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Buying a home-second guessing.


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Has anybody ever bought a home and second guessed your choice from the time you made the choice until closing? There is nothing that can be done about it and really, I shouldn't second guess it, but I'm starting to. For one thing, it's my first 2 story and I can see all kinds of 'issues' now that may arise. First thing, my husband will be having his knee rebuilt right before we move in and our master is on the second floor. No bedrooms on the first. This could become a problem! This house also has way more work than what we wanted to get into, is about 10 acres less than what we wanted...JUST enough room for what we want but NO room for expanding on our homestead. I HATE the master bath and can't see any way to make it any better other than updating..no way to redesign the layout to make it more functional.


The kitchen is awful but we are going to make changes right away that will make it an ok kitchen. The sink faces the wall, which I despise. That was on the top of my list...a sink that faces a window..lol


Why did we buy it? I felt at home in it right away. I don't know why and can't explain it. It really makes no sense. I could SEE us living in it. I think it has the potential to be a beautiful, functional home and farm. It's 2 miles from my parents house. We are 12 hours away now...so this is huge.


I can't explain why I'm feeling unsettled about it right now. The stars have gone away and I'm starting to see the amount of work it will take, and the number of years it will take to make it *ours*. I worry about the land size also. It's 10 acres..we really wanted 20. We dirtbike, 4 wheel, will have a horse or 2...and no place to really ride.


Has anybody ever gone through this? I am sure it'll be fine. It'll be OUR home..and I know it'll be great, but I just can't shake this feeling. Feeling or not..it's ours January 4th.


Here are some pictures if you are interested. We are changing floors out to ALL laminate right away before we move in. We will also have it professionally cleaned (it used to be a hoarders house...I don't think I could get it clean enough right off the bat) and we will also paint.



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YES! I totally and completely 2nd guessed. I cried so much. You probaly don't want to hear my story, because I really really struggled. I remember asking my husband on the day of closing.. "can we change our minds?" It's not that I didn't love our new house, but after 19yrs in one spot it was really hard to make such a change. I worried about so much (the amount of parking space, the hill in our backyard, kids making friends, noise level iwth an open plan, older kids feeling like it was "home", etc. etc.).


The house you've picked is LOVELY!! I love ranch style homes and that one is so unique. I love all the stone and flat yard too (ours is on the hill - but wooded).

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I think it is much better to go with the gut feeling than with logic when buying a house. Our instincts are almost always right. Now your higher level brain is kicking in, but it is not always "right". It over-analyzes. I'd be concerned if you hated the house, but rationalized yourself into buying it.



Well, I certainly see why you fell in love with it! It is a beautiful house and beautiful property.


My only concern is that you wanted more acreage--can you deal with having less? That would be a biggie to me. As for the house--it will be a lovely home for your family.

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If you see yourself in the house, that's one thing. I regretted our last house, but dh bought it sight unseen by me. It had the same hideous swag light fixture in the ceiling. Ds loved it and still mourns its loss. If I had money I'd pay to replace yours (the round globes)and ship it to ds. Alas, I do not.


The house looks like it has potential. Personally I would find a place to set up the master bedroom downstairs during the recovery time. Going up and down stairs would be a huge drain.


New floors and paint will make a world of difference.


My regrets with the former house had to do with the house itself. I loved the year, I never liked the house. It had no charm and personally if I had seen it beforehand, we wouldn't have bought it. I picked out the next house and I love it.

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Absolutely! I had anxiety about this house from the moment we signed the offer to the day they handed us the keys. However, we also knew it was the house for us and it really was a very good decision for us in the end. Our lender and agent said that "buyer cold feet" happens A LOT and where we live (CA) we had the option to back out all the way up to the last signatures on closing day. We would have just lost the $$ in inspections and good faith deposit (which, in reality, is a very small amount compared to the total cost of a home).


As for your house, can I say that I am jealous?!?! What gorgeous land and I can totally see why you feel at home there. The house has a very warm feel to it and has so much potential!!! Using light colors and accent mirrors in that master bath will really open it up. Maybe a skylight is possibility too since its on the 2nd story? and my DH had knee trouble too right around when we moved him. He slept on the couch for a few weeks, but the positive is that the stairs have provided him a means to strengthen his knee without having to do assisted squats (built in therapy..glass half full.. lol)

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Well I feel your pain. We bought a fixer too and I didn't regret it before closing but I have had my moments since...ESP when dh was sick. However I keep reminding myself this house is paid for. I assume you got a good deal...


Just plow ahead and remain positive.


I agree about setting up bedroom on ground floor until your dh is well.

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We bought a place that was a short sale and about to go to auction. My dh loved it right away. I loved the old barn and few acres we bought. We have put in new floors, redone bathrooms and painted. We have lived here for 3 years and this is the first year I have really liked the house. Before we closed, i kept hoping the house would be destroyed by tornado so I could build what I wanted, lol. Sure there are things that still irk me but this place feels like home. I'm glad my dh could see the potential.

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I hope you find peace with your decision. You were initially drawn to house so perhaps you could focus on those features that attracted you. Seldom do buyers ever find what is perfect for them.


We had an unforeseen problem with our current house that was a super expensive fix. We will never recoup our money. But we do not look at residence as an investment so that helps.

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