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Donating Hair?

Quad Shot Academy

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My daughter wants to donate her hair. I was poking around and found out that Locks of Love throws out or sells most of the hair it gets! They have gotten enough hair to make 10,000 wigs, but have only made 2,000. They also charge the kids for their wigs!!! According to the article they make millions in profit each year. Has anyone looked into where the best place to donate is?

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Guest inoubliable

Locks of Love only sells or throws out hair that is unusable for their purposes of making wigs. As far as charging kids for the wigs - wigs are given freely in some cases, and on a sliding scale for others.




DS12 and I have donated several times and I used to work with a woman who did a lot of volunteer work for them. I'd say that Locks of Love IS the best place to donate hair.

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My daughter wants to donate her hair. I was poking around and found out that Locks of Love throws out or sells most of the hair it gets! They have gotten enough hair to make 10,000 wigs, but have only made 2,000. They also charge the kids for their wigs!!! According to the article they make millions in profit each year. Has anyone looked into where the best place to donate is?


2,000 wigs, for multiple millions in profit per year? How much are they charging per wig!?!?!? Those numbers just don't seem reasonable...

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2,000 wigs, for multiple millions in profit per year? How much are they charging per wig!?!?!? Those numbers just don't seem reasonable...


According to the articles that I read, they are selling the wigs to kids for a profit of about $5,000 each! And they sell most of the hair that is donated to them to commercial wig makers.

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Guest inoubliable


2,000 wigs, for multiple millions in profit per year? How much are they charging per wig!?!?!? Those numbers just don't seem reasonable...



... They're a non-profit. You realize that the money they take in from selling wigs and donations goes towards overhead and research grants, right?

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Guest inoubliable


Could be, but I would rather give cash than my daughter's hair!!


And then your cash donation would go towards the cost of making a hair piece or paying their electric bill - what's the difference? I'm just saying that if you're going to donate hair, Locks of Love isn't the nefarious scam it's being made to look like here. There are several other options, indeed.

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And then your cash donation would go towards the cost of making a hair piece or paying their electric bill - what's the difference? I'm just saying that if you're going to donate hair, Locks of Love isn't the nefarious scam it's being made to look like here. There are several other options, indeed.



And that is what I am trying to find out: what the other options are!


We have always given to LOL (my husband and I) but I just found out that the hair is not being used the way I thought it was or for what I thought it was (alopecia vs cancer). It seems LOL is getting way more donations than they can use, so giving the hair somewhere that it is desperately needed would be better.


To answer your question, the difference is that everywhere my daughter goes people tell her that she should donate her hair to LOL. She does not want it cut short, I do not want it cut short, but she is doing it so that a child with cancer can get a wig.


To each their own!!!

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Guest inoubliable


And that is what I am trying to find out: what the other options are!


We have always given to LOL (my husband and I) but I just found out that the hair is not being used the way I thought it was or for what I thought it was (alopecia vs cancer). It seems LOL is getting way more donations than they can use, so giving the hair somewhere that it is desperately needed would be better.


To answer your question, the difference is that everywhere my daughter goes people tell her that she should donate her hair to LOL. She does not want it cut short, I do not want it cut short, but she is doing it so that a child with cancer can get a wig.


To each their own!!!



It sounds like googling "hair donation" would help you immensely. There may be organizations that aren't well-known and so then wouldn't be mentioned here. You may want to call up your local American Cancer Society office and ask them if they can recommend a charity.


I was only trying to point out that LoL is a non-profit organization. They aren't being run in a way that any other non-profit organization isn't run. Donation exceeds usable material with any other organization of this type. If your daughter truly doesn't want to cut her hair, and you truly don't want to cut her hair, and you take issue with the fact that your donation (or hers) may not be used directly for wigs for people in need.... maybe reconsider cutting it? It's too bad that people are telling your daughter that she should donate her hair. :(


Good luck! :)

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You mentioned that your husband donates...so I don't know if you know this: In order to make a wig they have to have a minimum length of 10 inches secured in a braid or ponytail. It takes 8-10 of these braids or ponytails to make 1 wig. The only thing they can do with hair shorter than 10 inches is to sell it to help cover operating costs.

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You mentioned that your husband donates...so I don't know if you know this: In order to make a wig they have to have a minimum length of 10 inches secured in a braid or ponytail. It takes 8-10 of these braids or ponytails to make 1 wig. The only thing they can do with hair shorter than 10 inches is to sell it to help cover operating costs.


When we got married my husband had hair longer than mine. ;) When he was ready to go short, he donated 12 inches of the most beautiful ringlets. Why haven't any of my girls gotten his ringlets?? They are all stick straight!

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I'm going to be donating on Tuesday. I admit I am just doing it because I can't stand my naughty hair. :p I knew if I had to take care of mailing in my hair I would not get around to it.


