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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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We are now on vacation from school for 3 weeks. I still have to finish grading and I think that ds owes me one assignment that he'll have to do but other than that we're free on school stuff. But the house! I've scheduled 2 days with some social fun stuff but the rest of this week is for getting stuff done.


This morning I want to get 2 solid hours of work in. This is how it's going to work. (We've done this before.) Our hour will be divided into 20 min. sections. After we've rock-paper-scissored, the person who won will choose the music for the 20 min. We'll set a timer and we'll each work in an area of the house until the timer goes off. Then we'll go to the next person up for choosing music and will work in a different area until the timer goes off again. And of course repeat for the third person to have a chance to choose music. At least for the first hour our areas to focus on will be kitchen, dining room, living room and bathroom.


I'll re-evaluate at lunch on how to handle the afternoon. I want to get a minimum of 2 hours more work done in the afternoon but that might be pushing it for my own stamina. I am going to schedule some quiet time and some elf time (I got that idea from someone on this board!) so that we have some time to do our own stuff and to veg.


How are you going to tackle your Monday?

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Wow, this is a great idea! My dc that are still at home are little but they can still help. I will be starting this is a few minutes! They are begging me to watch a Christmas move so maybe I will use that as a reward. I don't know that I can get them to work an hour, but quite a bit can be done in 20 minutes!! Yay, thanks for the encouragement!

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Jean, your idea sounds fabulous! We may have to implement that later this week. For now, we are still wrapping up some school subjects, so we're not really on "Christmas break" quite yet.

Here's my list for today:


LOAD 2 of 4 IN PROGRESS ~ 4 loads of laundry (that’s what happens when I take an entire weekend off from doing laundry!)

ALMOST DONE ~clean kitchen (empty dishwasher, reload, wash dishes from last night, sweep)



ALMOST DONE ~ school with dd5

IN PROGRESS ~partial school with dd8 (WWE, FLL, Handwriting)

IN PROGRESS ~partial school with ds (Science, Math, English)

IN PROGRESS ~oversee dd15’s school (English, Math, Spanish, Sign Language, SAT prep)


~exercise (3 miles on treadmill)

~afternoon chores (vacuum, sweep, dust)

~color my hair (well, actually have my mom come over and color my hair)….too much gray!


~prep dinner

~take dd15 to dance (4:30-6pm)


~ds – Boy Scouts 7:30-9pm

~work on Christmas to-do list

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Hello all -


I'm ready to get some stuff done on Monday too. I haven't been off to a great start. *ahem* It's 10 am here. I overslept and am still in my PJ's.



Nothing at all


Have to do:

Get dressed

Call about my sister

Fill out papers to switch my IRA around





Work file base

Call about party reservations

Add a bunch of stuff to my calendar so I don't forget about it

Email Girl Scout cookie info

Send Christmas invitations


Want to do:

Print a few work papers

Organize DD's books

Wrap presents


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I have a baby sitter coming tonight. I am motivated to have a clean house ;) last night I did the dishes and folded laundry.


It is almost 11 and we have done:






Dinner is in the crock pot

Bed stripped amd washing

Dinning table cleaned up

Toys and clutter picked up around the house


I will continue with laundry and clutter all day, I have one load on laundry left to wash and one load of towels to fold.


For a Monday....it is good:)

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Three days of school this week (a birthday and a play on the other two), today is one

Meals, quick clean and prep for the party, wash sheets and towels

Take dog to get his nails trimmed

reshelve accumulated books

Library book pruning - kids choose 20 books to return and take them down



Pub trivia tonight


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Lot's of busy people!


I've done our pre-work stuff. I'm showered, dressed, the bed is made, I've called my parents for my weekly check-in, breakfast is made and eaten, meds/supplements taken. We've rock-paper-scissored and the music line-up is Ds15 gets the first musical choice (I predict something like Journey), Dd10 goes next (I predict Taylor Swift) and I go last (I'm thinking of Jack Johnson).


Ds is all fired up about making his own electric guitar but he has to wait until tomorrow to go to the store for supplies. Which has nothing to do with today but I thought I'd throw that out there.


Let's do it!

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I started yesterday. The last few weeks I have started my Monday chores on the weekend and it has helped me tremendously to ease in Monday mornings.


I did 3 loads of laundry including a load of diapers--all folded and put away


Swept, vacuumed, dusted, mopped(3x--thanks to #2 and a red icing incident and then an apple juice incident... ;) )


Balanced checking acct


#1 woke up sick this morning so I had an unexpected trip to the store to get some meds. I try to keep a good stock of med but I had one cold tablet for him to take.


