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Skyfall. Bond. James Bond.

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My favourite Bond movie is always the last one (Quantum of Solace is an exception).

So yeah, I really liked it.

I love Craig as Bond in the action scenes. He's fantastic. I don't like him as much in the girlie scenes, but thankfully, there were few of those in this movie (The shaving scene was cringeworthy, unfortunately....)


Everything else was great. I love the new Q

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I liked it because I like James Bond movies. If it hadn't featured James Bond, it would have only considered it okay. I really prefer most of the other Bonds I've seen and the other actors who played Bond to this one.


I don't want to add any spoilers so I'll speak in vague terms, but a couple of main characters made critical mistakes that my children and I would not have made. We don't have any special super spy training. Seriously, they should have known better.

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So, has anyone seen it yet? What did you think? :D


I just went to see it today. It was decent, but probably not my favorite Bond movie.


I think I saw homage to Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Silence of the Lambs, and Apocalypse Now in there. Any others that I missed?




Haven't seen the movie, but I just got a bottle of the OPI nail polish, Skyfall, and it is gooooorrrrgeous.

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I loved it. It was a lot of fun once they got over being too serious about it. Bond is supposed to be kind of campy and fun, IMO. I liked that the villain was villainous


I loved the references to the past. I loved the poem M read (Ulysses ... tied into Bond "coming home" so to speak). I loved when they played the old music. I read they asked Sir Sean to be the caretaker, but he declined. That would've been cool. I liked thinking about old ways and new ways. Although, they hit you over the head a bit much with that theme, didn't they? I'm loving the Adele song.


I like the Churchill bulldog. Probably because I noticed it early on.


I've watched Quantum of Solace three or four times now, and it is hugely improved with multiple viewings. Watching it back to back with Casino Royale helped, too. I actually really like it now.


[highlight below for spoilers]


I think I'm going to like the assembled staff. I'm disappointed about the M change because I liked Judy Dench so much. I half expected Ralph Fiennes' character to be a bad guy, but I think he'll be a good replacement. I like Q and Moneypenny too. I loved seeing the old Aston Martin. Dum-da-da-dum-da-dum ...

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Cool! I need to go paint my nails, lol! Love the color; it's perfect for winter -- makes me think of velvet, winter berries, & hot drinks by a fire....


You do realize that with this fluffy talk of nail polish we've both completely trashed our reputations as *ahem* serious homeschooling mothers, now, don't you? :rofl:

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I have never seen a James Bond movie I have liked. But I do want to see this one. Actually, I have seen the trailer and it looks really good. But in all honesty I absolutely LOVE the song "Skyfall" by Adele more then anything. :hurray: (My 14 yo daughter covered this song and she did an amazing job :hurray: )

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So, has anyone seen it yet? What did you think? :D


I just went to see it today. It was decent, but probably not my favorite Bond movie.


I think I saw homage to Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Silence of the Lambs, and Apocalypse Now in there. Any others that I missed?




Over on the Skyfall imdb forums, some where saying the movie was like the recent batman ones. TheDark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises...


I love James Bond but I haven't seen Skyfall yet. It is released over here tomorrow actually. I think i will wait a few weeksfor the hoopla to die down before I see it though.

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