I am almost terrified to use the thing now.

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And I have to add I sliced my finger to the bone across the second knuckle on my index finger due to a stupid stupid tin can. I was tired and used a manual can opener. It slipped, the can twisted, and the halfway open tin lid sliced across the finger. Cut to the bone and I had to have the tendon sewn back together. It is an inch long slice that starts on one side of the knuckle, goes all the way across the bottom of the knuckle, and wraps up and under the finger to above the knuckle on the underside. The surgeon said he had never seen a tin can do so much damage! He then joked and hoped that the soup was good because it was going to be an expensive dinner. :glare:

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Mom has three boys and me. I can't count the times that they all ended in the ER. I remember my brother mowing the yard, and letting go of the mower. It rolled back over his foot, and when he came in, his sock was soaked with blood. He got mad at me when I wouldn't let him take the shoe off to see it, but instead tightened up the laces and threw him into the car. We were sure he cut his foot off with the amount of blood there was, but it was only a surface cut about 4 inches across his foot. Mom said I was the only one who never came near to giving her a heart attack, lol.


Sounds like ds was last night. He had blood pouring everywhere and he yells "Mom I need a bandaid and polysporin I cut myself" I took one look, wrapped it up and took him to the ER. Bandaid and polysporin *eye roll* dang boy



I would have had a heart attack if my son rode over his foot with the mower, yikes

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And I have to add I sliced my finger to the bone across the second knuckle on my index finger due to a stupid stupid tin can. I was tired and used a manual can opener. It slipped, the can twisted, and the halfway open tin lid sliced across the finger. Cut to the bone and I had to have the tendon sewn back together. It is an inch long slice that starts on one side of the knuckle, goes all the way across the bottom of the knuckle, and wraps up and under the finger to above the knuckle on the underside. The surgeon said he had never seen a tin can do so much damage! He then joked and hoped that the soup was good because it was going to be an expensive dinner. :glare:


That sounds like the cut I had on my finger when a glass broke with my hand inside. I was washing the glass, it broke as I rotated my hand. 7 stitches (I only nicked the tendon so no surgery). I now have a large scare like a crooked 7 that goes under the middle knuckle of my middle finger and then down to the joint. That was a big cut. I only had the oldest 2 back then, they were 3 and 4. I stuck a maxi pad over the wound and wrapped with with a tensor until my mom could get to my apartment to take me to the ER and my sister to stay and watch the kids. My mom thought I was exaggerating the injury until the dr peeled back the wrap and she saw it gaping.


Thank goodness ds's was nothing like that. It was gross enough as it was not a skin flap.

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