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Will you accept this gift challenge??????????????


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I know some you power shoppers out there are up to showing your shopping prowess! Here goes: 89 year old widowed FIL who lives alone, doesn't drive, is losing his eyesight and says he doesn't need anything. I throw down the gauntlet-will you accept the challenge???????

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Kindle, iPod, or similar device pre-loaded with several audio-books he would enjoy (since he's losing his eyesight).

Neck massager or one of those neck-shaped bean bags you can heat up in the microwave.

Reading light with a magnifying glass that has a clip to attach to books.

I was thinking along the lines of the audio books.


What about treats or a meal brought in regularly for him?


Housecleaning services?


Cab/bus/transportation passes?


Audiobooks are awesome! That's a fantastic suggestion.

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Or a fruit of a month type gift. My family got one of those one year when I was a teenager and we loved it.


That made me flash back the the Everybody Loves Raymond episode about the fruit of the month gift. And then laugh right out loud.


I think the audiobooks are a great idea.

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We've given elderly relatives meals from http://www.dinewise.com/ Usually two weeks worth, because they're pricey, but everyone has loved them and they're way above the usual frozen dinner quality. They truly are gourmet meals, and my MIL loved that she could heat them up by placing the bags in boiling water or microwaving them. We felt better knowing that she was eating healthy, balanced meals. They have them for all sorts of special dining needs...diabetic, low-sodium, low-fat, vegetarian, etc.

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