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Ages 2 and 4? That seems pretty young for the skylanders video game, though I can see them liking the little toy guys.


They are little figurines that you set on a device attached to the console and then that guy appears as a character in the game. I have seen the little guys for under $15 in the store here, but if you don't know which ones they already have.....Just think of them as plastic action figures like spiderman. They come in lots of colors and look neat. They also have the full line of "associated merchandise" - bedding, pillows, pajamas, etc.


Maybe a nice bag or a little backpack to carry the figures around?

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I won't get into how I think your family is being insensitive and inconsiderate, and just stick to answering your question.


Skylanders is a game that's available on a variety of platforms. They're basically little figures. You put them on a platform (called a "portal"), and they appear on the screen in the game.


Since they've already got other Skylanders, then what they're asking you to buy is the figures. The individual figures are about $15 on Amazon. The newest version of Skylanders is "Skylanders Giants" which are going to a bit more expensive. Those are the yellow and orange packages. Last year's versions are in blue packages, and you can probably find them less expensively. They come in single character packs and in groups of three as "adventure packs."


Okay, so here's the thing. Since they've already got Skylanders, you've got no way of knowing whether or not they'll already have the figures that you buy. That makes it kind of a goofy gift request. So save your receipts. Frankly, you'd be better off giving the gift card to the parents and telling them to go buy one that the children don't already have.


Anyway, hope that helps.

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I know you are trying to keep the peace but you have already stated you didn't want to be part of this. I would simply say we are opting out, period. I wouldn't even bother to visit people who treated me like that. You could always get some Skylander books or something. I would not be too nice at being treated that way especially if I knew my kids weren't going to have a great Christmas.

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With Books-a-million gift cards in hand, I wouldn't feel bad at all about buying a couple of nice sturdy kids books for them in making the little bags doesn't work out ..... One thing about gifts, its perfectly ok to get them something you think they would like and not buy Skylanders. I am not much of a fan of plasticy toys myself.

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It's been a while since I had little ones underfoot, but the big hits here with my boys were Dr. Seuss and Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. Oh, and they were into Pokemon way back then and a favorite book was this big one with pictures of all the different Pokemon characters and what they did. There are some similiar books for Skylanders with lots of pictures - since these guys are so little, they might enjoy looking through one like that.

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I'd go with books, too. Especially for the littles.


I have no idea about skylanders or game/tv related toys, really. I know that last year my niece asked for squinkies, and I had to ask here to find out what they were! ...Little plastic-y toys. We bought them, despite my misgivings about buying landfill fodder fad toys... This year I didn't bother asking for ideas, I just let DS pick out a toy he thinks is cool for a 5 year old. :) You can't go wrong with books for a 2 and 4 year old!


(Did you change your name?! If so, waving at you from migraine and sick kid land!!!)

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Ok, this is really making me ill. You can't afford to buy for your own kids, and you are being made to buy for their ungrateful brats? You are taking your kid's gifts from their grandfather and giving it to them? NO! NO! and NOOOOOO! That is so not fair to your dc. Either tell them you aren't going to do it,and whomever has your dc's names can buy for these 3, or go to the dollar store and spend 5 or 6 dollars on candy and board books, and for the older one, the absolute stupidest, worst thing you can think of (how about something for a 4 year old girl; :D ) and give that to them. That should make them think twice about not listening to you when you say you can't afford it. And yes, I'm serious. I am so sad and angry for you and your kids right now. Ugh!

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Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel!! Ohmigoodness! I remember that book and I LOVED it as a kid. I think I'm going to check out a few places this weekend to see if I can find it. I'll see if I can spot some Skylanders books, too. I'm thinking one that has a sort of catalog of which Skylanders are available might be cool - if that even exists.




Bwahaha. Yes, I did! Just to mess with you since I figured you'd be medicated still! =P (Waving back!!)




Thanks to some beautiful people here, my kids will have a Christmas and I am so grateful for that. I'm not worried about them this year. :) It was actually my kids' idea to give away their gift cards. I'm still not completely sure about the idea because I have a feeling that my grandfather will ask them what they bought with his gift card and I don't want them to have to explain to him about giving them away. The dollar store is an option we're going to look at on Saturday. DH thinks we can find a few things there. There's also a new-ish store in town called Five Below. A coworker told him about it and he wants to check that out. Everything in the store is $5 or less. DH also wants to get the oldest nephew something very girly - LOL! He suggested nail polish and lipgloss.



