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I need prayers today!

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I have a bill due the 20th. Put it in the envelope last week, but couldn't mail it because I forgot a stamp. Saw it in the floorboard of the van on Sunday, and I thought I brought it in the house to stamp it and mail it this week.


I can't find it. I have no memory of what I did with it.


I need prayers that I will find the goofy thing in time to mail it.


Along those lines....any suggestion of where it could be?

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Oh, no! That's a dreadful feeling! In my house, if an important paper goes missing, I go around shaking out books. Dh has a habit of picking up the nearest piece of paper (receipt.....grocery list.....whatever) and using it as a bookmark.


Is it possible for you to pay it online and then stop payment on that check? It would be a major pain in the rump, but at least you'd know it got paid!

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I have a pocket on the inside of the car door where everything ends up when it gets lost. No clue how it gets there, though.


Out Lost check Story: Yesterday, DS16 called me frantic because he had lost his check for school parking permit. Looked everywhere. Backtracked his trail, even talked to the scary ladies in the office in case someone had turned it in there. Nope.


He gets home and I open his backpack. The check is still stapled to the back of the form he needed to turn in. Sigh.

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I know that dh and I would have had words over this. these are the kinds of things that I do that drive him bonkers. And I do them regularly.


So as my daughter said, "Yay! Now our evening won't be ruined!"


I did say something to him this morning about it, and he did give me the glare and said, "I hope you plan on tearing the house and van apart today."


So yes, I am very relieved about this. I woke up at 3 am, trying to remember where I put it.


Now I have got to figure out a way to stop being so absentminded. It's one of those things that no matter how hard you work at, you still just mess up sometimes.

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