So I found the closest hair cutting places to see if any would take care of it. Turns out since I am donating 10 inches I get a free hair cut. I'm not sure where my hair is going. I don't think it will be made into a wig since it's very fine, and very knotty.

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If you read at the Pantene site, they give the hair they receive to make wigs for adult women with cancer. That might influence whether you want to send it there or not. To me, it doesn't matter. Cancer is cancer and it's awful no matter who it affects.

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If you read at the Pantene site, they give the hair they receive to make wigs for adult women with cancer. That might influence whether you want to send it there or not. To me, it doesn't matter. Cancer is cancer and it's awful no matter who it affects.


Thank you for posting this. When I made my hair cutting appointment they told me my hair would go to "Pan-teen". I was curious so I googled it. I couldn't find anything because of my mis-spelling.

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(alopecia vs cancer). It seems LOL is getting way more donations than they can use, so giving the hair somewhere that it is desperately needed would be better.


... but she is doing it so that a child with cancer can get a wig.



Just a plug for those that deal with alopecia... It is devastating for a child/teenager to lose their hair with no clear explanation as to why. So little in know about the causes of alopecia and alopecia universalis is not a cureable disease at this time. No, alopecia is not cancer but a child or adult with alopecia may desperately need a wig too.


My daughter has alopecia and while hers has been treatable I am so blessed that there is an organization like Locks of Love that is trying to learn more about alopecia and how to treat it.

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Guest inoubliable

Thanks everyone for the Pantene recommendation. It looks like they give away all the wigs for free and don't sell any hair. I need to look into it more closely after school is over, but it looks like a good choice.


Just so you know, Pantene's wigs go ONLY to adult women or older teens (with an adult head size). You mentioned that your daughter didn't really *want* to cut her hair but was going to do it so that a child with cancer could get a wig. Just something to think about when going with the Pantene program.



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Guest inoubliable



Some of the hair is just unusable. Donated hair is too processed or too short. That hair gets sold to commercial wig makers. Other times, hair is sent that is molded by the time it gets there or can't even be used by their buyers for whatever reason - that hair is trashed. (In the linked story there was a gentleman who donated his dreadlocks. The hair couldn't be used by anyone and so it was trashed.)


All of the organizations listed here do this.

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there are lots of "non-profits" who have such high "overhead" only a small portion of what they get actually goes to the service they provide. I'd want to know what LoL's overhead is . . . . they are legally obligated to post that information as part of their declaration of being a non-profit.


someone is selling hair for hair extensions - a VERY profitable business.

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Guest inoubliable

Good grief.




I have no dog in this fight, honestly. I don't work for LoL. I don't wear a wig. I don't have a child with cancer or alopecia. Thing is, there's lots of information out there on the internets. Do yourself (not talking to anyone in particular here) a favor and google stuff before you form an opinion based on one article (or several articles with one position). That being said, LoL has been around for a long time. If they were really as shady as some seem to fear, how on earth would they still be functioning?? If you're TRULY worried that your donation won't be directly made into a cap of luscious locks for a small child, then write a check to the organization you feel is best going to use it and pat yourself on the back and be done with it.

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Good grief.




I have no dog in this fight, honestly. I don't work for LoL. I don't wear a wig. I don't have a child with cancer or alopecia. Thing is, there's lots of information out there on the internets. Do yourself (not talking to anyone in particular here) a favor and google stuff before you form an opinion based on one article (or several articles with one position). That being said, LoL has been around for a long time. If they were really as shady as some seem to fear, how on earth would they still be functioning?? If you're TRULY worried that your donation won't be directly made into a cap of luscious locks for a small child, then write a check to the organization you feel is best going to use it and pat yourself on the back and be done with it.


Well the Red Cross is still around.


IMO, I would not donate to LOL for anything. I know personally how they treated a very sweet family who just wanted a wig for their child. I was a supporter of them until that happened.

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You can see a copy of their 2010 taxes here:




I just quickly looked through it. Note: I am not a tax expert. :)


Looks like ~300K on salaries, 143k on office expenses, 433k in research grants, 171k spent on having wigs made plus a lot of other misc expenses.


They donated 430 wigs and provided one 3 day camp to 20 participants.


430 wigs x $5000value per wig = $2,150,000 going into the community based on value of wigs. I don't know about how much they make off sales though; I couldn't decipher that.


I find it rather interesting.

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You can see a copy of their 2010 taxes here:




I just quickly looked through it. Note: I am not a tax expert. :)


Looks like ~300K on salaries, 143k on office expenses, 433k in research grants, 171k spent on having wigs made plus a lot of other misc expenses.


They donated 430 wigs and provided one 3 day camp to 20 participants.


430 wigs x $5000value per wig = $2,150,000 going into the community based on value of wigs. I don't know about how much they make off sales though; I couldn't decipher that.


I find it rather interesting.



:hurray: Nice job! Thanks.

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