I need to make the bed


I need to stay motivated to cook dinner tonight--planning on enchilada soup


I have plans to paint snowmen with #2 sometime today--right now he is occupied with a babyfirst cartoon


I want to stay awake long enough tonight to watch a Christmas movie with the family

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Today's list:


~school with dd12 (math and vocab remaining) IN PROGRESS

~drive ds to/from an appointment he can't reach by bike from the university. DONE

~plan meals for week

~make grocery list

~laundry: bedding IN PROGRESS


~make haircut appointment for this week

~plan Christmas Eve menu DONE

~text dh's siblings with menu; have them choose what to bring

~print pictures to use as patterns for ornaments (Tardis for dd17, Minecraft things for dd12/ds/both nephews, facebook "like" button for niece)


~update gift lists :)

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We JUST finished school. Now I still need to get dressed. My goal is to have my son fed, dressed, and schooled by the time Dd gets out of high school at 2:20 p.m. We eat lunch together, then I do house stuff until I teach a class at 5.


My day started with a heated discussion about what day of the week it actually was. Now, I want to sew instead of clean, so I'm here avoiding both. 😠I think Monday is winning.

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2:30pm update:


LOAD 4 of 4 IN PROGRESS ~ 4 loads of laundry (that’s what happens when I take an entire weekend off from doing laundry!)

DONE ~clean kitchen (empty dishwasher, reload, wash dishes from last night, sweep)



DONE ~ school with dd5

IN PROGRESS ~partial school with dd8 (WWE, FLL, Handwriting)

IN PROGRESS ~partial school with ds (Science, Math, English)

IN PROGRESS ~oversee dd15’s school (English, Math, Spanish, Sign Language, SAT prep)


DONE :hurray: ~exercise (3.1 miles in 39 mins on treadmill)

IN PROGRESS~afternoon chores (vacuum, sweep, dust)

DONE~color my hair (well, actually have my mom come over and color my hair)….too much gray!


~prep dinner

~take dd15 to dance (4:30-6pm)


~ds – Boy Scouts 7:30-9pm

~work on Christmas to-do list

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Noon update.


I am toast. I limped through my last 20 min. of cleaning and can barely keep my head up. I'm hoping that lunch will revive me.


1st hour music (because this is important):

Ds's 20 min. slot was for Police and The Who

Dd's 20 min. slot was for The Fray

My 20 min. slot was for Jack Johnson


2nd hour music: We changed the line-up of who got to choose when because ds wanted to go last.

Dd - more of The Fray

Me - more of Jack Johnson

Ds - more of The Who but he finished up with Europe's "The Final Countdown"


What got done by whom:

Ds - Cleaned and tidied the living room and did some side errands for me that were too much for me to handle

Dd - Rearranged the hall pantry and the kitchen pantry. She is also exhausted. She still has one more shelf in the kitchen for another time.

Me - did my boring Kitchen clean - up and then reorganized the supplements and medicines and then tidied and decluttered the dining room table (a major accomplishment)

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8pm update....


DONE ~ 4 loads of laundry (that’s what happens when I take an entire weekend off from doing laundry!)

DONE ~clean kitchen (empty dishwasher, reload, wash dishes from last night, sweep)



DONE ~ school with dd5

DONE ~partial school with dd8 (WWE, FLL, Handwriting)

DONE ~partial school with ds (Science, Math, English)

DONE ~oversee dd15’s school (English, Math, Spanish, Sign Language, SAT prep)


DONE :hurray: ~exercise (3.1 miles in 39 mins on treadmill)

DONE~afternoon chores (vacuum, sweep, dust)

DONE~color my hair (well, actually have my mom come over and color my hair)….too much gray!


DONE~take dd15 to dance (4:30-6pm)

DONE (Ended up eating out tonight--met dh between dd's dance and ds' Scout meeting)~dinner

IN PROGRESS~ds – Boy Scouts 7:30-9pm

IN PROGRESS~work on Christmas to-do list

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Woo hoo, Mama!


My PM report:


Ds worked on writing an article for our Christmas newsletter.


Dd and I looked everywhere for the article she had written and now cannot find. I can't even find it on the computer. :crying: She was in tears at the thought of writing it again. . . Sigh.


I got some strength back and tidied and dusted our school bookshelf, ds's chemistry supplies (which he says that I "messed up" by putting in a bin, and our entertainment center.


I also went through everything on my desk but did not put everything away. I would have to do a lot of sorting and filing to do that and didn't have the time yet.


I'm in the middle of dinner.

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