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This verse stood out to me during family Bible study tonight, so I thought I'd share.


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For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. - 1 John 3:20


Well AMEN FOR THAT is all I can say.


My heart has been condemning me lately. I'm not 'enough'. Not a good enough child of God. Not a patient enough wife. Not a devoted enough mother. Not a good enough housekeeper. You get the idea. I'm a failure, a loser. Really, how could the Lord love me anyway? I'm a filthy wretch of failures.


And yet.


God is GREATER than my heart, and HE knoweth all things.


Just thought maybe someone else needed to remember that, too. :)

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I'm brand new here, but I wanted to say thanks for the reminder. Another verse I like to remember when I'm in a beat myself up mindset is Romans 8:1

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. NIV I'm so far from perfect, but I'm so glad that I have the love of Christ to cover my imperfections.

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For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. - 1 John 3:20


Well AMEN FOR THAT is all I can say.


My heart has been condemning me lately. I'm not 'enough'. Not a good enough child of God. Not a patient enough wife. Not a devoted enough mother. Not a good enough housekeeper. You get the idea. I'm a failure, a loser. Really, how could the Lord love me anyway? I'm a filthy wretch of failures.


And yet.


God is GREATER than my heart, and HE knoweth all things.


Just thought maybe someone else needed to remember that, too. :)


Wonderful reminder.....I struggle with this anyway, but recently, it's been especially bad. Thank you!

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For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. - 1 John 3:20


Well AMEN FOR THAT is all I can say.


My heart has been condemning me lately. I'm not 'enough'. Not a good enough child of God. Not a patient enough wife. Not a devoted enough mother. Not a good enough housekeeper. You get the idea. I'm a failure, a loser. Really, how could the Lord love me anyway? I'm a filthy wretch of failures.


And yet.


God is GREATER than my heart, and HE knoweth all things.


Just thought maybe someone else needed to remember that, too. :)



Amen! I needed this today.

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I was on my way to church this past Sunday and a million condemnations were running through my head. I had a moment where I felt that God was the one doing the condemning. Then all of a sudden, I said to myself, "God is NOT condemning me. It's my sin that is condemning me." Puts it in a whole new perspective!


Lord have mercy!

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