I like your dh! I used to find great board books at the dollar stores when my dc were little. Coloring books and crayons, and sometimes playdoh too. Maybe you won't have to give up those gift cards. :-)

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If you're still looking at the bookstore, what about those books with a read-along CD? Like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Blueberries-Puffin-Storytime-Robert-McCloskey/dp/0142416436/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355249373&sr=8-1&keywords=blueberries+for+sal


It might get read then. Still, I operate on the theory that it's better that the kids have access to good books, even if it's unlikely they'll get read to.


FTR - I wouldn't buy skylanders, my DC like skylanders, but if someone bought them some as a gift they'd likely be doubling up.

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Honestly, I would go somewhere like the dollar store, or TJ Maxx, and pick up books for all three kids. It doesn't sound like you're especially close to them so who cares what they think. I don't buy gifts for other people's kids that I wouldn't give to my own. It's my little way of expanding their sometimes narrow world.

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Thanks to some beautiful people here, my kids will have a Christmas and I am so grateful for that. I'm not worried about them this year. :) It was actually my kids' idea to give away their gift cards. I'm still not completely sure about the idea because I have a feeling that my grandfather will ask them what they bought with his gift card and I don't want them to have to explain to him about giving them away. The dollar store is an option we're going to look at on Saturday. DH thinks we can find a few things there. There's also a new-ish store in town called Five Below. A coworker told him about it and he wants to check that out. Everything in the store is $5 or less. DH also wants to get the oldest nephew something very girly - LOL! He suggested nail polish and lipgloss.


I am so glad this is happening for your kids! However despite this, under NO circumstances would anyone else's kids come before mine, especially ones who were ungrateful. Your kids are sweethearts for offering to give their gift cards away (kudos to you!), but I would not allow that. If giving them away were for other kids in need, that would be one thing, but for kids who don't need... NO WAY. Your kids deserve their gift cards and should use their gifts from your grandfather as he intended.


I'm so sorry your family is putting you through all of this... Hugs to you.

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I'm sure this isn't helpful, but since plenty of people have already explained what Skylanders are, I'd like to add that your nephew sounds like a little puke with a super-huge entitlement mentality. Screw the gift cards! I'd get him the ugliest Christmas sweater I could find and call it good. Don't bother making a bag for his Skylander figures. They sell carrying cases so I doubt this little snot would appreciate the time and effort you put into making a bag. I'd buy the smaller kids books. No way you should be buying for extended family if you can't even get presents for your own kids. I'm angry for you.

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said very gently,




when money is tight, my children and spouse come first. if by some miracle you have extra, then you can get something for the relatives.


i would, right now, have dh tell everyone you can't afford to buy gifts for your own kids, and so won't be buying for anyone else's either.


then, i'd wait and see. some people would get it immediately and make sure they bought for your kids whether or not they drew their names. other folks would buy for the ones whose names you were given, and sign your name to those gifts. some others will be put out and angry at you that you are taking care of your children first.


it will be a very telling time.




if you can afford baking supplies, you could make fudge (candy), and that can be your gift to them. its a lovely gift. this is not a time where they get to go shopping with your money. this is a time when gifts are given with love and kindness.


again, it will be a very telling time.


you really don't need to do this one more year, because this is the year you don't have the money to do it.


and their grandfather gave your children the gift cards. while it is their gift to give, i'd encourage them to use them wisely and with thanksgiving.




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Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel!! Ohmigoodness! I remember that book and I LOVED it as a kid. I think I'm going to check out a few places this weekend to see if I can find it. I'll see if I can spot some Skylanders books, too. I'm thinking one that has a sort of catalog of which Skylanders are available might be cool - if that even exists.




Bwahaha. Yes, I did! Just to mess with you since I figured you'd be medicated still! =P (Waving back!!)




Thanks to some beautiful people here, my kids will have a Christmas and I am so grateful for that. I'm not worried about them this year. :) It was actually my kids' idea to give away their gift cards. I'm still not completely sure about the idea because I have a feeling that my grandfather will ask them what they bought with his gift card and I don't want them to have to explain to him about giving them away. The dollar store is an option we're going to look at on Saturday. DH thinks we can find a few things there. There's also a new-ish store in town called Five Below. A coworker told him about it and he wants to check that out. Everything in the store is $5 or less. DH also wants to get the oldest nephew something very girly - LOL! He suggested nail polish and lipgloss.


I just want to say that your children sound wonderful - how selfless of them!


I wonder how your grandfather will feel, though, when the kids tell him what they did with his gift. When they send him a thank you note, what will they say? Do you think he will be angry? Is he the grandfather on the same side of the family, or the other?


Sounds like you have decided to handle this in a very gracious manner. But I don't think it would be wrong for you to pull out for this year. If you do stay in, make it clear that you are not going to participate next year so they won't include your names or be mad when you remind them of it again next year.

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