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Do you purchase anything special for the first day of school?

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I am wanting to make the first day special.

I was planning on going school supply shopping today, but I thought I might wait until I could go alone to purchase special things for ds and dd.

What do you purchase to make them excited to start back?

Dc will be 5th and 7th grade.


If it isn't school supplies that you do...what do you do to make the day special?

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If it isn't school supplies that you do...what do you do to make the day special?


I don't normally do anything special by way of supplies, but this year I hid all the stuff and am making them up gift bags for the first day.


We also get donuts and chocolate milk and go to the play ground on the first day of public school for a "not back to school party".

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I don't normally do anything special by way of supplies, but this year I hid all the stuff and am making them up gift bags for the first day.


We also get donuts and chocolate milk and go to the play ground on the first day of public school for a "not back to school party".

I like those ideas. Except our local play ground is at the public school. :lol:

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I don't buy anything special, but on the first day of school I hide my kids' school supplies for a back to school treasure hunt. I started doing this when they were little thinking they would outgrow it, but we still treasure hunt every year. LOL!


Last year friend started the school year with a 1/2 day of school and then spent the afternoon making this pencil brownie cake with her kids. It turned out really cute.




Here is a link to a thread on the curriculum board about Schultüte:



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On our first day I take the kids with me to a local coffee shop. They have kids drinks for .99 cents, and I get myself a coffee as a reward for all the hard work I am getting ready to do! :D My kids remember this from year to year, and never fail to remind me of our tradition!

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If it isn't school supplies that you do...what do you do to make the day special?


Every year since she has started schooling we make a garden stepstone on the first day of school. Every-other year I have her put her handprint in the middle of it. Now that she is about to enter 9th grade (yikes!), we have quite a nice array of stepstones in our backyard that we both love to look at and reminisce over!

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supplies: brand new boxes of crayons, pencils, erasers, markers, pencil sharpeners, glue & glue sticks, notepads, etc. I would leave the new things on their desks after they went to bed at night, just like the Easter Bunny always leaves their baskets on the kitchen counter or like Santa leaves their stockings under the Christmas tree.

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Several years ago I started a tradition of a school supply treasure hunt. They start with a clue (usually a rhyme) and it leads them to an item and the next clue. I usually end up with about 10 items (notebooks, new pencils, etc.). The clues usually lead them upstairs, downstairs, in the basement, outside, etc. They have so much fun not only finding the items but laughing at my rhymes, which have sometimes been known to be pretty corny.


Even though my kids are older now (10, 13 and 16) and dd goes to a private school, we still do this every year and it has made for some great memories.


At dd's school the first day of school is a class outing. Last year as a sophomore all the sophomore class (only about 100 kids) went to a forest preserve and played games, had a picnic etc. The freshman class usually goes on a bike ride. I'm not sure what she will do this year.


I plan to take my younger two still at home on some kind of an outing too.

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The new books and supplies were always enough. They each had special pencils they picked out from the local teacher supply store. Some years I made up a basket of small gifts to bestow upon them for good behavior the first week or two. Other years we began the year by making an "all about me" page for their binders with height, weight, a pic, and all their favorites from foods to movies. It is fun to look back at them and see how they've changed!


After the first day, which is usually a long one, we would go out for ice cream and then have pizza for dinner. I was too cooked to cook at that point!


This year my graduated dd is once again going to the cc and my ds is taking some of his classes there as well. Thinking about all of these back to school things we did when they were younger is making me very nostalgic and a bit sad that it is over.

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. . . whether the kids "need" anything or not, and they get to choose one or two silly but cool things to add to the pile: colorful pens or a pencil box they probably won't use, whatever.


Then, we come home and put all the stuff away. On the first day of school, we open all the packages and let them set up their desks and sharpen their first pencils and so on.

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Every year since she has started schooling we make a garden stepstone on the first day of school. Every-other year I have her put her handprint in the middle of it. Now that she is about to enter 9th grade (yikes!), we have quite a nice array of stepstones in our backyard that we both love to look at and reminisce over!


What a great idea!

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