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DD interesting Christmas list.


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Atleast to me it's interesting. Seems like we are going backwards. Just about every other Christmas or so we got dd a doll, starting with a Corolle Calin, then a bigger doll, onto an 18" doll and last year an American Girl. She loves playing with all of them. She has gone back to her Corolle doll and wants the feeding set, changing set, cradle, stroller etc. She had a nice stroller for her 2nd or 3rd Christmas it broke, I think she stood up in it and the frame bent beyond repair. She is now 7. I will get her what she wants but it's funny that her friend was her yesterday saying she's getting the new Barbie with picture screen on it, leap Ipad everything else that is in this year. and dd presents me with her list of all "mommy things." She also wants a Boa, thinking twice before I get her another one, the first one shed, big floppy hat, a play kitchen and a crown. She seems to want to replace all the things she had over the years. I am glad she wants to be a little for while longer and has her own opinions on things.

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They are funny creatures, aren't they. Dd is just turned 13 and was finally interested in dolls last year at just turned 12.


She has had building sets (Lego, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, etc) since she was tiny. This summer she finally became interested in them. The Lego at least.


Ah, well, the alternative is that they grow up so I suppose I'll be buying Lego soon.

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My kid asks me for things like a mini fridge, microwave, and coffee pot for his room. Well he did not specify for Christmas but I had to break it to him last year he would not be getting those things.


This year my dd wants a gymnastics bar for home and a two thousand dollar parrot.


ds wants a segway. I asked him where would you get one and does he know how much those cost. He said "I looked it up and I don't think they are more than Sarah's parrot and bar combined."


Apparently they have been feeding a money tree somewhere.

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My kid asks me for things like a mini fridge, microwave, and coffee pot for his room. Well he did not specify for Christmas but I had to break it to him last year he would not be getting those things.


This year my dd wants a gymnastics bar for home and a two thousand dollar parrot.


ds wants a segway. I asked him where would you get one and does he know how much those cost. He said "I looked it up and I don't think they are more than Sarah's parrot and bar combined."


Apparently they have been feeding a money tree somewhere.




Ds11 was trying to convince dh and me that three DS 3Ds and 2 games each wasn't *that* much money. :001_huh:


OP, your dd's list is so sweet! I'm not a fan of my dd growing up as quickly as she is, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to Christmas lists like your dd's list. :)

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My DD had a similar Christmas list last year


Doll clothes

Ironing board with iron

Doll clothesline

Doll bed

Baby Born doll


I thought it was so cute I showed my mum and her response was "Doesn't she know she can get all those things when she is older and it's not as fun" :lol:


Yes I did get her all those things and she still plays with them daily. She loves her baby dolls. I have asked her if she wants an 18 inch doll this year - she was semi interested but not quite yet.


This year her Christmas list is


More doll clothes

Doll diapers

Lalaloopsy dolls

Dress up princess clothes

A real stroller (not a toy one)


I think it's lovely and totally age appropriate for a 6 year old. It's a shame a lot of children grow up so quickly these days.


Both my boys have asked for Lalaloopsy dolls this year - I'm so glad that they can feel free to ask for what they really want rather then being pressured into Batman or Spiderman toys that they only want because it's what all the other boys have. My DS1 learnt that lesson this year when he begged for a Spiderman toy for his birthday because they were all over the shops and then when he got it played with it once and was no longer interested and then spent the rest of the year borrowing his sister's Lalaoopsy dolls to play with :lol:

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Youngest turns 7 on Friday.


His request is presents. He wants lots of them.


He honestly doesn't care what is in the presents, as long as he gets lots.


More stuff, just what I need. :glare:

Get him socks and underwear and wrap each piece separately. You could even use various sized boxes to make it more interesting.

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