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Grade 6 science- need your honesty

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We've decided to keep the 6th grader home this year but I need to make some changes. She has completed a full Apologia Exploring Creation.... book this fall + full journal so has been doing some science work but not to the level that I would like. Considering all that has been going on in my life this fall I am ok with this although I realize that the Apologia books are not 6th grade level work. Her journal turned out beautiful, and she did learn a lot. The book really helped her enjoy science more so I don't think I've harmed her too much by letting her do only that for science thus far. That said I know I need to really ramp things up.


For the rest of the year I want to start our Earth & Space studies. I initially chose CPO Earth & Space but I am finding that the book doesn't "click" with me as much as I would like. We are starting with the section on space. :) I also need something that is a little more open and go for her on days when the toddler is home and things are busier.


I'm thinking of purchasing Elemental Science Earth & Space for Logic stage and using CPO as a reading supplement and doing the CPO labs whenever I can (hopefully most of the time but I am going to be realistic and say that I know we will skip some). I plan to add in extra reading as well as videos where appropriate but the meat and bones of her program this year would be Elemental Science.


ES isn't my most favorite curriculum. I think it's decent but I'm not entirely sure it's challenging enough for a 6th grade student- is it?


Would this be okay for a year of 6th grade science or should I strive to do something else with her? I am also considering doing Holt Science Earth Science book (which does have a few chapters on space).


I know I've done my kids a disservice by the poor start we've had this fall but I am fully committed to making this right for my 6th grader. I need some honest opinions as to whether ES would be a challenging enough course of studies or if I should go with Holt instead. I wish I could do CPO fully but I need to be honest with myself and what I am capable of right now.


Any help you can offer me right now would be very appreciated. It's very embarrassing and humbling for me to admit that I have failed my kids up to this point but I know I can make it right and fix this by the end of the year. Just need some guidance to get us there. :)


Also, if none of the choices above are going to be meaty enough for a 6th grader please let me know that also. I need honesty so I can get us back on the right track. TIA

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Look over the Prentice Hall Science Explorer series. There are a handful of books in the earth/space sequence, but they can be had for $1-2 used on Amazon. Logic stage level, they are quite good, and are one option you could consider. They include labs built into the texts.


We are using the biology series right now (books A--E or so) and have been pleased to use them as a spine, though we do add in extra books from the library, the web, etc; each family can do as they please depending on how much science emphasis they like. The books have suggested websites and things for further explorations.


Easy to use, inexpensive, solidly reliable information-- not a bad option if you are struggling to get science kick-started once again.

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Personally, I think you're over-emphasizing what science needs to be for 6th grade. In a couple years, yes the subjects will build and it will matter for her high school sequence. Right now you could be doing ANYTHING and have it be fine. The beautiful notebook she made, the fact that she enjoyed it, the fact that she LEARNED, those are all much more important goals at this age. There really isn't criterion beyond that. So if she liked the Apologia elementary book, I'd get another one for her and keep going. It's FINE for this age. You're NOT doing a bad job or underserving her, honest.

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How about using Plato's Middle School Earth Science and supplementing with a few living books and just a few experiments? She could do the Plato independently. Easy to schedule a section or so each week. Then if you wanted to add more you could read aloud and discuss other experiments as you have time.


Regarding CPO vs. Holt, I personally prefer the writing in the Holt books. The CPO is certainly clear and concise but just doesn't seem to flow as well the Holt book.

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Personally, I think you're over-emphasizing what science needs to be for 6th grade. In a couple years, yes the subjects will build and it will matter for her high school sequence. Right now you could be doing ANYTHING and have it be fine. The beautiful notebook she made, the fact that she enjoyed it, the fact that she LEARNED, those are all much more important goals at this age. There really isn't criterion beyond that. So if she liked the Apologia elementary book, I'd get another one for her and keep going. It's FINE for this age. You're NOT doing a bad job or underserving her, honest.


:iagree: I totally agree with everything Elizabeth said. Plus I wouldn't underestimate the depth of some of the Apologia Elementary books. Because they are "mastery" approach instead of "spiral" approach, they have a depth that many lower elementary students would not be able to handle. I remember trying the Botany several years ago and shelving it again pretty quickly.... it was more than *I* wanted to know, LOL.

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Personally, I think you're over-emphasizing what science needs to be for 6th grade. In a couple years, yes the subjects will build and it will matter for her high school sequence. Right now you could be doing ANYTHING and have it be fine. The beautiful notebook she made, the fact that she enjoyed it, the fact that she LEARNED, those are all much more important goals at this age. There really isn't criterion beyond that. So if she liked the Apologia elementary book, I'd get another one for her and keep going. It's FINE for this age. You're NOT doing a bad job or underserving her, honest.


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:



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Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it. I had been reading the Logic stage board and read all the great fancy things people are doing with their older elementary and middle school kids and I was getting concerned. I needed either a kick in the pants or some reassurance that my plans for the rest of the year were sufficient by someone else's standards, if that makes sense.

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